
688 lines
24 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:platform_http_server/http_server.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as pathos;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
void _testEncoding(name, expected, [bool create = true]) {
testVirtualDir('encode-$name', (dir) async {
if (create) File('${dir.path}/$name').createSync();
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/$name');
expect(result, expected);
void main() {
group('serve-root', () {
testVirtualDir('dir-exists', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/');
expect(result, HttpStatus.notFound);
testVirtualDir('dir-not-exists', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(pathos.join('${dir.path}foo'));
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/');
expect(result, HttpStatus.notFound);
group('serve-file', () {
group('top-level', () {
testVirtualDir('file-exists', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/file');
expect(result, HttpStatus.ok);
testVirtualDir('file-not-exists', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/file');
expect(result, HttpStatus.notFound);
group('in-dir', () {
testVirtualDir('file-exists', (dir) async {
var dir2 = Directory('${dir.path}/dir')..createSync();
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/dir/file');
expect(result, HttpStatus.ok);
testVirtualDir('file-not-exists', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/dir/file');
expect(result, HttpStatus.notFound);
group('serve-dir', () {
group('top-level', () {
testVirtualDir('simple', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
var result = await fetchAsString(virDir, '/');
expect(result, contains('Index of &#47'));
testVirtualDir('files', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
var result = await fetchAsString(virDir, '/');
expect(result, contains('Index of &#47'));
testVirtualDir('dir-href', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
var result = await fetchAsString(virDir, '/');
expect(result, contains('<a href="dir/">'));
testVirtualDir('dirs', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
var result = await fetchAsString(virDir, '/');
expect(result, contains('Index of &#47'));
testVirtualDir('encoded-dir', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
var result = await fetchAsString(virDir, '/alert(\'hacked!\');');
expect(result, contains('&#47;alert(&#39;hacked!&#39;);&#47;'));
testVirtualDir('non-ascii-dir', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
var result = await fetchAsString(virDir, '/');
expect(result, contains('æø'));
testVirtualDir('content-type', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
var headers = await fetchHEaders(virDir, '/');
var contentType = headers.contentType.toString();
expect(contentType, 'text/html; charset=utf-8');
if (!Platform.isWindows) {
testVirtualDir('recursive-link', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
var result = await Future.wait([
fetchAsString(virDir, '/')
.then((s) => s.contains('recursive&#47;')),
fetchAsString(virDir, '/').then((s) => !s.contains('../')),
fetchAsString(virDir, '/')
.then((s) => s.contains('Index of &#47;')),
fetchAsString(virDir, '/recursive')
.then((s) => s.contains('recursive&#47;')),
fetchAsString(virDir, '/recursive')
.then((s) => s.contains('..&#47;')),
fetchAsString(virDir, '/recursive')
.then((s) => s.contains('Index of &#47;recursive'))
expect(result, equals([true, true, true, true, true, true]));
testVirtualDir('encoded-path', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
var result = await fetchAsString(virDir, '/');
expect(result, contains('javascript%3Aalert(document)%3B%22/'));
testVirtualDir('encoded-special', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
var result = await fetchAsString(virDir, '/');
expect(result, contains('&lt;&gt;&amp;&quot;&#47;'));
expect(result, contains('href="%3C%3E%26%22/"'));
group('custom', () {
testVirtualDir('simple', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
virDir.directoryHandler = (dir2, request) {
expect(dir2, isNotNull);
expect(FileSystemEntity.identicalSync(dir.path, dir2.path), isTrue);
request.response.write('My handler ${request.uri.path}');
var result = await fetchAsString(virDir, '/');
expect(result, 'My handler /');
testVirtualDir('index-1', (dir) async {
File('${dir.path}/index.html').writeAsStringSync('index file');
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
virDir.directoryHandler = (dir2, request) {
// Redirect directory-requests to index.html files.
var indexUri = Uri.file(dir2.path).resolve('index.html');
return virDir.serveFile(File(indexUri.toFilePath()), request);
var result = await fetchAsString(virDir, '/');
expect(result, 'index file');
testVirtualDir('index-2', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
virDir.directoryHandler = (dir2, request) {
fail('not expected');
var result =
await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/dir', followRedirects: false);
expect(result, 301);
testVirtualDir('index-3', (dir) async {
..createSync(recursive: true)
..writeAsStringSync('index file');
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
virDir.directoryHandler = (dir2, request) {
// Redirect directory-requests to index.html files.
var indexUri = Uri.file(dir2.path).resolve('index.html');
return virDir.serveFile(File(indexUri.toFilePath()), request);
var result = await fetchAsString(virDir, '/dir');
expect(result, 'index file');
testVirtualDir('index-4', (dir) async {
..createSync(recursive: true)
..writeAsStringSync('index file');
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
virDir.directoryHandler = (dir2, request) {
// Redirect directory-requests to index.html files.
