2024-09-02 10:44:11 -07:00

135 lines
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name: MorphOneOrMany
class_comment: null
- name: Builder
type: class
source: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
- name: Model
type: class
source: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
- name: morphType
visibility: protected
comment: '# * @template TRelatedModel of \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
# * @template TDeclaringModel of \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
# * @template TResult
# *
# * @extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasOneOrMany<TRelatedModel,
TDeclaringModel, TResult>
# */
# abstract class MorphOneOrMany extends HasOneOrMany
# {
# /**
# * The foreign key type for the relationship.
# *
# * @var string'
- name: morphClass
visibility: protected
comment: '# * The class name of the parent model.
# *
# * @var string'
- name: __construct
visibility: public
- name: query
- name: parent
- name: type
- name: id
- name: localKey
comment: "# * @template TRelatedModel of \\Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\n\
# * @template TDeclaringModel of \\Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model\n# *\
\ @template TResult\n# *\n# * @extends \\Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Relations\\\
HasOneOrMany<TRelatedModel, TDeclaringModel, TResult>\n# */\n# abstract class\
\ MorphOneOrMany extends HasOneOrMany\n# {\n# /**\n# * The foreign key type for\
\ the relationship.\n# *\n# * @var string\n# */\n# protected $morphType;\n# \n\
# /**\n# * The class name of the parent model.\n# *\n# * @var string\n# */\n#\
\ protected $morphClass;\n# \n# /**\n# * Create a new morph one or many relationship\
\ instance.\n# *\n# * @param \\Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Builder<TRelatedModel>\
\ $query\n# * @param TDeclaringModel $parent\n# * @param string $type\n#\
\ * @param string $id\n# * @param string $localKey\n# * @return void"
- name: addConstraints
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: '# * Set the base constraints on the relation query.
# *
# * @return void'
- name: addEagerConstraints
visibility: public
- name: models
comment: '# @inheritDoc'
- name: forceCreate
visibility: public
- name: attributes
default: '[]'
comment: '# * Create a new instance of the related model. Allow mass-assignment.
# *
# * @param array $attributes
# * @return TRelatedModel'
- name: setForeignAttributesForCreate
visibility: protected
- name: model
comment: '# * Set the foreign ID and type for creating a related model.
# *
# * @param TRelatedModel $model
# * @return void'
- name: getRelationExistenceQuery
visibility: public
- name: query
- name: parentQuery
- name: columns
default: '[''*'']'
comment: '# @inheritDoc'
- name: getQualifiedMorphType
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: '# * Get the foreign key "type" name.
# *
# * @return string'
- name: getMorphType
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: '# * Get the plain morph type name without the table.
# *
# * @return string'
- name: getMorphClass
visibility: public
parameters: []
comment: '# * Get the class name of the parent model.
# *
# * @return string'
- Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
- Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
interfaces: []