import 'package:platform_contracts/contracts.dart'; import 'package:platform_container/platform_container.dart'; // Example services abstract class PaymentGateway { void processPayment(double amount); } class StripeGateway implements PaymentGateway { final String apiKey; StripeGateway(this.apiKey); @override void processPayment(double amount) { print('Stripe: Processing \$$amount'); } } class PayPalGateway implements PaymentGateway { @override void processPayment(double amount) { print('PayPal: Processing \$$amount'); } } class PaymentService { final PaymentGateway gateway; PaymentService(this.gateway); void pay(double amount) { print('Payment requested'); gateway.processPayment(amount); } } void main() { // Create container final container = IlluminateContainer(ExampleReflector()); print('1. Basic Binding'); // Register API key container.instance('stripe-key-123'); // Register payment gateway container.bind((c) => StripeGateway(c.make())); // Use the gateway final gateway = container.make(); gateway.processPayment(99.99); print('\n2. Singleton'); // Register payment service as singleton container.singleton( (c) => PaymentService(c.make())); // Get same instance twice final service1 = container.make(); final service2 = container.make(); print('Same instance: ${identical(service1, service2)}'); print('\n3. Contextual Binding'); // Use PayPal for specific service container.when(PaymentService).needs().give(PayPalGateway()); // New service uses PayPal final paypalService = container.make();; print('\n4. Tagged Services'); // Register concrete implementations container.bind((c) => StripeGateway(c.make())); container.bind((c) => PayPalGateway()); // Tag payment gateways container.tag([StripeGateway, PayPalGateway], 'gateways'); // Get all gateways final gateways = container.tagged('gateways'); print('Found ${gateways.length} payment gateways'); // Use each gateway for (final gateway in gateways) { gateway.processPayment(29.99); } print('\n5. Extending Instances'); // Add logging to payment gateway container.extend(PaymentGateway, (gateway) { print('Payment gateway was created'); }); // Extension runs when making instance final extendedGateway = container.make(); extendedGateway.processPayment(199.99); } /// Example reflector implementation class ExampleReflector implements ReflectorContract { @override String? getName(Symbol symbol) => null; @override ReflectedClassContract? reflectClass(Type clazz) => null; @override ReflectedFunctionContract? reflectFunction(Function function) => null; @override ReflectedInstanceContract? reflectInstance(Object object) => null; @override ReflectedTypeContract reflectFutureOf(Type type) { throw UnsupportedError('Future reflection not needed for example'); } @override ReflectedTypeContract? reflectType(Type type) => null; }