name: SerializerInterface
class_comment: null
- name: Envelope
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Messenger\Envelope
- name: MessageDecodingFailedException
  type: class
  source: Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\MessageDecodingFailedException
properties: []
- name: decode
  visibility: public
  - name: encodedEnvelope
  comment: '# * @author Samuel Roze <>

    # */

    # interface SerializerInterface

    # {

    # /**

    # * Decodes an envelope and its message from an encoded-form.

    # *

    # * The `$encodedEnvelope` parameter is a key-value array that

    # * describes the envelope and its content, that will be used by the different

    # *

    # * The most common keys are:

    # * - `body` (string) - the message body

    # * - `headers` (string<string>) - a key/value pair of headers

    # *

    # * @throws MessageDecodingFailedException'
- name: encode
  visibility: public
  - name: envelope
  comment: '# * Encodes an envelope content (message & stamps) to a common format
    understandable by transports.

    # * The encoded array should only contain scalars and arrays.

    # *

    # * Stamps that implement NonSendableStampInterface should

    # * not be encoded.

    # *

    # * The most common keys of the encoded array are:

    # * - `body` (string) - the message body

    # * - `headers` (string<string>) - a key/value pair of headers'
- Symfony\Component\Messenger\Envelope
- Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\MessageDecodingFailedException
interfaces: []