name: Command
class_comment: '# * Base class for all commands.

  # *

  # * @author Fabien Potencier <>'
- name: Application
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Console\Application
- name: AsCommand
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand
- name: CompletionInput
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Console\Completion\CompletionInput
- name: CompletionSuggestions
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Console\Completion\CompletionSuggestions
- name: Suggestion
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Console\Completion\Suggestion
- name: ExceptionInterface
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\ExceptionInterface
- name: InvalidArgumentException
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
- name: LogicException
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException
- name: HelperInterface
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperInterface
- name: HelperSet
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet
- name: InputArgument
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument
- name: InputDefinition
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition
- name: InputInterface
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface
- name: InputOption
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption
- name: OutputInterface
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface
properties: []
- name: __construct
  visibility: public
  - name: name
    default: 'null'
  comment: "# * Base class for all commands.\n# *\n# * @author Fabien Potencier <>\n\
    # */\n# class Command\n# {\n# // see\n\
    # public const SUCCESS = 0;\n# public const FAILURE = 1;\n# public const INVALID\
    \ = 2;\n# \n# private ?Application $application = null;\n# private ?string $name\
    \ = null;\n# private ?string $processTitle = null;\n# private array $aliases =\
    \ [];\n# private InputDefinition $definition;\n# private bool $hidden = false;\n\
    # private string $help = '';\n# private string $description = '';\n# private ?InputDefinition\
    \ $fullDefinition = null;\n# private bool $ignoreValidationErrors = false;\n#\
    \ private ?\\Closure $code = null;\n# private array $synopsis = [];\n# private\
    \ array $usages = [];\n# private ?HelperSet $helperSet = null;\n# \n# public static\
    \ function getDefaultName(): ?string\n# {\n# if ($attribute = (new \\ReflectionClass(static::class))->getAttributes(AsCommand::class))\
    \ {\n# return $attribute[0]->newInstance()->name;\n# }\n# \n# return null;\n#\
    \ }\n# \n# public static function getDefaultDescription(): ?string\n# {\n# if\
    \ ($attribute = (new \\ReflectionClass(static::class))->getAttributes(AsCommand::class))\
    \ {\n# return $attribute[0]->newInstance()->description;\n# }\n# \n# return null;\n\
    # }\n# \n# /**\n# * @param string|null $name The name of the command; passing\
    \ null means it must be set in configure()\n# *\n# * @throws LogicException When\
    \ the command name is empty"
- name: ignoreValidationErrors
  visibility: public
  parameters: []
  comment: '# * Ignores validation errors.

    # *

    # * This is mainly useful for the help command.'
- name: setApplication
  visibility: public
  - name: application
  comment: null
- name: setHelperSet
  visibility: public
  - name: helperSet
  comment: null
- name: getHelperSet
  visibility: public
  parameters: []
  comment: '# * Gets the helper set.'
- name: getApplication
  visibility: public
  parameters: []
  comment: '# * Gets the application instance for this command.'
- name: isEnabled
  visibility: public
  parameters: []
  comment: '# * Checks whether the command is enabled or not in the current environment.

    # *

    # * Override this to check for x or y and return false if the command cannot

    # * run properly under the current conditions.'
- name: configure
  visibility: protected
  parameters: []
  comment: '# * Configures the current command.

    # *

    # * @return void'
- name: execute
  visibility: protected
  - name: input
  - name: output
  comment: '# * Executes the current command.

    # *

    # * This method is not abstract because you can use this class

    # * as a concrete class. In this case, instead of defining the

    # * execute() method, you set the code to execute by passing

    # * a Closure to the setCode() method.

    # *

    # * @return int 0 if everything went fine, or an exit code

    # *

    # * @throws LogicException When this abstract method is not implemented

    # *

    # * @see setCode()'
- name: interact
  visibility: protected
  - name: input
  - name: output
  comment: '# * Interacts with the user.

    # *

    # * This method is executed before the InputDefinition is validated.

    # * This means that this is the only place where the command can

    # * interactively ask for values of missing required arguments.

    # *

    # * @return void'
- name: initialize
  visibility: protected
  - name: input
  - name: output
  comment: '# * Initializes the command after the input has been bound and before
    the input

    # * is validated.

    # *

    # * This is mainly useful when a lot of commands extends one main command

    # * where some things need to be initialized based on the input arguments and

    # *

    # * @see InputInterface::bind()

    # * @see InputInterface::validate()

    # *

    # * @return void'
- name: run
  visibility: public
  - name: input
  - name: output
  comment: '# * Runs the command.

    # *

    # * The code to execute is either defined directly with the

    # * setCode() method or by overriding the execute() method

    # * in a sub-class.

    # *

    # * @return int The command exit code

    # *

    # * @throws ExceptionInterface When input binding fails. Bypass this by calling
    {@link ignoreValidationErrors()}.

    # *

    # * @see setCode()

    # * @see execute()'
- name: complete
  visibility: public
  - name: input
  - name: suggestions
  comment: '# * Supplies suggestions when resolving possible completion options for
    input (e.g. option or argument).'
- name: setCode
  visibility: public
  - name: code
  comment: '# * Sets the code to execute when running this command.

    # *

    # * If this method is used, it overrides the code defined

    # * in the execute() method.

    # *

    # * @param callable $code A callable(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)

    # *

    # * @return $this

    # *

    # * @throws InvalidArgumentException

    # *

    # * @see execute()'
- name: mergeApplicationDefinition
  visibility: public
  - name: mergeArgs
    default: 'true'
  comment: '# * Merges the application definition with the command definition.

