name: Validator class_comment: null dependencies: - name: BadMethodCallException type: class source: BadMethodCallException - name: Container type: class source: Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container - name: Translator type: class source: Illuminate\Contracts\Translation\Translator - name: DataAwareRule type: class source: Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\DataAwareRule - name: ImplicitRule type: class source: Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\ImplicitRule - name: RuleContract type: class source: Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Rule - name: ValidatorContract type: class source: Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Validator - name: ValidatorAwareRule type: class source: Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\ValidatorAwareRule - name: Arr type: class source: Illuminate\Support\Arr - name: Fluent type: class source: Illuminate\Support\Fluent - name: MessageBag type: class source: Illuminate\Support\MessageBag - name: Str type: class source: Illuminate\Support\Str - name: ValidatedInput type: class source: Illuminate\Support\ValidatedInput - name: InvalidArgumentException type: class source: InvalidArgumentException - name: RuntimeException type: class source: RuntimeException - name: stdClass type: class source: stdClass - name: UploadedFile type: class source: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile properties: - name: translator visibility: protected comment: '# * The Translator implementation. # * # * @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Translation\Translator' - name: container visibility: protected comment: '# * The container instance. # * # * @var \Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container' - name: presenceVerifier visibility: protected comment: '# * The Presence Verifier implementation. # * # * @var \Illuminate\Validation\PresenceVerifierInterface' - name: failedRules visibility: protected comment: '# * The failed validation rules. # * # * @var array' - name: excludeAttributes visibility: protected comment: '# * Attributes that should be excluded from the validated data. # * # * @var array' - name: messages visibility: protected comment: '# * The message bag instance. # * # * @var \Illuminate\Support\MessageBag' - name: data visibility: protected comment: '# * The data under validation. # * # * @var array' - name: initialRules visibility: protected comment: '# * The initial rules provided. # * # * @var array' - name: rules visibility: protected comment: '# * The rules to be applied to the data. # * # * @var array' - name: currentRule visibility: protected comment: '# * The current rule that is validating. # * # * @var string' - name: implicitAttributes visibility: protected comment: '# * The array of wildcard attributes with their asterisks expanded. # * # * @var array' - name: implicitAttributesFormatter visibility: protected comment: '# * The callback that should be used to format the attribute. # * # * @var callable|null' - name: distinctValues visibility: protected comment: '# * The cached data for the "distinct" rule. # * # * @var array' - name: after visibility: protected comment: '# * All of the registered "after" callbacks. # * # * @var array' - name: customMessages visibility: public comment: '# * The array of custom error messages. # * # * @var array' - name: fallbackMessages visibility: public comment: '# * The array of fallback error messages. # * # * @var array' - name: customAttributes visibility: public comment: '# * The array of custom attribute names. # * # * @var array' - name: customValues visibility: public comment: '# * The array of custom displayable values. # * # * @var array' - name: stopOnFirstFailure visibility: protected comment: '# * Indicates if the validator should stop on the first rule failure. # * # * @var bool' - name: excludeUnvalidatedArrayKeys visibility: public comment: '# * Indicates that unvalidated array keys should be excluded, even if the parent array was validated. # * # * @var bool' - name: extensions visibility: public comment: '# * All of the custom validator extensions. # * # * @var array' - name: replacers visibility: public comment: '# * All of the custom replacer extensions. # * # * @var array' - name: fileRules visibility: protected comment: '# * The validation rules that may be applied to files. # * # * @var string[]' - name: implicitRules visibility: protected comment: '# * The validation rules that imply the field is required. # * # * @var string[]' - name: dependentRules visibility: protected comment: '# * The validation rules which depend on other fields