name: Base64Encoder
class_comment: '# * @author Chris Corbyn'
dependencies: []
properties: []
- name: encodeString
  visibility: public
  - name: string
  - name: charset
    default: '''utf-8'''
  - name: firstLineOffset
    default: '0'
  - name: maxLineLength
    default: '0'
  comment: '# * @author Chris Corbyn

    # */

    # class Base64Encoder implements EncoderInterface

    # {

    # /**

    # * Takes an unencoded string and produces a Base64 encoded string from it.

    # *

    # * Base64 encoded strings have a maximum line length of 76 characters.

    # * If the first line needs to be shorter, indicate the difference with

    # * $firstLineOffset.'
traits: []
- EncoderInterface