import 'package:platform_reflection/reflection.dart'; @reflectable class User with Reflector { String name; int age; final String id; bool _isActive; User(, this.age, {required, bool isActive = true}) : _isActive = isActive; // Guest constructor User.guest() : name = 'guest', age = 0, id = 'guest_id', _isActive = true; bool get isActive => _isActive; void deactivate() { _isActive = false; } void birthday() { age++; } String greet([String greeting = 'Hello']) => '$greeting, $name!'; @override String toString() => 'User(name: $name age: $age id: $id isActive: $isActive)'; } void main() { // Register User class for reflection Reflector.register(User); // Register properties Reflector.registerProperty(User, 'name', String); Reflector.registerProperty(User, 'age', int); Reflector.registerProperty(User, 'id', String, isWritable: false); Reflector.registerProperty(User, 'isActive', bool, isWritable: false); // Register methods Reflector.registerMethod( User, 'birthday', [], true, // returns void ); Reflector.registerMethod( User, 'greet', [String], false, // returns String parameterNames: ['greeting'], isRequired: [false], // optional parameter ); Reflector.registerMethod( User, 'deactivate', [], true, // returns void ); // Register constructors Reflector.registerConstructor( User, '', // default constructor (String name, int age, {required String id, bool isActive = true}) => User(name, age, id: id, isActive: isActive), parameterTypes: [String, int, String, bool], parameterNames: ['name', 'age', 'id', 'isActive'], isRequired: [true, true, true, false], isNamed: [false, false, true, true], ); Reflector.registerConstructor( User, 'guest', () => User.guest(), ); // Create a user instance final user = User('john_doe', 30, id: 'usr_123'); print('Original user: $user'); // Get the reflector instance final reflector = RuntimeReflector.instance; // Reflect on the User type final userType = reflector.reflectType(User); print('\nType information:'); print('Type name: ${}'); print('Properties: ${', ')}'); print('Methods: ${userType.methods.keys.join(', ')}'); print('Constructors: ${ =>', ')}'); // Create an instance reflector final userReflector = reflector.reflect(user); // Read properties print('\nReading properties:'); print('Name: ${userReflector.getField('name')}'); print('Age: ${userReflector.getField('age')}'); print('ID: ${userReflector.getField('id')}'); print('Is active: ${userReflector.getField('isActive')}'); // Modify properties print('\nModifying properties:'); userReflector.setField('name', 'jane_doe'); userReflector.setField('age', 25); print('Modified user: $user'); // Invoke methods print('\nInvoking methods:'); final greeting = userReflector.invoke('greet', ['Hi']); print('Greeting: $greeting'); userReflector.invoke('birthday', []); print('After birthday: $user'); userReflector.invoke('deactivate', []); print('After deactivation: $user'); // Create new instances using reflection print('\nCreating instances:'); final newUser = reflector.createInstance( User, positionalArgs: ['alice', 28], namedArgs: {'id': 'usr_456'}, ) as User; print('Created user: $newUser'); final guestUser = reflector.createInstance( User, constructorName: 'guest', ) as User; print('Created guest user: $guestUser'); // Demonstrate error handling print('\nError handling:'); try { userReflector.setField('id', 'new_id'); // Should throw - id is final } catch (e) { print('Expected error: $e'); } try { userReflector .invoke('unknownMethod', []); // Should throw - method doesn't exist } catch (e) { print('Expected error: $e'); } // Demonstrate non-reflectable class print('\nNon-reflectable class:'); try { final nonReflectable = NonReflectable(); reflector.reflect(nonReflectable); } catch (e) { print('Expected error: $e'); } } // Class without @reflectable annotation for testing class NonReflectable { String value = 'test'; }