# Project Knowledge Base Index ## 1. Project Overview - [Summary](https://github.com/protevus/platform/blob/main/.pkb/1_project_overview/pkb-project-overview.md): An overview of Project XYZ, its goals, and key components. - [Vision and Mission](https://github.com/protevus/platform/blob/main/.pkb/1_project_overview/pkb-project-overview.md): High-level vision and mission statements. ## 2. Documentation - [Design Draft](https://github.com/protevus/platform/blob/main/.pkb/2_documentation/pkb-design-draft.md): Core architecture and components of the project. Updated as necessary. - [Project Instructions](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/protevus/platform/main/.pkb/2_documentation/pkb-project-instructions.md): Instructions and guidelines for working on Project XYZ. - **API Documentation**: Detailed API documentation and specifications. - **User Guides**: Guides and manuals for end-users and developers. - **FAQs**: Frequently Asked Questions related to the project. ## 3. Source Code - **Protevus Platform** - [Main Repository Link](https://github.com/your-repo/protevus-platform) - Core components: routing, middleware, request handling, etc. - **Protevus Base Application** - [Main Repository Link](https://github.com/your-repo/protevus) - Application structure and key components. - **Laravel Framework** - [Main Repository Link](https://github.com/laravel/framework) - Illuminate framework components. - **Laravel Base Application** - [Main Repository Link](https://github.com/laravel/laravel) - Application structure and key components. - **Conduit** - [Main Repository Link](https://github.com/conduit-rs/conduit) - Core components: router, middleware, server, etc. - **Angel3** - [Main Repository Link](https://github.com/angel-dart/angel) - Core components: dependency injection, service providers, etc. - **Serverpod** - [Main Repository Link](https://github.com/serverpod/serverpod) - Core components: server, client, protocols, etc. - **Vania** - [Main Repository Link](https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla) - Core components: framework, utilities, etc. ## 4. Dependencies and Setup - [Dependency List](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/your-repo/project/main/setup/dependencies.md): List of project dependencies. - [Installation Guide](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/your-repo/project/main/setup/installation-guide.md): Step-by-step guide to setting up the project. - **Environment Setup**: Instructions for setting up development and production environments. ## 5. Development Process - **Development Workflow**: Overview of the development workflow, including branching strategy, code reviews, and CI/CD processes. - **Coding Standards**: Guidelines and best practices for coding standards. - **Contribution Guidelines**: How to contribute to the project, including code submission and review processes. - **Testing Strategy**: Overview of the testing strategy, including unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests. ## 6. Meeting Notes and Correspondences - [Meeting Agenda 2023-01-15](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/your-repo/project/main/meetings/meeting-agenda-2023-01-15.md): Agenda for the meeting held on January 15, 2023. - [Meeting Minutes 2023-01-15](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/your-repo/project/main/meetings/meeting-minutes-2023-01-15.md): Minutes from the meeting held on January 15, 2023. - **Correspondences**: Important emails and communications related to the project. ## 7. Miscellaneous - [Research Paper on Dart](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/your-repo/project/main/misc/research-paper-dart.md): Relevant research on Dart programming language. - [Reference Material](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/your-repo/project/main/misc/reference-material.md): Additional reference materials for the project. - **Glossary**: Definitions of key terms and acronyms used in the project. - **Project Roadmap**: Timeline and milestones for the project.