as parameters. # * # * @var string[]' - name: excludeRules visibility: protected comment: '# * The validation rules that can exclude an attribute. # * # * @var string[]' - name: sizeRules visibility: protected comment: '# * The size related validation rules. # * # * @var string[]' - name: numericRules visibility: protected comment: '# * The numeric related validation rules. # * # * @var string[]' - name: defaultNumericRules visibility: protected comment: '# * The default numeric related validation rules. # * # * @var string[]' - name: dotPlaceholder visibility: protected comment: '# * The current placeholder for dots in rule keys. # * # * @var string' - name: exception visibility: protected comment: '# * The exception to throw upon failure. # * # * @var string' - name: ensureExponentWithinAllowedRangeUsing visibility: protected comment: '# * The custom callback to determine if an exponent is within allowed range. # * # * @var callable|null' methods: - name: __construct visibility: public parameters: - name: translator - name: data - name: rules - name: messages default: '[]' - name: attributes default: '[]' comment: "# * The Translator implementation.\n# *\n# * @var \\Illuminate\\Contracts\\\ Translation\\Translator\n# */\n# protected $translator;\n# \n# /**\n# * The container\ \ instance.\n# *\n# * @var \\Illuminate\\Contracts\\Container\\Container\n# */\n\ # protected $container;\n# \n# /**\n# * The Presence Verifier implementation.\n\ # *\n# * @var \\Illuminate\\Validation\\PresenceVerifierInterface\n# */\n# protected\ \ $presenceVerifier;\n# \n# /**\n# * The failed validation rules.\n# *\n# * @var\ \ array\n# */\n# protected $failedRules = [];\n# \n# /**\n# * Attributes that\ \ should be excluded from the validated data.\n# *\n# * @var array\n# */\n# protected\ \ $excludeAttributes = [];\n# \n# /**\n# * The message bag instance.\n# *\n# *\ \ @var \\Illuminate\\Support\\MessageBag\n# */\n# protected $messages;\n# \n#\ \ /**\n# * The data under validation.\n# *\n# * @var array\n# */\n# protected\ \ $data;\n# \n# /**\n# * The initial rules provided.\n# *\n# * @var array\n# */\n\ # protected $initialRules;\n# \n# /**\n# * The rules to be applied to the data.\n\ # *\n# * @var array\n# */\n# protected $rules;\n# \n# /**\n# * The current rule\ \ that is validating.\n# *\n# * @var string\n# */\n# protected $currentRule;\n\ # \n# /**\n# * The array of wildcard attributes with their asterisks expanded.\n\ # *\n# * @var array\n# */\n# protected $implicitAttributes = [];\n# \n# /**\n\ # * The callback that should be used to format the attribute.\n# *\n# * @var callable|null\n\ # */\n# protected $implicitAttributesFormatter;\n# \n# /**\n# * The cached data\ \ for the \"distinct\" rule.\n# *\n# * @var array\n# */\n# protected $distinctValues\ \ = [];\n# \n# /**\n# * All of the registered \"after\" callbacks.\n# *\n# * @var\ \ array\n# */\n# protected $after = [];\n# \n# /**\n# * The array of custom error\ \ messages.\n# *\n# * @var array\n# */\n# public $customMessages = [];\n# \n#\ \ /**\n# * The array of fallback error messages.\n# *\n# * @var array\n# */\n\ # public $fallbackMessages = [];\n# \n# /**\n# * The array of custom attribute\ \ names.\n# *\n# * @var array\n# */\n# public $customAttributes = [];\n# \n# /**\n\ # * The array of custom displayable values.\n# *\n# * @var array\n# */\n# public\ \ $customValues = [];\n# \n# /**\n# * Indicates if the validator should stop on\ \ the first rule failure.\n# *\n# * @var bool\n# */\n# protected $stopOnFirstFailure\ \ = false;\n# \n# /**\n# * Indicates that unvalidated array keys should be excluded,\ \ even if the parent array was validated.\n# *\n# * @var bool\n# */\n# public\ \ $excludeUnvalidatedArrayKeys = false;\n# \n# /**\n# * All of the custom validator\ \ extensions.\n# *\n# * @var array\n# */\n# public $extensions = [];\n# \n# /**\n\ # * All of the custom replacer extensions.\n# *\n# * @var array\n# */\n# public\ \ $replacers = [];\n# \n# /**\n# * The validation rules that may be applied to\ \ files.\n# *\n# * @var string[]\n# */\n# protected $fileRules = [\n# 'Between',\n\ # 'Dimensions',\n# 'Extensions',\n# 'File',\n# 'Image',\n# 'Max',\n# 'Mimes',\n\ # 'Mimetypes',\n# 'Min',\n# 'Size',\n# ];\n# \n# /**\n# * The validation rules\ \ that imply the field is required.\n# *\n# * @var string[]\n# */\n# protected\ \ $implicitRules = [\n# 'Accepted',\n# 'AcceptedIf',\n# 'Declined',\n# 'DeclinedIf',\n\ # 'Filled',\n# 'Missing',\n# 'MissingIf',\n# 'MissingUnless',\n# 'MissingWith',\n\ # 'MissingWithAll',\n# 'Present',\n# 'PresentIf',\n# 'PresentUnless',\n# 'PresentWith',\n\ # 'PresentWithAll',\n# 'Required',\n# 'RequiredIf',\n# 'RequiredIfAccepted',\n\ # 'RequiredIfDeclined',\n# 'RequiredUnless',\n# 'RequiredWith',\n# 'RequiredWithAll',\n\ # 'RequiredWithout',\n# 'RequiredWithoutAll',\n# ];\n# \n# /**\n# * The validation\ \ rules which depend on other fields as parameters.