name: MongoDbStore class_comment: "# * MongoDbStore is a StoreInterface implementation using MongoDB\ \ as a storage\n# * engine. Support for MongoDB server >=2.2 due to use of TTL indexes.\n\ # *\n# * CAUTION: TTL Indexes are used so this store relies on all client and server\n\ # * nodes to have synchronized clocks for lock expiry to occur at the correct\n\ # * time. To ensure locks don't expire prematurely; the TTLs should be set with\n\ # * enough extra time to account for any clock drift between nodes.\n# *\n# * CAUTION:\ \ The locked resource name is indexed in the _id field of the lock\n# * collection.\ \ An indexed field's value in MongoDB can be a maximum of 1024\n# * bytes in length\ \ inclusive of structural overhead.\n# *\n# * @see\n\ # *\n# * @author Joe Bennett \n# * @author J\xE9r\xF4me Tamarelle\ \ " dependencies: - name: UTCDateTime type: class source: MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime - name: Client type: class source: MongoDB\Client - name: Collection type: class source: MongoDB\Collection - name: Database type: class source: MongoDB\Database - name: BulkWrite type: class source: MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite - name: Command type: class source: MongoDB\Driver\Command - name: WriteException type: class source: MongoDB\Driver\Exception\WriteException - name: Manager type: class source: MongoDB\Driver\Manager - name: Query type: class source: MongoDB\Driver\Query - name: DriverRuntimeException type: class source: MongoDB\Exception\DriverRuntimeException - name: MongoInvalidArgumentException type: class source: MongoDB\Exception\InvalidArgumentException - name: UnsupportedException type: class source: MongoDB\Exception\UnsupportedException - name: InvalidArgumentException type: class source: Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception\InvalidArgumentException - name: InvalidTtlException type: class source: Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception\InvalidTtlException - name: LockAcquiringException type: class source: Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception\LockAcquiringException - name: LockConflictedException type: class source: Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception\LockConflictedException - name: LockExpiredException type: class source: Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception\LockExpiredException - name: LockStorageException type: class source: Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception\LockStorageException - name: Key type: class source: Symfony\Component\Lock\Key - name: PersistingStoreInterface type: class source: Symfony\Component\Lock\PersistingStoreInterface - name: ExpiringStoreTrait type: class source: ExpiringStoreTrait properties: [] methods: - name: __construct visibility: public parameters: - name: mongo - name: options default: '[]' - name: initialTtl default: '300.0' comment: "# * MongoDbStore is a StoreInterface implementation using MongoDB as a\ \ storage\n# * engine. Support for MongoDB server >=2.2 due to use of TTL indexes.\n\ # *\n# * CAUTION: TTL Indexes are used so this store relies on all client and\ \ server\n# * nodes to have synchronized clocks for lock expiry to occur at the\ \ correct\n# * time. To ensure locks don't expire prematurely; the TTLs should\ \ be set with\n# * enough extra time to account for any clock drift between nodes.\n\ # *\n# * CAUTION: The locked resource name is indexed in the _id field of the\ \ lock\n# * collection. An indexed field's value in MongoDB can be a maximum of\ \ 1024\n# * bytes in length inclusive of structural overhead.\n# *\n# * @see\n\ # *\n# * @author Joe Bennett \n# * @author J\xE9r\xF4me Tamarelle\ \ \n# */\n# class MongoDbStore implements PersistingStoreInterface\n\ # {\n# use ExpiringStoreTrait;\n# \n# private Manager $manager;\n# private string\ \ $namespace;\n# private string $uri;\n# private array $options;\n# \n# /**\n\ # * @param Collection|Client|Manager|string $mongo An instance of a Collection\ \ or Client or URI @see\n\ # * @param array $options See below\n# * @param\ \ float $initialTtl The expiration delay of locks in\ \ seconds\n# *\n# * @throws InvalidArgumentException If required options are not\ \ provided\n# * @throws InvalidTtlException When the initial ttl is not valid\n\ # *\n# * Options:\n# * gcProbability: Should a TTL Index be created expressed\ \ as a probability from 0.0 to 1.0 [default: 0.001]\n# * database: The\ \ name of the database [required when $mongo is a Client]\n# * collection:\ \ The name of the collection [required when $mongo is a Client]\n# * uriOptions:\ \ Array of uri options. [used when $mongo is a URI]\n# * driverOptions:\ \ Array of driver options. [used when $mongo is a URI]\n# *\n# * When using a\ \ URI string:\n# * The database is determined from the uri's path, otherwise\ \ the \"database\" option is used. To specify an alternate authentication database;\ \ \"authSource\" uriOption or querystring parameter must be used.