var indexUri = Uri.file(dir2.path).resolve('index.html');
virDir.serveFile(File(indexUri.toFilePath()), request);
var result = await fetchAsString(virDir, '/dir/');
expect(result, 'index file');
group('path-prefix', () {
testVirtualDir('simple', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path, pathPrefix: '/path');
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
virDir.directoryHandler = (d, request) {
expect(FileSystemEntity.identicalSync(dir.path, d.path), isTrue);
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/path');
expect(result, HttpStatus.ok);
testVirtualDir('trailing-slash', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path, pathPrefix: '/path/');
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
virDir.directoryHandler = (d, request) {
expect(FileSystemEntity.identicalSync(dir.path, d.path), isTrue);
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/path');
expect(result, HttpStatus.ok);
testVirtualDir('not-matching', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path, pathPrefix: '/path/');
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/');
expect(result, HttpStatus.notFound);
group('links', () {
if (!Platform.isWindows) {
group('follow-links', () {
testVirtualDir('dir-link', (dir) async {
var dir2 = Directory('${dir.path}/dir2')..createSync();
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.followLinks = true;
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/dir3/file');
expect(result, HttpStatus.ok);
testVirtualDir('root-link', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.followLinks = true;
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/dir3/file');
expect(result, HttpStatus.ok);
group('bad-links', () {
testVirtualDir('absolute-link', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.followLinks = true;
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/file2');
expect(result, HttpStatus.notFound);
testVirtualDir('relative-parent-link', (dir) async {
var dir2 = Directory('${dir.path}/dir')..createSync();
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir2.path);
virDir.followLinks = true;
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/dir3/file');
expect(result, HttpStatus.notFound);
group('not-follow-links', () {
testVirtualDir('dir-link', (dir) async {
var dir2 = Directory('${dir.path}/dir2')..createSync();
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.followLinks = false;
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/dir3/file');
expect(result, HttpStatus.notFound);
group('follow-links', () {
group('no-root-jail', () {
testVirtualDir('absolute-link', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.followLinks = true;
virDir.jailRoot = false;
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/file2');
expect(result, HttpStatus.ok);
testVirtualDir('relative-parent-link', (dir) async {
var dir2 = Directory('${dir.path}/dir')..createSync();
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir2.path);
virDir.followLinks = true;
virDir.jailRoot = false;
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/file');
expect(result, HttpStatus.ok);
group('last-modified', () {
group('file', () {
testVirtualDir('file-exists', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
var headers = await fetchHEaders(virDir, '/file');
expect(headers.value(HttpHeaders.lastModifiedHeader), isNotNull);
var lastModified =
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/file',
ifModifiedSince: lastModified);
expect(result, HttpStatus.notModified);
testVirtualDir('file-changes', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
var headers = await fetchHEaders(virDir, '/file');
expect(headers.value(HttpHeaders.lastModifiedHeader), isNotNull);
var lastModified =
// Fake file changed by moving date back in time.
lastModified = lastModified.subtract(const Duration(seconds: 10));
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/file',
ifModifiedSince: lastModified);
expect(result, HttpStatus.ok);
group('content-type', () {
group('mime-type', () {
testVirtualDir('from-path', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
var headers = await fetchHEaders(virDir, '/file.jpg');
var contentType = headers.contentType.toString();
expect(contentType, 'image/jpeg');
testVirtualDir('from-magic-number', (dir) async {
var file = File('${dir.path}/file.jpg')..createSync();
file.writeAsBytesSync([0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A]);
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
var headers = await fetchHEaders(virDir, '/file.jpg');
var contentType = headers.contentType.toString();
expect(contentType, 'image/png');
group('range', () {
var fileContent = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
late VirtualDirectory virDir;
void prepare(Directory dir) {
virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
testVirtualDir('range', (dir) async {
Future<void> check(int from, int to,
[List<int>? expected, String? contentRange]) async {
expected ??= fileContent.sublist(from, to + 1);
contentRange ??= 'bytes $from-$to/${fileContent.length}';
var result =
await fetchContentAndResponse(virDir, '/file', from: from, to: to);
var content = result[0];
var response = result[1];
expect(content, expected);
response.headers[HttpHeaders.contentRangeHeader][0], contentRange);
expect(expected.length, response.headers.contentLength);
expect(response.statusCode, HttpStatus.partialContent);