\n# *\n# * @var string[]\n\ # */\n# protected $dependentRules = [\n# 'After',\n# 'AfterOrEqual',\n# 'Before',\n\ # 'BeforeOrEqual',\n# 'Confirmed',\n# 'Different',\n# 'ExcludeIf',\n# 'ExcludeUnless',\n\ # 'ExcludeWith',\n# 'ExcludeWithout',\n# 'Gt',\n# 'Gte',\n# 'Lt',\n# 'Lte',\n\ # 'AcceptedIf',\n# 'DeclinedIf',\n# 'RequiredIf',\n# 'RequiredIfAccepted',\n#\ \ 'RequiredIfDeclined',\n# 'RequiredUnless',\n# 'RequiredWith',\n# 'RequiredWithAll',\n\ # 'RequiredWithout',\n# 'RequiredWithoutAll',\n# 'PresentIf',\n# 'PresentUnless',\n\ # 'PresentWith',\n# 'PresentWithAll',\n# 'Prohibited',\n# 'ProhibitedIf',\n# 'ProhibitedUnless',\n\ # 'Prohibits',\n# 'MissingIf',\n# 'MissingUnless',\n# 'MissingWith',\n# 'MissingWithAll',\n\ # 'Same',\n# 'Unique',\n# ];\n# \n# /**\n# * The validation rules that can exclude\ \ an attribute.\n# *\n# * @var string[]\n# */\n# protected $excludeRules = ['Exclude',\ \ 'ExcludeIf', 'ExcludeUnless', 'ExcludeWith', 'ExcludeWithout'];\n# \n# /**\n\ # * The size related validation rules.\n# *\n# * @var string[]\n# */\n# protected\ \ $sizeRules = ['Size', 'Between', 'Min', 'Max', 'Gt', 'Lt', 'Gte', 'Lte'];\n\ # \n# /**\n# * The numeric related validation rules.\n# *\n# * @var string[]\n\ # */\n# protected $numericRules = ['Numeric', 'Integer', 'Decimal'];\n# \n# /**\n\ # * The default numeric related validation rules.\n# *\n# * @var string[]\n# */\n\ # protected $defaultNumericRules = ['Numeric', 'Integer', 'Decimal'];\n# \n# /**\n\ # * The current placeholder for dots in rule keys.\n# *\n# * @var string\n# */\n\ # protected $dotPlaceholder;\n# \n# /**\n# * The exception to throw upon failure.\n\ # *\n# * @var string\n# */\n# protected $exception = ValidationException::class;\n\ # \n# /**\n# * The custom callback to determine if an exponent is within allowed\ \ range.\n# *\n# * @var callable|null\n# */\n# protected $ensureExponentWithinAllowedRangeUsing;\n\ # \n# /**\n# * Create a new Validator instance.\n# *\n# * @param \\Illuminate\\\ Contracts\\Translation\\Translator $translator\n# * @param array $data\n# *\ \ @param array $rules\n# * @param array $messages\n# * @param array $attributes\n\ # * @return void" - name: parseData visibility: public parameters: - name: data comment: '# * Parse the data array, converting dots and asterisks. # * # * @param array $data # * @return array' - name: replacePlaceholders visibility: protected parameters: - name: data comment: '# * Replace the placeholders used in data keys. # * # * @param array $data # * @return array' - name: replacePlaceholderInString visibility: protected parameters: - name: value comment: '# * Replace the placeholders in the given string. # * # * @param string $value # * @return string' - name: after visibility: public parameters: - name: callback comment: '# * Add an after validation callback. # * # * @param callable|array|string $callback # * @return $this' - name: passes visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Determine if the data passes the validation rules. # * # * @return bool' - name: fails visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Determine if the data fails the validation rules. # * # * @return bool' - name: shouldBeExcluded visibility: protected parameters: - name: attribute comment: '# * Determine if the attribute should be excluded. # * # * @param string $attribute # * @return bool' - name: removeAttribute visibility: protected parameters: - name: attribute comment: '# * Remove the given attribute. # * # * @param string $attribute # * @return void' - name: validate visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Run the validator''s rules against its data. # * # * @return array # * # * @throws \Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException' - name: validateWithBag visibility: public parameters: - name: errorBag comment: '# * Run the validator''s rules against its data. # * # * @param string $errorBag # * @return array # * # * @throws \Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException' - name: safe visibility: public parameters: - name: keys default: 'null' comment: '# * Get a validated input container for the validated input. # * # * @param array|null $keys # * @return \Illuminate\Support\ValidatedInput|array' - name: validated visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Get the attributes and values that were validated. # * # * @return array # * # * @throws \Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException' - name: validateAttribute visibility: protected parameters: - name: attribute - name: rule comment: '# * Validate a given attribute against a rule. # * # * @param string $attribute # * @param string $rule # * @return void' - name: dependsOnOtherFields visibility: protected parameters: - name: rule comment: '# * Determine if the given rule depends on other fields. # * # * @param string $rule # * @return bool' - name: getExplicitKeys visibility: protected parameters: - name: attribute comment: '# * Get the explicit keys from an attribute flattened with dot notation. # * # * E.g. '''' -> [1, ''spark''] for ''foo.