import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:platform_foundation/core.dart'; import 'package:platform_container/mirrors.dart'; import 'package:platform_testing/testing.dart'; import 'package:platform_validation/platform_validation.dart'; import 'package:platform_websocket/server.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; void main() { Application app; late TestClient client; setUp(() async { app = Application(reflector: MirrorsReflector()) ..get('/hello', (req, res) => 'Hello') ..get('/user_info', (req, res) => {'u': req.uri?.userInfo}) ..get( '/error', (req, res) => throw PlatformHttpException.forbidden(message: 'Test') ..errors.addAll(['foo', 'bar'])) ..get('/body', (req, res) { res ..write('OK') ..close(); }) ..get( '/valid', (req, res) => { 'michael': 'jackson', 'billie': {'jean': 'hee-hee', 'is_my_lover': false} })'/hello', (req, res) async { var body = await req.parseBody().then((_) => req.bodyAsMap); return {'bar': body['foo']}; }) ..get('/gzip', (req, res) async { res ..headers['content-encoding'] = 'gzip' ..add(gzip.encode('Poop'.codeUnits)); await res.close(); }) ..use( '/foo', AnonymousService<String, Map<String, dynamic>>( index: ([params]) async => [ <String, dynamic>{'michael': 'jackson'} ], create: (data, [params]) async => <String, dynamic>{'foo': 'bar'})); var ws = AngelWebSocket(app); await app.configure(ws.configureServer); app.all('/ws', ws.handleRequest); app.errorHandler = (e, req, res) => e.toJson(); client = await connectTo(app, useZone: false); }); tearDown(() async { await client.close(); }); group('matchers', () { group('isJson+hasStatus', () { test('get', () async { final response = await client.get(Uri.parse('/hello')); expect(response, isJson('Hello')); }); test('post', () async { final response = await'/hello'), body: {'foo': 'baz'}); expect(response, allOf(hasStatus(200), isJson({'bar': 'baz'}))); }); }); test('isAngelHttpException', () async { var res = await client.get(Uri.parse('/error')); print(res.body); expect(res, isAngelHttpException()); expect( res, isAngelHttpException( statusCode: 403, message: 'Test', errors: ['foo', 'bar'])); }, skip: 'This is a bug to be fixed, skip for now'); test('userInfo from Uri', () async { var url = Uri(userInfo: 'foo:bar', path: '/user_info'); print('URL: $url'); var res = await client.get(url); print(res.body); var m = json.decode(res.body) as Map; expect(m, {'u': 'foo:bar'}); }); test('userInfo from Basic auth header', () async { var url = Uri(path: '/user_info'); print('URL: $url'); var res = await client.get(url, headers: { 'authorization': 'Basic ${base64Url.encode(utf8.encode('foo:bar'))}' }); print(res.body); var m = json.decode(res.body) as Map; expect(m, {'u': 'foo:bar'}); }); test('hasBody', () async { var res = await client.get(Uri.parse('/body')); expect(res, hasBody()); expect(res, hasBody('OK')); }); test('hasHeader', () async { var res = await client.get(Uri.parse('/hello')); expect(res, hasHeader('server')); expect(res, hasHeader('server', 'Platform')); expect(res, hasHeader('server', ['Platform'])); }); test('hasValidBody+hasContentType', () async { var res = await client.get(Uri.parse('/valid')); print('Body: ${res.body}'); expect(res, hasContentType('application/json')); expect(res, hasContentType(ContentType('application', 'json'))); expect( res, hasValidBody(Validator({ 'michael*': [isString, isNotEmpty, equals('jackson')], 'billie': Validator({ 'jean': [isString, isNotEmpty], 'is_my_lover': [isBool, isFalse] }) }))); }); test('gzip decode', () async { var res = await client.get(Uri.parse('/gzip')); print('Body: ${res.body}'); expect(res, hasHeader('content-encoding', 'gzip')); expect(res, hasBody('Poop')); }); group('service', () { test('index', () async { var foo = client.service('foo'); var result = await foo.index(); expect(result, [ <String, dynamic>{'michael': 'jackson'} ]); }); test('index', () async { var foo = client.service('foo'); var result = await foo.create({}); expect(result, <String, dynamic>{'foo': 'bar'}); }); }); test('websocket', () async { var ws = await client.websocket(); var foo = ws.service('foo'); foo.create(<String, dynamic>{}); var result = await foo.onCreated.first; expect(result is Map ? result :, equals(<String, dynamic>{'foo': 'bar'})); }); }); }