\n# * The\ \ collection is determined from the uri's \"collection\" querystring parameter,\ \ otherwise the \"collection\" option is used.\n# *\n# * For example: mongodb://myuser:mypass@myhost/mydatabase?collection=mycollection\n\ # *\n# * @see\n\ # *\n# * If gcProbability is set to a value greater than 0.0 there is a chance\n\ # * this store will attempt to create a TTL index on self::save().\n# * If you\ \ prefer to create your TTL Index manually you can set gcProbability\n# * to 0.0\ \ and optionally leverage\n# * self::createTtlIndex(int $expireAfterSeconds =\ \ 0).\n# *\n# * writeConcern and readConcern are not specified by MongoDbStore\ \ meaning the connection's settings will take effect.\n# * readPreference is primary\ \ for all queries.\n# * @see" - name: skimUri visibility: private parameters: - name: uri comment: '# * Extract default database and collection from given connection URI and remove collection querystring. # * # * Non-standard parameters are removed from the URI to improve libmongoc''s re-use of connections. # * # * @see' - name: createTtlIndex visibility: public parameters: - name: expireAfterSeconds default: '0' comment: '# * Creates a TTL index to automatically remove expired locks. # * # * If the gcProbability option is set higher than 0.0 (defaults to 0.001); # * there is a chance this will be called on self::save(). # * # * Otherwise; this should be called once manually during database setup. # * # * Alternatively the TTL index can be created manually on the database: # * # * db.lock.createIndex( # * { "expires_at": 1 }, # * { "expireAfterSeconds": 0 } # * ) # * # * Please note, expires_at is based on the application server. If the # * database time differs; a lock could be cleaned up before it has expired. # * To ensure locks don''t expire prematurely; the lock TTL should be set # * with enough extra time to account for any clock drift between nodes. # * # * A TTL index MUST BE used to automatically clean up expired locks. # * # * @see # * # * @throws UnsupportedException if options are not supported by the selected server # * @throws MongoInvalidArgumentException for parameter/option parsing errors # * @throws DriverRuntimeException for other driver errors (e.g. connection errors)' - name: save visibility: public parameters: - name: key comment: '# * @throws LockExpiredException when save is called on an expired lock' - name: putOffExpiration visibility: public parameters: - name: key - name: ttl comment: '# * @throws LockStorageException # * @throws LockExpiredException' - name: delete visibility: public parameters: - name: key comment: null - name: exists visibility: public parameters: - name: key comment: null - name: upsert visibility: private parameters: - name: key - name: ttl comment: '# * Update or Insert a Key. # * # * @param float $ttl Expiry in seconds from now' - name: isDuplicateKeyException visibility: private parameters: - name: e comment: null - name: getManager visibility: private parameters: [] comment: null - name: createMongoDateTime visibility: private parameters: - name: seconds comment: '# * @param float $seconds Seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z supporting millisecond precision. Defaults to now.' - name: getUniqueToken visibility: private parameters: - name: key comment: '# * Retrieves a unique token for the given key namespaced to this store. # * # * @param Key $key lock state container' traits: - MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime - MongoDB\Client - MongoDB\Collection - MongoDB\Database - MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite - MongoDB\Driver\Command - MongoDB\Driver\Exception\WriteException - MongoDB\Driver\Manager - MongoDB\Driver\Query - MongoDB\Exception\DriverRuntimeException - MongoDB\Exception\UnsupportedException - Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception\InvalidArgumentException - Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception\InvalidTtlException - Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception\LockAcquiringException - Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception\LockConflictedException - Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception\LockExpiredException - Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception\LockStorageException - Symfony\Component\Lock\Key - Symfony\Component\Lock\PersistingStoreInterface - ExpiringStoreTrait interfaces: - PersistingStoreInterface