*.bar.*.baz'' # * # * @param string $attribute # * @return array' - name: getPrimaryAttribute visibility: protected parameters: - name: attribute comment: '# * Get the primary attribute name. # * # * For example, if "name.0" is given, "name.*" will be returned. # * # * @param string $attribute # * @return string' - name: replaceDotInParameters visibility: protected parameters: - name: parameters comment: '# * Replace each field parameter which has an escaped dot with the dot placeholder. # * # * @param array $parameters # * @return array' - name: replaceAsterisksInParameters visibility: protected parameters: - name: parameters - name: keys comment: '# * Replace each field parameter which has asterisks with the given keys. # * # * @param array $parameters # * @param array $keys # * @return array' - name: isValidatable visibility: protected parameters: - name: rule - name: attribute - name: value comment: '# * Determine if the attribute is validatable. # * # * @param object|string $rule # * @param string $attribute # * @param mixed $value # * @return bool' - name: presentOrRuleIsImplicit visibility: protected parameters: - name: rule - name: attribute - name: value comment: '# * Determine if the field is present, or the rule implies required. # * # * @param object|string $rule # * @param string $attribute # * @param mixed $value # * @return bool' - name: isImplicit visibility: protected parameters: - name: rule comment: '# * Determine if a given rule implies the attribute is required. # * # * @param object|string $rule # * @return bool' - name: passesOptionalCheck visibility: protected parameters: - name: attribute comment: '# * Determine if the attribute passes any optional check. # * # * @param string $attribute # * @return bool' - name: isNotNullIfMarkedAsNullable visibility: protected parameters: - name: rule - name: attribute comment: '# * Determine if the attribute fails the nullable check. # * # * @param string $rule # * @param string $attribute # * @return bool' - name: hasNotFailedPreviousRuleIfPresenceRule visibility: protected parameters: - name: rule - name: attribute comment: '# * Determine if it''s a necessary presence validation. # * # * This is to avoid possible database type comparison errors. # * # * @param string $rule # * @param string $attribute # * @return bool' - name: validateUsingCustomRule visibility: protected parameters: - name: attribute - name: value - name: rule comment: '# * Validate an attribute using a custom rule object. # * # * @param string $attribute # * @param mixed $value # * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Rule $rule # * @return void' - name: shouldStopValidating visibility: protected parameters: - name: attribute comment: '# * Check if we should stop further validations on a given attribute. # * # * @param string $attribute # * @return bool' - name: addFailure visibility: public parameters: - name: attribute - name: rule - name: parameters default: '[]' comment: '# * Add a failed rule and error message to the collection. # * # * @param string $attribute # * @param string $rule # * @param array $parameters # * @return void' - name: excludeAttribute visibility: protected parameters: - name: attribute comment: '# * Add the given attribute to the list of excluded attributes. # * # * @param string $attribute # * @return void' - name: valid visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Returns the data which was valid. # * # * @return array' - name: invalid visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Returns the data which was invalid. # * # * @return array' - name: attributesThatHaveMessages visibility: protected parameters: [] comment: '# * Generate an array of all attributes that have messages. # * # * @return array' - name: failed visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Get the failed validation rules. # * # * @return array' - name: messages visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Get the message container for the