import 'dart:io'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:test_process/test_process.dart'; void main() { late Factory factory; setUp(() { factory = Factory(); }); group('Laravel Process Tests', () { test('successful process', () async { final result = await factory .command(['ls']) .withWorkingDirectory(Directory.current.path) .run(); expect(result.successful(), isTrue); expect(result.failed(), isFalse); expect(result.exitCode, equals(0)); expect(result.output(), contains('test')); expect(result.errorOutput(), isEmpty); }); test('process with error output', () async { if (!Platform.isWindows) { try { await factory .command(['sh', '-c', 'echo "Hello World" >&2; exit 1']).run(); fail('Should have thrown'); } on ProcessFailedException catch (e) { expect(e.exitCode, equals(1)); expect(e.output, isEmpty); expect(e.errorOutput.trim(), equals('Hello World')); } } }); test('process can throw without output', () async { if (!Platform.isWindows) { try { await factory.command(['sh', '-c', 'exit 1']).run(); fail('Should have thrown'); } on ProcessFailedException catch (e) { expect(e.exitCode, equals(1)); expect(e.output, isEmpty); expect(e.errorOutput, isEmpty); } } }); test('process can throw with error output', () async { if (!Platform.isWindows) { try { await factory .command(['sh', '-c', 'echo "Hello World" >&2; exit 1']).run(); fail('Should have thrown'); } on ProcessFailedException catch (e) { expect(e.exitCode, equals(1)); expect(e.output, isEmpty); expect(e.errorOutput.trim(), equals('Hello World')); } } }); test('process can throw with output', () async { if (!Platform.isWindows) { try { await factory .command(['sh', '-c', 'echo "Hello World"; exit 1']).run(); fail('Should have thrown'); } on ProcessFailedException catch (e) { expect(e.exitCode, equals(1)); expect(e.output.trim(), equals('Hello World')); expect(e.errorOutput, isEmpty); } } }); test('process can timeout', () async { if (!Platform.isWindows) { try { await factory.command(['sleep', '0.5']).withTimeout(0).run(); fail('Should have thrown'); } on ProcessTimedOutException catch (e) { expect(e.message, contains('exceeded the timeout')); expect(e.message, contains('sleep 0.5')); expect(e.message, contains('0 seconds')); } } }); test('process can use standard input', () async { if (!Platform.isWindows) { final result = await factory.command(['cat']).withInput('foobar').run(); expect(result.output(), equals('foobar')); } }); test('process pipe operations', () async { if (!Platform.isWindows) { final result = await factory.command([ 'sh', '-c', 'echo "Hello, world\nfoo\nbar" | grep -i "foo"' ]).run(); expect(result.output().trim(), equals('foo')); } }); test('process with working directory', () async { if (!Platform.isWindows) { final result = await factory.command(['pwd']).withWorkingDirectory('/tmp').run(); expect(result.output().trim(), equals('/tmp')); } }); test('process with environment variables', () async { if (!Platform.isWindows) { final result = await factory .command(['sh', '-c', 'echo \$TEST_VAR']).withEnvironment( {'TEST_VAR': 'test_value'}).run(); expect(result.output().trim(), equals('test_value')); } }); test('process output can be captured via callback', () async { final output = <String>[]; final process = await factory.command(['ls']).start((data) { output.add(data); }); await Future<void>.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 100)); expect(output, isNotEmpty); expect(output.join(), contains('test')); await process.wait(); }); }); }