name: SessionBagInterface
class_comment: null
dependencies: []
properties: []
- name: getName
  visibility: public
  parameters: []
  comment: '# * Session Bag store.

    # *

    # * @author Drak <>

    # */

    # interface SessionBagInterface

    # {

    # /**

    # * Gets this bag''s name.'
- name: initialize
  visibility: public
  - name: '&$array'
  comment: '# * Initializes the Bag.'
- name: getStorageKey
  visibility: public
  parameters: []
  comment: '# * Gets the storage key for this bag.'
- name: clear
  visibility: public
  parameters: []
  comment: '# * Clears out data from bag.

    # *

    # * @return mixed Whatever data was contained'
traits: []
interfaces: []