validator. # * # * @return \Illuminate\Support\MessageBag' - name: errors visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * An alternative more semantic shortcut to the message container. # * # * @return \Illuminate\Support\MessageBag' - name: getMessageBag visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Get the messages for the instance. # * # * @return \Illuminate\Support\MessageBag' - name: hasRule visibility: public parameters: - name: attribute - name: rules comment: '# * Determine if the given attribute has a rule in the given set. # * # * @param string $attribute # * @param string|array $rules # * @return bool' - name: getRule visibility: protected parameters: - name: attribute - name: rules comment: '# * Get a rule and its parameters for a given attribute. # * # * @param string $attribute # * @param string|array $rules # * @return array|null' - name: attributes visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Get the data under validation. # * # * @return array' - name: getData visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Get the data under validation. # * # * @return array' - name: setData visibility: public parameters: - name: data comment: '# * Set the data under validation. # * # * @param array $data # * @return $this' - name: getValue visibility: public parameters: - name: attribute comment: '# * Get the value of a given attribute. # * # * @param string $attribute # * @return mixed' - name: setValue visibility: public parameters: - name: attribute - name: value comment: '# * Set the value of a given attribute. # * # * @param string $attribute # * @param mixed $value # * @return void' - name: getRules visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Get the validation rules. # * # * @return array' - name: getRulesWithoutPlaceholders visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Get the validation rules with key placeholders removed. # * # * @return array' - name: setRules visibility: public parameters: - name: rules comment: '# * Set the validation rules. # * # * @param array $rules # * @return $this' - name: addRules visibility: public parameters: - name: rules comment: '# * Parse the given rules and merge them into current rules. # * # * @param array $rules # * @return void' - name: sometimes visibility: public parameters: - name: attribute - name: rules - name: callback comment: '# * Add conditions to a given field based on a Closure. # * # * @param string|array $attribute # * @param string|array $rules # * @param callable $callback # * @return $this' - name: dataForSometimesIteration visibility: private parameters: - name: attribute - name: removeLastSegmentOfAttribute comment: '# * Get the data that should be injected into the iteration of a wildcard "sometimes" callback. # * # * @param string $attribute # * @return \Illuminate\Support\Fluent|array|mixed' - name: stopOnFirstFailure visibility: public parameters: - name: stopOnFirstFailure default: 'true' comment: '# * Instruct the validator to stop validating after the first rule failure. # * # * @param bool $stopOnFirstFailure # * @return $this' - name: addExtensions visibility: public parameters: - name: extensions comment: '# * Register an array of custom validator extensions. # * # * @param array $extensions # * @return void' - name: addImplicitExtensions visibility: public parameters: - name: extensions comment: '# * Register an array of custom implicit validator extensions. # * # * @param array $extensions # * @return void' - name: addDependentExtensions visibility: public parameters: - name: extensions comment: '# * Register an array of custom dependent validator extensions. # * # * @param array $extensions # * @return void' - name: addExtension visibility: public parameters: - name: rule - name: extension comment: '# * Register a custom validator extension. # * # * @param string $rule # * @param \Closure|string $extension # * @return void' - name: addImplicitExtension visibility: public parameters: - name: rule - name: extension comment: '# * Register a custom implicit validator extension. # * # * @param string $rule # * @param \Closure|string $extension # * @return void' - name: addDependentExtension visibility: public parameters: - name: rule - name: extension comment: '# * Register a custom dependent validator extension. # * # * @param string $rule # * @param \Closure|string $extension # * @return void' - name: addReplacers visibility: public parameters: - name: replacers comment: '# * Register an array of custom validator message replacers. # * # * @param array $replacers # * @return void' - name: addReplacer visibility: public parameters: - name: rule - name: