
124 lines
3.9 KiB

import 'dart:math';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:platform_support/platform_support.dart';
class TestRandom implements Random {
final List<int> values;
int index = 0;
bool nextBool() => throw UnimplementedError();
double nextDouble() => throw UnimplementedError();
int nextInt(int max) => values[index++ % values.length];
void main() {
group('Lottery', () {
test('creates instance with valid parameters', () {
expect(() => Lottery(10, 5), returnsNormally);
expect(() => Lottery(10, 0), returnsNormally);
expect(() => Lottery(10, 10), returnsNormally);
test('throws assertion error for invalid parameters', () {
expect(() => Lottery(0, 0), throwsA(isA<AssertionError>()));
expect(() => Lottery(-1, 0), throwsA(isA<AssertionError>()));
expect(() => Lottery(5, 6), throwsA(isA<AssertionError>()));
expect(() => Lottery(5, -1), throwsA(isA<AssertionError>()));
test('creates instance with odds', () {
final lottery = Lottery.odds(1, 2);
expect(, equals(2));
expect(, equals(1));
test('creates instance with percentage', () {
final lottery = Lottery.percentage(50);
expect(, equals(100));
expect(, equals(50));
test('throws assertion error for invalid percentage', () {
expect(() => Lottery.percentage(-1), throwsA(isA<AssertionError>()));
expect(() => Lottery.percentage(101), throwsA(isA<AssertionError>()));
test('always wins with full winners', () {
final lottery = Lottery(5, 5);
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
expect(lottery.choose(), isTrue);
test('never wins with zero winners', () {
final lottery = Lottery(5, 0);
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
expect(lottery.choose(), isFalse);
test('wins based on random value', () {
final random = TestRandom([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);
final lottery = Lottery(5, 3, random);
// Should win for values 0, 1, 2 (less than winners)
// Should lose for values 3, 4 (greater than or equal to winners)
expect(lottery.choose(), isTrue); // 0
expect(lottery.choose(), isTrue); // 1
expect(lottery.choose(), isTrue); // 2
expect(lottery.choose(), isFalse); // 3
expect(lottery.choose(), isFalse); // 4
test('runs async callback when winning', () async {
final random = TestRandom([0]); // Will win
final lottery = Lottery(2, 1, random);
final result = await async => 'winner');
expect(result, equals('winner'));
test('skips async callback when losing', () async {
final random = TestRandom([1]); // Will lose
final lottery = Lottery(2, 1, random);
final result = await async => 'winner');
expect(result, isNull);
test('runs sync callback when winning', () {
final random = TestRandom([0]); // Will win
final lottery = Lottery(2, 1, random);
final result = lottery.sync(() => 'winner');
expect(result, equals('winner'));
test('skips sync callback when losing', () {
final random = TestRandom([1]); // Will lose
final lottery = Lottery(2, 1, random);
final result = lottery.sync(() => 'winner');
expect(result, isNull);
test('calculates probability correctly', () {
expect(Lottery(100, 50).probability, equals(50.0));
expect(Lottery(100, 25).probability, equals(25.0));
expect(Lottery(100, 75).probability, equals(75.0));
test('formats odds correctly', () {
expect(Lottery(100, 50).odds, equals('50:100'));
expect(Lottery(100, 25).odds, equals('25:100'));
expect(Lottery(100, 75).odds, equals('75:100'));