import 'dart:io'; import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart'; import 'package:yaml_edit/yaml_edit.dart'; import 'package:args/args.dart'; void main(List<String> arguments) { final parser = ArgParser() ..addOption('input', abbr: 'i', defaultsTo: '.melos', help: 'Input directory for YAML files') ..addOption('output', abbr: 'o', defaultsTo: 'melos.yaml', help: 'Output file path'); final results = parser.parse(arguments); final inputDir = results['input']; final outputFile = results['output']; try { final baseContent = File('$inputDir/base.yaml').readAsStringSync(); final scriptFiles = Directory(inputDir) .listSync() .where((file) => file.path.endsWith('.yaml') && !file.path.endsWith('base.yaml')) .map((file) => file.path.split('/').last) .toList(); final combinedScripts = <String, dynamic>{}; for (final file in scriptFiles) { print('Processing $file'); final content = File('$inputDir/$file').readAsStringSync(); final yaml = loadYaml(content); if (yaml == null || yaml['scripts'] == null || yaml['scripts']['_'] == null) { print( 'Warning: $file does not contain expected script structure. Skipping.'); continue; } combinedScripts.addAll(Map<String, dynamic>.from(yaml['scripts']['_'])); } // Format multi-line commands combinedScripts.forEach((key, value) { if (value is Map<String, dynamic> && value['run'] is String && value['run'].contains('\n')) { value['run'] = '|\n ${value['run'].split('\n').map((line) => line.trim()).join('\n ')}'; } }); final outputYamlEditor = YamlEditor(baseContent); outputYamlEditor.update(['scripts'], combinedScripts); // Format the YAML content final formattedYaml = outputYamlEditor.toString().split('\n').map((line) { if (line.trim().startsWith('- ')) { return line; } return line.trimRight(); }).join('\n'); // Add comments at the top of the file final outputContent = ''' # This file is part of the Protevus Platform. # # (C) Protevus <> # # For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE # file that was distributed with this source code. # THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED BY MELOS. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY. # EDIT THE CORRESPONDING YAML FILES INSTEAD. $formattedYaml '''; File(outputFile).writeAsStringSync(outputContent); print('Combined Melos configuration written to $outputFile'); } catch (e, stackTrace) { print('Error: $e'); print('Stack trace: $stackTrace'); exit(1); } }