name: BroadcastingInstallCommand class_comment: null dependencies: - name: InstalledVersions type: class source: Composer\InstalledVersions - name: Command type: class source: Illuminate\Console\Command - name: Filesystem type: class source: Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem - name: Process type: class source: Illuminate\Support\Facades\Process - name: AsCommand type: class source: Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand - name: PhpExecutableFinder type: class source: Symfony\Component\Process\PhpExecutableFinder - name: InteractsWithComposerPackages type: class source: InteractsWithComposerPackages properties: - name: signature visibility: protected comment: '# * The name and signature of the console command. # * # * @var string' - name: description visibility: protected comment: '# * The console command description. # * # * @var string' methods: - name: handle visibility: public parameters: [] comment: "# * The name and signature of the console command.\n# *\n# * @var string\n\ # */\n# protected $signature = 'install:broadcasting\n# {--composer=global : Absolute\ \ path to the Composer binary which should be used to install packages}\n# {--force\ \ : Overwrite any existing broadcasting routes file}\n# {--without-reverb : Do\ \ not prompt to install Laravel Reverb}\n# {--without-node : Do not prompt to\ \ install Node dependencies}';\n# \n# /**\n# * The console command description.\n\ # *\n# * @var string\n# */\n# protected $description = 'Create a broadcasting\ \ channel routes file';\n# \n# /**\n# * Execute the console command.\n# *\n# *\ \ @return int" - name: uncommentChannelsRoutesFile visibility: protected parameters: [] comment: '# * Uncomment the "channels" routes file in the application bootstrap file. # * # * @return void' - name: enableBroadcastServiceProvider visibility: protected parameters: [] comment: '# * Uncomment the "BroadcastServiceProvider" in the application configuration. # * # * @return void' - name: installReverb visibility: protected parameters: [] comment: '# * Install Laravel Reverb into the application if desired. # * # * @return void' - name: installNodeDependencies visibility: protected parameters: [] comment: '# * Install and build Node dependencies. # * # * @return void' traits: - Composer\InstalledVersions - Illuminate\Console\Command - Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem - Illuminate\Support\Facades\Process - Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand - Symfony\Component\Process\PhpExecutableFinder - InteractsWithComposerPackages interfaces: []