import 'dart:io'; import 'package:args/args.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import 'package:converter/src/extractors/base_extractor.dart'; import 'package:converter/src/extractors/php_extractor.dart'; /// Factory for creating language-specific extractors class ExtractorFactory { /// Create an appropriate extractor based on file extension static LanguageExtractor? createExtractor(String extension) { switch (extension.toLowerCase()) { case '.php': return PhpExtractor(); // TODO: Add more extractors as they're implemented // case '.py': // return PythonExtractor(); // case '.ts': // case '.js': // return TypeScriptExtractor(); // case '.java': // return JavaExtractor(); default: return null; } } } /// Main contract extractor CLI class ContractExtractorCLI { final String sourcePath; final String outputPath; final bool verbose; ContractExtractorCLI({ required this.sourcePath, required this.outputPath, this.verbose = false, }); /// Run the extraction process Future<void> run() async { try { if (await FileSystemEntity.isDirectory(sourcePath)) { await _processDirectory(sourcePath); } else if (await FileSystemEntity.isFile(sourcePath)) { await _processFile(sourcePath); } else { throw Exception('Source path does not exist: $sourcePath'); } } catch (e) { print('Error: $e'); exit(1); } } /// Process a directory recursively Future<void> _processDirectory(String dirPath) async { final dir = Directory(dirPath); await for (final entity in dir.list(recursive: true)) { if (entity is File) { await _processFile(entity.path); } } } /// Process a single file Future<void> _processFile(String filePath) async { final extension = path.extension(filePath); final extractor = ExtractorFactory.createExtractor(extension); if (extractor == null) { if (verbose) { print('Skipping unsupported file type: $filePath'); } return; } try { // Calculate relative path to maintain directory structure final relativePath = path.relative(filePath, from: sourcePath); final destDir = path.join(outputPath, path.dirname(relativePath)); // Create destination directory await Directory(destDir).create(recursive: true); // Extract contract final contract = await extractor.parseFile(filePath); final yamlContent = extractor.convertToYaml(contract); // Write YAML contract final yamlFile = File(path.join( destDir, '${path.basenameWithoutExtension(filePath)}.yaml', )); await yamlFile.writeAsString(yamlContent); if (verbose) { print('Processed: $filePath'); } } catch (e) { print('Error processing $filePath: $e'); } } } void main(List<String> arguments) async { final parser = ArgParser() ..addOption( 'source', abbr: 's', help: 'Source file or directory path', mandatory: true, ) ..addOption( 'output', abbr: 'o', help: 'Output directory for YAML contracts', mandatory: true, ) ..addFlag( 'verbose', abbr: 'v', help: 'Enable verbose output', defaultsTo: false, ) ..addFlag( 'help', abbr: 'h', help: 'Show this help message', negatable: false, ); try { final results = parser.parse(arguments); if (results['help'] as bool) { print('Usage: dart extract_contracts.dart [options]'); print(parser.usage); exit(0); } final cli = ContractExtractorCLI( sourcePath: results['source'] as String, outputPath: results['output'] as String, verbose: results['verbose'] as bool, ); await; print('Contract extraction completed successfully.'); } catch (e) { print('Error: $e'); print('\nUsage: dart extract_contracts.dart [options]'); print(parser.usage); exit(1); } }