
134 lines
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import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../reflection/reflector_contract.dart';
/// Core container contract defining dependency injection functionality.
/// This contract defines the interface that all dependency injection containers
/// must implement. It provides methods for registering and resolving dependencies,
/// creating child containers, and managing named instances.
abstract class ContainerContract {
/// Gets the reflector instance used by this container.
ReflectorContract get reflector;
/// Whether this is a root container (has no parent).
bool get isRoot;
/// Creates a child container that inherits from this container.
/// The child container can access all dependencies registered in its parent containers,
/// but can also define its own dependencies that override or extend the parent's.
/// This enables scoped dependency injection contexts.
ContainerContract createChild();
/// Checks if a type is registered in this container or its parents.
/// Parameters:
/// - [T]: The type to check for. If [T] is dynamic, [t] must be provided.
/// - [t]: Optional type parameter that overrides [T] if provided.
/// Returns true if the type is registered, false otherwise.
bool has<T>([Type? t]);
/// Checks if a named instance exists in this container or its parents.
/// Parameters:
/// - [name]: The name to check for.
/// Returns true if a named instance exists, false otherwise.
bool hasNamed(String name);
/// Makes an instance of type [T].
/// This will:
/// 1. Return a singleton if registered
/// 2. Create an instance via factory if registered
/// 3. Use reflection to create a new instance
/// Parameters:
/// - [type]: Optional type parameter that overrides [T] if provided.
/// Throws:
/// - ReflectionException if [T] is not a class or has no default constructor
T make<T>([Type? type]);
/// Makes an instance of type [T] asynchronously.
/// This will attempt to resolve a Future<T> in the following order:
/// 1. Wrap a synchronous [T] in Future
/// 2. Return a registered Future<T>
/// 3. Create a Future<T> via reflection
/// Parameters:
/// - [type]: Optional type parameter that overrides [T] if provided.
/// Throws:
/// - ReflectionException if no suitable injection is found
Future<T> makeAsync<T>([Type? type]);
/// Registers a singleton instance.
/// The instance will be shared across the container hierarchy.
/// Parameters:
/// - [object]: The singleton instance to register.
/// - [as]: Optional type to register the singleton as.
/// Returns the registered instance.
/// Throws:
/// - StateError if a singleton is already registered for the type
T registerSingleton<T>(T object, {Type? as});
/// Registers a factory function.
/// The factory will be called each time an instance is needed.
/// Parameters:
/// - [factory]: Function that creates instances.
/// - [as]: Optional type to register the factory as.
/// Returns the factory function.
/// Throws:
/// - StateError if a factory is already registered for the type
T Function(ContainerContract) registerFactory<T>(
T Function(ContainerContract) factory,
{Type? as});
/// Registers a lazy singleton.
/// The singleton will be created on first use.
/// Parameters:
/// - [factory]: Function that creates the singleton.
/// - [as]: Optional type to register the singleton as.
/// Returns the factory function.
T Function(ContainerContract) registerLazySingleton<T>(
T Function(ContainerContract) factory,
{Type? as});
/// Gets a named singleton.
/// Parameters:
/// - [name]: The name of the singleton to retrieve.
/// Returns the named singleton instance.
/// Throws:
/// - StateError if no singleton exists with the given name
T findByName<T>(String name);
/// Registers a named singleton.
/// Parameters:
/// - [name]: The name to register the singleton under.
/// - [object]: The singleton instance.
/// Returns the registered instance.
/// Throws:
/// - StateError if a singleton already exists with the given name
T registerNamedSingleton<T>(String name, T object);