name: File class_comment: null dependencies: - name: Constraint type: class source: Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint - name: ConstraintDefinitionException type: class source: Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception\ConstraintDefinitionException properties: [] methods: - name: __construct visibility: public parameters: - name: options default: 'null' - name: maxSize default: 'null' - name: binaryFormat default: 'null' - name: mimeTypes default: 'null' - name: filenameMaxLength default: 'null' - name: notFoundMessage default: 'null' - name: notReadableMessage default: 'null' - name: maxSizeMessage default: 'null' - name: mimeTypesMessage default: 'null' - name: disallowEmptyMessage default: 'null' - name: filenameTooLongMessage default: 'null' - name: uploadIniSizeErrorMessage default: 'null' - name: uploadFormSizeErrorMessage default: 'null' - name: uploadPartialErrorMessage default: 'null' - name: uploadNoFileErrorMessage default: 'null' - name: uploadNoTmpDirErrorMessage default: 'null' - name: uploadCantWriteErrorMessage default: 'null' - name: uploadExtensionErrorMessage default: 'null' - name: uploadErrorMessage default: 'null' - name: groups default: 'null' - name: payload default: 'null' - name: extensions default: 'null' - name: extensionsMessage default: 'null' comment: "# * Validates that a value is a valid \"file\".\n# *\n# * A file can be\ \ one of the following:\n# * - A string (or object with a __toString() method)\ \ path to an existing file;\n# * - A valid {@see \\Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\\ File\\File File} object (including objects of {@see \\Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\\ File\\UploadedFile UploadedFile} class).\n# *\n# * @property int $maxSize\n# *\n\ # * @author Bernhard Schussek \n# */\n# #[\\Attribute(\\\ Attribute::TARGET_PROPERTY | \\Attribute::TARGET_METHOD | \\Attribute::IS_REPEATABLE)]\n\ # class File extends Constraint\n# {\n# // Check the Image constraint for clashes\ \ if adding new constants here\n# \n# public const NOT_FOUND_ERROR = 'd2a3fb6e-7ddc-4210-8fbf-2ab345ce1998';\n\ # public const NOT_READABLE_ERROR = 'c20c92a4-5bfa-4202-9477-28e800e0f6ff';\n\ # public const EMPTY_ERROR = '5d743385-9775-4aa5-8ff5-495fb1e60137';\n# public\ \ const TOO_LARGE_ERROR = 'df8637af-d466-48c6-a59d-e7126250a654';\n# public const\ \ INVALID_MIME_TYPE_ERROR = '744f00bc-4389-4c74-92de-9a43cde55534';\n# public\ \ const INVALID_EXTENSION_ERROR = 'c8c7315c-6186-4719-8b71-5659e16bdcb7';\n# public\ \ const FILENAME_TOO_LONG = 'e5706483-91a8-49d8-9a59-5e81a3c634a8';\n# \n# protected\ \ const ERROR_NAMES = [\n# self::NOT_FOUND_ERROR => 'NOT_FOUND_ERROR',\n# self::NOT_READABLE_ERROR\ \ => 'NOT_READABLE_ERROR',\n# self::EMPTY_ERROR => 'EMPTY_ERROR',\n# self::TOO_LARGE_ERROR\ \ => 'TOO_LARGE_ERROR',\n# self::INVALID_MIME_TYPE_ERROR => 'INVALID_MIME_TYPE_ERROR',\n\ # self::INVALID_EXTENSION_ERROR => 'INVALID_EXTENSION_ERROR',\n# self::FILENAME_TOO_LONG\ \ => 'FILENAME_TOO_LONG',\n# ];\n# \n# public ?bool $binaryFormat = null;\n# public\ \ array|string $mimeTypes = [];\n# public ?int $filenameMaxLength = null;\n# public\ \ array|string $extensions = [];\n# public string $notFoundMessage = 'The file\ \ could not be found.';\n# public string $notReadableMessage = 'The file is not\ \ readable.';\n# public string $maxSizeMessage = 'The file is too large ({{ size\ \ }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.';\n# public\ \ string $mimeTypesMessage = 'The mime type of the file is invalid ({{ type }}).\ \ Allowed mime types are {{ types }}.';\n# public string $extensionsMessage =\ \ 'The extension of the file is invalid ({{ extension }}). Allowed extensions\ \ are {{ extensions }}.';\n# public string $disallowEmptyMessage = 'An empty file\ \ is not allowed.';\n# public string $filenameTooLongMessage = 'The filename is\ \ too long. It should have {{ filename_max_length }} character or less.|The filename\ \ is too long. It should have {{ filename_max_length }} characters or less.';\n\ # \n# public string $uploadIniSizeErrorMessage = 'The file is too large. Allowed\ \ maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.';\n# public string $uploadFormSizeErrorMessage\ \ = 'The file is too large.';\n# public string $uploadPartialErrorMessage = 'The\ \ file was only partially uploaded.';\n# public string $uploadNoFileErrorMessage\ \ = 'No file was uploaded.';\n# public string $uploadNoTmpDirErrorMessage = 'No\ \ temporary folder was configured in php.ini.';\n# public string $uploadCantWriteErrorMessage\ \ = 'Cannot write temporary file to disk.';\n# public string $uploadExtensionErrorMessage\ \ = 'A PHP extension caused the upload to fail.';\n# public string $uploadErrorMessage\ \ = 'The file could not be uploaded.';\n# \n# protected int|string|null $maxSize\ \ = null;\n# \n# /**\n# * @param array|null $options\n\ # * @param int|string|null $maxSize The\ \ max size of the underlying file\n# * @param bool|null \ \ $binaryFormat Pass true to use binary-prefixed units (KiB,\ \ MiB, etc.) or false to use SI-prefixed units (kB, MB) in displayed messages.\ \ Pass null to guess the format from the maxSize option. (defaults to null)\n\ # * @param string[]|string|null $mimeTypes Acceptable\ \ media type(s). Prefer the extensions option that also enforce the file's extension\ \ consistency.\n# * @param int|null $filenameMaxLength\ \ Maximum length of the file name\n# * @param string|null \ \ $disallowEmptyMessage Enable empty upload validation with\ \ this message in case of error\n# * @param string|null \ \ $uploadIniSizeErrorMessage Message if the file size exceeds the max size\ \ configured in php.ini\n# * @param string|null $uploadFormSizeErrorMessage\ \ Message if the file size exceeds the max size configured in the HTML input\ \ field\n# * @param string|null $uploadPartialErrorMessage\ \ Message if the file is only partially uploaded\n# * @param string|null \ \ $uploadNoTmpDirErrorMessage Message if there is no upload_tmp_dir\ \ in php.ini\n# * @param string|null $uploadCantWriteErrorMessage\ \ Message if the uploaded file can not be stored in the temporary directory\n\ # * @param string|null $uploadErrorMessage Message\ \ if an unknown error occurred on upload\n# * @param string[]|null \ \ $groups\n# * @param array|string|null $extensions\ \ A list of valid extensions to check. Related media types are\ \ also enforced ({@see})\n\ # *\n# * @see Existing\ \ media types" - name: __set visibility: public parameters: - name: option - name: value comment: null - name: __get visibility: public parameters: - name: option comment: null - name: __isset visibility: public parameters: - name: option comment: null - name: normalizeBinaryFormat visibility: private parameters: - name: maxSize comment: null traits: - Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint - Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception\ConstraintDefinitionException interfaces: []