79 lines
1.8 KiB
79 lines
1.8 KiB
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:platform_driver_rethinkdb/platform_driver_rethinkdb.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
String? testDbName;
main() {
setUp(() async {
final r = RethinkDb();
final conn = await r.connect();
if (testDbName == null) {
String useDb = await r.uuid().run(conn);
testDbName = 'parralel_test_db${useDb.replaceAll("-", "")}';
await r.dbCreate(testDbName!).run(conn);
tearDown(() async {
final r = RethinkDb();
final conn = await r.connect();
await r.dbDrop(testDbName!).run(conn);
test('ParallelExecution', () async {
bool isParallel = await pEx();
expect(isParallel, equals(true));
}, timeout: Timeout.factor(4));
Future<bool> pEx() {
final r = RethinkDb();
return r
.connect(db: testDbName!, port: 28015)
.then((connection) => _queryWhileWriting(connection, r));
Future<bool> _queryWhileWriting(conn, r) async {
//variable that will be set by our faster query
int? total;
final testCompleter = Completer<bool>();
//set up some test tables
try {
await r.tableCreate("emptyTable").run(conn);
await r.tableCreate("bigTable").run(conn);
} catch (err) {
//table exists
//create a big array to write
var bigJson = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
bigJson.add({'id': i, 'name': 'a$i'});
r.table("bigTable").insert(bigJson).run(conn).then((d) {
//remove test tables after test complete
return r.tableDrop("bigTable").run(conn);
}).then((_) {
return r.tableDrop("emptyTable").run(conn);
}).then((_) {
return testCompleter.complete(total != null);
//run another query while the insert is running
r.table("emptyTable").count().run(conn).then((t) {
total = t;
return testCompleter.future;