226 lines
6.9 KiB
226 lines
6.9 KiB
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:platform_container/mirrors.dart';
import 'package:platform_foundation/core.dart';
import 'package:platform_foundation/http.dart';
import 'package:platform_testing/http.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
final Uri $foo = Uri.parse('http://localhost:3000/foo');
/// Additional tests to improve coverage of server.dart
void main() {
group('scoping', () {
var parent = Application(reflector: MirrorsReflector())
..configuration['two'] = 2;
var child = Application(reflector: MirrorsReflector());
parent.mount('/child', child);
test('sets children', () {
expect(parent.children, contains(child));
test('sets parent', () {
expect(child.parent, parent);
test('properties can climb up hierarchy', () {
expect(child.findProperty('two'), 2);
test('custom server generator', () {
var app = Application(reflector: MirrorsReflector());
var http = PlatformHttp.custom(app, HttpServer.bind);
expect(http.serverGenerator, HttpServer.bind);
test('default error handler', () async {
var app = Application(reflector: MirrorsReflector());
var http = PlatformHttp(app);
var rq = MockHttpRequest('GET', $foo);
await (rq.close());
var rs = rq.response;
var req = await http.createRequestContext(rq, rs);
var res = await http.createResponseContext(rq, rs);
var e = PlatformHttpException(
statusCode: 321, message: 'Hello', errors: ['foo', 'bar']);
await app.errorHandler(e, req, res);
await http.sendResponse(rq, rs, req, res);
expect(rs.statusCode, e.statusCode);
var body = await rs.transform(utf8.decoder).join();
expect(body, contains('<title>${e.message}</title>'));
expect(body, contains('<li>foo</li>'));
expect(body, contains('<li>bar</li>'));
test('plug-ins run on startup', () async {
var app = Application(reflector: MirrorsReflector());
app.startupHooks.add((app) => app.configuration['two'] = 2);
var http = PlatformHttp(app);
await http.startServer();
expect(app.configuration['two'], 2);
await app.close();
await http.close();
test('warning when adding routes to flattened router', () {
var app = Application(reflector: MirrorsReflector())
..optimizeForProduction(force: true);
app.get('/', (req, res) => 2);
app.mount('/foo', Router()..get('/', (req, res) => 3));
test('services close on close call', () async {
var app = Application(reflector: MirrorsReflector());
var svc = CustomCloseService();
expect(svc.value, 2);
app.use('/', svc);
await app.close();
expect(svc.value, 3);
test('global injection added to injection map', () async {
var app = Application(reflector: MirrorsReflector())
..configuration['a'] = 'b';
var http = PlatformHttp(app);
app.get('/', ioc((String a) => a));
var rq = MockHttpRequest('GET', Uri.parse('/'));
await (rq.close());
await http.handleRequest(rq);
var body = await rq.response.transform(utf8.decoder).join();
expect(body, json.encode('b'));
test('global injected serializer', () async {
var app = Application(reflector: MirrorsReflector())
..serializer = (_) => 'x';
var http = PlatformHttp(app);
app.get($foo.path, (req, ResponseContext res) => res.serialize(null));
var rq = MockHttpRequest('GET', $foo);
await (rq.close());
await http.handleRequest(rq);
var body = await rq.response.transform(utf8.decoder).join();
expect(body, 'x');
group('handler results', () {
var app = Application(reflector: MirrorsReflector());
var http = PlatformHttp(app);
.add((req, res) => throw PlatformHttpException.forbidden());
late RequestContext req;
late ResponseContext res;
setUp(() async {
var rq = MockHttpRequest('GET', $foo);
await (rq.close());
req = await http.createRequestContext(rq, rq.response);
res = await http.createResponseContext(rq, rq.response);
group('getHandlerResult', () {
test('return request handler', () async {
handler(req, res) => (req, res) async {
return 2;
var r = await app.getHandlerResult(handler, req, res);
expect(r, 2);
test('return future', () async {
var handler = Future.value(2);
expect(await app.getHandlerResult(handler, req, res), 2);
group('executeHandler', () {
test('return Stream', () async {
handler(req, res) => Stream.fromIterable([2, 3]);
expect(await app.executeHandler(handler, req, res), isFalse);
test('end response', () async {
handler(req, ResponseContext res) => res.close();
expect(await app.executeHandler(handler, req, res), isFalse);
group('handleHttpException', () {
late Application app;
late PlatformHttp http;
setUp(() async {
app = Application(reflector: MirrorsReflector());
app.get('/wtf', (req, res) => throw PlatformHttpException.forbidden());
app.get('/wtf2', (req, res) => throw PlatformHttpException.forbidden());
http = PlatformHttp(app);
await http.startServer('', 0);
var oldHandler = app.errorHandler;
app.errorHandler = (e, req, res) {
print('FATAL: ${e.error ?? e}');
return oldHandler(e, req, res);
tearDown(() => app.close());
test('can send json', () async {
var rq = MockHttpRequest('GET', Uri(path: 'wtf'))
..headers.set('accept', 'application/json');
await rq.close();
await rq.response.toList();
expect(rq.response.statusCode, 403);
expect(rq.response.headers.contentType!.mimeType, 'application/json');
test('can throw in finalizer', () async {
var rq = MockHttpRequest('GET', Uri(path: 'wtf'))
..headers.set('accept', 'application/json');
await rq.close();
await rq.response.toList();
expect(rq.response.statusCode, 403);
expect(rq.response.headers.contentType!.mimeType, 'application/json');
test('can send html', () async {
var rq = MockHttpRequest('GET', Uri(path: 'wtf2'));
//rq.headers.set('accept', 'text/html');
await rq.close();
await rq.response.toList();
expect(rq.response.statusCode, 403);
expect(rq.response.headers.contentType?.mimeType, 'text/html');
class CustomCloseService extends Service {
int value = 2;
void close() {
value = 3;
class FooController extends Controller {
Future<String> bar() async => 'baz';