await check(0, 0);
await check(0, 1);
await check(1, 2);
await check(1, 9);
await check(0, 9);
await check(8, 9);
await check(9, 9);
await check(0, 10, fileContent, 'bytes 0-9/10');
await check(9, 10, [9], 'bytes 9-9/10');
await check(0, 1000, fileContent, 'bytes 0-9/10');
testVirtualDir('prefix-range', (dir) async {
Future<void> check(int from,
[List<int>? expected,
String? contentRange,
bool expectContentRange = true,
int expectedStatusCode = HttpStatus.partialContent]) async {
expected ??= fileContent.sublist(from, fileContent.length);
if (contentRange == null && expectContentRange) {
contentRange = 'bytes $from-'
'${fileContent.length - 1}/'
var result = await fetchContentAndResponse(virDir, '/file', from: from);
var content = result[0];
var response = result[1];
expect(content, expected);
if (expectContentRange) {
} else {
expect(response.headers[HttpHeaders.contentRangeHeader], null);
expect(response.statusCode, expectedStatusCode);
await check(0);
await check(1);
await check(9);
await check(10, fileContent, null, false, HttpStatus.ok);
await check(11, fileContent, null, false, HttpStatus.ok);
await check(1000, fileContent, null, false, HttpStatus.ok);
testVirtualDir('suffix-range', (dir) async {
Future<void> check(int to,
[List<int>? expected, String? contentRange]) async {
expected ??=
fileContent.sublist(fileContent.length - to, fileContent.length);
contentRange ??= 'bytes ${fileContent.length - to}-'
'${fileContent.length - 1}/'
var result = await fetchContentAndResponse(virDir, '/file', to: to);
var content = result[0];
var response = result[1];
expect(content, expected);
response.headers[HttpHeaders.contentRangeHeader][0], contentRange);
expect(response.statusCode, HttpStatus.partialContent);
await check(1);
await check(2);
await check(9);
await check(10);
await check(11, fileContent, 'bytes 0-9/10');
await check(1000, fileContent, 'bytes 0-9/10');
testVirtualDir('unsatisfiable-range', (dir) async {
Future<void> check(int from, int to) async {
var result =
await fetchContentAndResponse(virDir, '/file', from: from, to: to);
var content = result[0];
var response = result[1];
expect(content.length, 0);
expect(response.headers[HttpHeaders.contentRangeHeader], isNull);
expect(response.statusCode, HttpStatus.requestedRangeNotSatisfiable);
await check(10, 11);
await check(10, 1000);
await check(1000, 1000);
testVirtualDir('invalid-range', (dir) async {
Future<void> check(int? from, int to) async {
var result =
await fetchContentAndResponse(virDir, '/file', from: from, to: to);
var content = result[0];
var response = result[1];
expect(content, fileContent);
expect(response.headers[HttpHeaders.contentRangeHeader], isNull);
expect(response.statusCode, HttpStatus.ok);
await check(1, 0);
await check(10, 0);
await check(1000, 999);
await check(null, 0); // This is effectively range 10-9.
group('error-page', () {
testVirtualDir('default', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(pathos.join(dir.path, 'foo'));
var result = await fetchAsString(virDir, '/');
expect(result, matches(RegExp('404.*Not Found')));
testVirtualDir('custom', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(pathos.join(dir.path, 'foo'));
virDir.errorPageHandler = (request) {
request.response.write('my-page ');
var result = await fetchAsString(virDir, '/');
expect(result, 'my-page 404');
group('escape-root', () {
testVirtualDir('escape1', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/../');
expect(result, HttpStatus.notFound);
testVirtualDir('escape2', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/dir/../../');
expect(result, HttpStatus.notFound);
skip: 'Broken. Likely due to dart:core Uri changes.'
group('url-decode', () {
testVirtualDir('with-space', (dir) async {
File('${dir.path}/my file').createSync();
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/my file');
expect(result, HttpStatus.ok);
testVirtualDir('encoded-space', (dir) async {
File('${dir.path}/my file').createSync();
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/my%20file');
expect(result, HttpStatus.notFound);
testVirtualDir('encoded-path-separator', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
var result =
await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/a%2fb/c', rawPath: true);
expect(result, HttpStatus.notFound);
testVirtualDir('encoded-null', (dir) async {
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
var result = await statusCodeForVirtDir(virDir, '/%00', rawPath: true);
expect(result, HttpStatus.notFound);
group('broken', () {
_testEncoding('..', HttpStatus.notFound, false);
skip: 'Broken. Likely due to dart:core Uri changes.'
_testEncoding('%2e%2e', HttpStatus.ok);
_testEncoding('%252e%252e', HttpStatus.ok);
_testEncoding('/', HttpStatus.ok, false);
_testEncoding('%2f', HttpStatus.notFound, false);
_testEncoding('%2f', HttpStatus.ok, true);
group('serve-file', () {
testVirtualDir('from-dir-handler', (dir) async {
File('${dir.path}/file').writeAsStringSync('file contents');
var virDir = VirtualDirectory(dir.path);
virDir.allowDirectoryListing = true;
virDir.directoryHandler = (d, request) {
expect(FileSystemEntity.identicalSync(dir.path, d.path), isTrue);
return virDir.serveFile(File('${d.path}/file'), request);
var result = await fetchAsString(virDir, '/');
expect(result, 'file contents');
var headers = await fetchHEaders(virDir, '/');
expect('file contents'.length, headers.contentLength);