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Platform Reflection Technical Specification
System Architecture
Core Components
Component Responsibilities
1. Reflector
- Static class for central registration and metadata management
- Type registration validation
- Metadata storage for properties, methods, and constructors
class Reflector {
static void register(Type type);
static void registerProperty(Type type, String name, Type propertyType, {bool isWritable = true});
static void registerMethod(Type type, String name, List<Type> parameterTypes, bool returnsVoid);
static void registerConstructor(Type type, String name, {List<Type>? parameterTypes, List<String>? parameterNames, List<bool>? isRequired, List<bool>? isNamed, Function? creator});
static bool isReflectable(Type type);
static Map<String, PropertyMetadata>? getPropertyMetadata(Type type);
static Map<String, MethodMetadata>? getMethodMetadata(Type type);
static List<ConstructorMetadata>? getConstructorMetadata(Type type);
2. RuntimeReflector
- Singleton class for runtime reflection operations
- Instance creation and manipulation
- Type and class reflection
- Library reflection
class RuntimeReflector {
static final RuntimeReflector instance = RuntimeReflector._();
InstanceMirror reflect(Object object);
ClassMirror reflectClass(Type type);
TypeMirror reflectType(Type type);
LibraryMirror reflectLibrary(Uri uri);
InstanceMirror createInstance(Type type, {List<dynamic>? positionalArgs, Map<Symbol, dynamic>? namedArgs, String? constructorName});
3. MirrorSystem
- Manages the overall reflection system
- Provides access to libraries and types
- Handles special types (dynamic, void, never)
class MirrorSystem implements MirrorSystemContract {
static MirrorSystem get instance;
static MirrorSystem current();
Map<Uri, LibraryMirrorContract> get libraries;
LibraryMirrorContract findLibrary(Symbol libraryName);
ClassMirrorContract reflectClass(Type type);
TypeMirrorContract reflectType(Type type);
IsolateMirrorContract get isolate;
Metadata System
Type Metadata
class TypeMetadata {
final Type type;
final String name;
final Map<String, PropertyMetadata> properties;
final Map<String, MethodMetadata> methods;
final List<ConstructorMetadata> constructors;
final TypeMetadata? supertype;
final List<TypeMetadata> interfaces;
Method Metadata
class MethodMetadata {
final String name;
final List<Type> parameterTypes;
final List<ParameterMetadata> parameters;
final bool returnsVoid;
final Type returnType;
final bool isStatic;
Property Metadata
class PropertyMetadata {
final String name;
final Type type;
final bool isReadable;
final bool isWritable;
Implementation Details
Registration Process
- Type Registration
static void register(Type type) {
_propertyMetadata.putIfAbsent(type, () => {});
_methodMetadata.putIfAbsent(type, () => {});
_constructorMetadata.putIfAbsent(type, () => []);
_instanceCreators.putIfAbsent(type, () => {});
- Property Registration
static void registerProperty(
Type type,
String name,
Type propertyType, {
bool isReadable = true,
bool isWritable = true,
}) {
name: name,
type: propertyType,
isReadable: isReadable,
isWritable: isWritable,
- Method Registration
static void registerMethod(
Type type,
String name,
List<Type> parameterTypes,
bool returnsVoid, {
Type? returnType,
List<String>? parameterNames,
List<bool>? isRequired,
List<bool>? isNamed,
bool isStatic = false,
}) {
// Implementation details...
Instance Creation
InstanceMirror createInstance(
Type type, {
List<dynamic>? positionalArgs,
Map<Symbol, dynamic>? namedArgs,
String? constructorName,
}) {
// Implementation details...
Method Invocation
InstanceMirror invoke(Symbol methodName, List<dynamic> positionalArguments, [Map<Symbol, dynamic>? namedArguments]) {
// Implementation details...
Performance Optimizations
- Metadata caching on registration for fast lookup
- Use of HashMap for O(1) average case lookups
- Lazy initialization of certain components (e.g., special types in MirrorSystem)
- Reuse of mirrors for repeated operations on the same object
Error Handling
class ReflectionException implements Exception {
final String message;
String toString() => 'ReflectionException: $message';
class NotReflectableException extends ReflectionException {
NotReflectableException(Type type) : super('Type is not reflectable: $type');
class InvalidArgumentsException extends ReflectionException {
InvalidArgumentsException(String message, Type type) : super(message);
Platform Considerations
- Full support for VM, Web, Flutter, and AOT compilation
- No use of dart:mirrors, ensuring cross-platform compatibility
- Explicit registration allows for better tree-shaking and smaller code size
Limitations and Constraints
- Explicit registration required for all reflectable types and members
- Limited support for complex generic types
- No reflection on private members
- No dynamic loading of code or types at runtime
Future Considerations
- Enhanced generic type support, including variance and type parameter bounds
- Improved metadata capabilities, including custom metadata providers
- Dynamic proxy generation for more advanced use cases
- Potential for code generation tools to automate registration process
Security Considerations
- No access to private members, maintaining encapsulation
- Controlled reflection surface through explicit registration
- Runtime type checking and validation during reflection operations
Testing Strategy
- Comprehensive unit tests for all core components (Reflector, RuntimeReflector, MirrorSystem)
- Integration tests simulating real-world usage scenarios
- Performance benchmarks comparing against direct method calls and dart:mirrors (where applicable)
- Cross-platform tests ensuring consistent behavior across VM, Web, and Flutter
- Stress tests with large numbers of registered types and reflection operations
This technical specification provides a detailed overview of the Platform Reflection library's architecture, implementation details, and key considerations. For API documentation and usage examples, please refer to the README and Quick Start Guide.