replacer comment: '# * Register a custom validator message replacer. # * # * @param string $rule # * @param \Closure|string $replacer # * @return void' - name: setCustomMessages visibility: public parameters: - name: messages comment: '# * Set the custom messages for the validator. # * # * @param array $messages # * @return $this' - name: setAttributeNames visibility: public parameters: - name: attributes comment: '# * Set the custom attributes on the validator. # * # * @param array $attributes # * @return $this' - name: addCustomAttributes visibility: public parameters: - name: attributes comment: '# * Add custom attributes to the validator. # * # * @param array $attributes # * @return $this' - name: setImplicitAttributesFormatter visibility: public parameters: - name: formatter default: 'null' comment: '# * Set the callback that used to format an implicit attribute. # * # * @param callable|null $formatter # * @return $this' - name: setValueNames visibility: public parameters: - name: values comment: '# * Set the custom values on the validator. # * # * @param array $values # * @return $this' - name: addCustomValues visibility: public parameters: - name: customValues comment: '# * Add the custom values for the validator. # * # * @param array $customValues # * @return $this' - name: setFallbackMessages visibility: public parameters: - name: messages comment: '# * Set the fallback messages for the validator. # * # * @param array $messages # * @return void' - name: getPresenceVerifier visibility: public parameters: - name: connection default: 'null' comment: '# * Get the Presence Verifier implementation. # * # * @param string|null $connection # * @return \Illuminate\Validation\PresenceVerifierInterface # * # * @throws \RuntimeException' - name: setPresenceVerifier visibility: public parameters: - name: presenceVerifier comment: '# * Set the Presence Verifier implementation. # * # * @param \Illuminate\Validation\PresenceVerifierInterface $presenceVerifier # * @return void' - name: getException visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Get the exception to throw upon failed validation. # * # * @return string' - name: setException visibility: public parameters: - name: exception comment: '# * Set the exception to throw upon failed validation. # * # * @param string $exception # * @return $this # * # * @throws \InvalidArgumentException' - name: ensureExponentWithinAllowedRangeUsing visibility: public parameters: - name: callback comment: '# * Ensure exponents are within range using the given callback. # * # * @param callable(int $scale, string $attribute, mixed $value) $callback # * @return $this' - name: getTranslator visibility: public parameters: [] comment: '# * Get the Translator implementation. # * # * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Translation\Translator' - name: setTranslator visibility: public parameters: - name: translator comment: '# * Set the Translator implementation. # * # * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Translation\Translator $translator # * @return void' - name: setContainer visibility: public parameters: - name: container comment: '# * Set the IoC container instance. # * # * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container $container # * @return void' - name: callExtension visibility: protected parameters: - name: rule - name: parameters comment: '# * Call a custom validator extension. # * # * @param string $rule # * @param array $parameters # * @return bool|null' - name: callClassBasedExtension visibility: protected parameters: - name: callback - name: parameters comment: '# * Call a class based validator extension. # * # * @param string $callback # * @param array $parameters # * @return bool' - name: __call visibility: public parameters: - name: method - name: parameters comment: '# * Handle dynamic calls to class methods. # * # * @param string $method # * @param array $parameters # * @return mixed # * # * @throws \BadMethodCallException' traits: - BadMethodCallException - Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container - Illuminate\Contracts\Translation\Translator - Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\DataAwareRule - Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\ImplicitRule - Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\ValidatorAwareRule - Illuminate\Support\Arr - Illuminate\Support\Fluent - Illuminate\Support\MessageBag - Illuminate\Support\Str - Illuminate\Support\ValidatedInput - InvalidArgumentException - RuntimeException - stdClass - Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile - Concerns\FormatsMessages interfaces: - ValidatorContract