    # *

    # * This method is not part of public API and should not be used directly.

    # *

    # * @param bool $mergeArgs Whether to merge or not the Application definition
    arguments to Command definition arguments

    # *

    # * @internal'
- name: setDefinition
  visibility: public
  - name: definition
  comment: '# * Sets an array of argument and option instances.

    # *

    # * @return $this'
- name: getDefinition
  visibility: public
  parameters: []
  comment: '# * Gets the InputDefinition attached to this Command.'
- name: getNativeDefinition
  visibility: public
  parameters: []
  comment: '# * Gets the InputDefinition to be used to create representations of this

    # *

    # * Can be overridden to provide the original command representation when it would

    # * be changed by merging with the application InputDefinition.

    # *

    # * This method is not part of public API and should not be used directly.'
- name: addArgument
  visibility: public
  - name: name
  - name: mode
    default: 'null'
  - name: description
    default: ''''''
  - name: default
    default: 'null'
  - name: suggestedValues
    default: '[]'
  comment: '# * Adds an argument.

    # *

    # * @param                                                                               $mode            The
    argument mode: InputArgument::REQUIRED or InputArgument::OPTIONAL

    # * @param                                                                               $default         The
    default value (for InputArgument::OPTIONAL mode only)

    # * @param array|\Closure(CompletionInput,CompletionSuggestions):list<string|Suggestion>
    $suggestedValues The values used for input completion

    # *

    # * @return $this

    # *

    # * @throws InvalidArgumentException When argument mode is not valid'
- name: addOption
  visibility: public
  - name: name
  - name: shortcut
    default: 'null'
  - name: mode
    default: 'null'
  - name: description
    default: ''''''
  - name: default
    default: 'null'
  - name: suggestedValues
    default: '[]'
  comment: '# * Adds an option.

    # *

    # * @param                                                                               $shortcut        The
    shortcuts, can be null, a string of shortcuts delimited by | or an array of shortcuts

    # * @param                                                                               $mode            The
    option mode: One of the InputOption::VALUE_* constants

    # * @param                                                                               $default         The
    default value (must be null for InputOption::VALUE_NONE)

    # * @param array|\Closure(CompletionInput,CompletionSuggestions):list<string|Suggestion>
    $suggestedValues The values used for input completion

    # *

    # * @return $this

    # *

    # * @throws InvalidArgumentException If option mode is invalid or incompatible'
- name: setName
  visibility: public
  - name: name
  comment: '# * Sets the name of the command.

    # *

    # * This method can set both the namespace and the name if

    # * you separate them by a colon (:)

    # *

    # *     $command->setName(''foo:bar'');

    # *

    # * @return $this

    # *

    # * @throws InvalidArgumentException When the name is invalid'
- name: setProcessTitle
  visibility: public
  - name: title
  comment: '# * Sets the process title of the command.

    # *

    # * This feature should be used only when creating a long process command,

    # * like a daemon.

    # *

    # * @return $this'
- name: getName
  visibility: public
  parameters: []
  comment: '# * Returns the command name.'
- name: setHidden
  visibility: public
  - name: hidden
    default: 'true'
  comment: '# * @param bool $hidden Whether or not the command should be hidden from
    the list of commands

    # *

    # * @return $this'
- name: isHidden
  visibility: public
  parameters: []
  comment: '# * @return bool whether the command should be publicly shown or not'
- name: setDescription
  visibility: public
  - name: description
  comment: '# * Sets the description for the command.

    # *

    # * @return $this'
- name: getDescription
  visibility: public
  parameters: []
  comment: '# * Returns the description for the command.'
- name: setHelp
  visibility: public
  - name: help
  comment: '# * Sets the help for the command.

    # *

    # * @return $this'
- name: getHelp
  visibility: public
  parameters: []
  comment: '# * Returns the help for the command.'
- name: getProcessedHelp
  visibility: public
  parameters: []
  comment: '# * Returns the processed help for the command replacing the

    # * %command.full_name% patterns with the real values dynamically.'
- name: setAliases
  visibility: public
  - name: aliases
  comment: '# * Sets the aliases for the command.

    # *

    # * @param string[] $aliases An array of aliases for the command

    # *

    # * @return $this

    # *

    # * @throws InvalidArgumentException When an alias is invalid'
- name: getAliases
  visibility: public
  parameters: []
  comment: '# * Returns the aliases for the command.'
- name: getSynopsis
  visibility: public
  - name: short
    default: 'false'
  comment: '# * Returns the synopsis for the command.

    # *

    # * @param bool $short Whether to show the short version of the synopsis (with
    options folded) or not'
- name: addUsage
  visibility: public
  - name: usage
  comment: '# * Add a command usage example, it''ll be prefixed with the command name.

    # *

    # * @return $this'
- name: getUsages
  visibility: public
  parameters: []
  comment: '# * Returns alternative usages of the command.'
- name: getHelper
  visibility: public
  - name: name
  comment: '# * Gets a helper instance by name.

    # *

    # * @throws LogicException           if no HelperSet is defined

    # * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the helper is not defined'
- name: validateName
  visibility: private
  - name: name
  comment: '# * Validates a command name.

    # *

    # * It must be non-empty and parts can optionally be separated by ":".

    # *

    # * @throws InvalidArgumentException When the name is invalid'
- Symfony\Component\Console\Application
- Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand
- Symfony\Component\Console\Completion\CompletionInput
- Symfony\Component\Console\Completion\CompletionSuggestions
- Symfony\Component\Console\Completion\Suggestion
- Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\ExceptionInterface
- Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
- Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException
- Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperInterface
- Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet
- Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument
- Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition
- Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface
- Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption
- Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface
interfaces: []