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// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Utilities for working with `HttpServer`.
/// ## Example
/// Serving all files from the current directory.
/// ```dart
/// import 'dart:io';
/// import 'package:http_server/http_server.dart';
/// Future<void> serveCurrentDirectory() async {
/// var staticFiles = VirtualDirectory('.')..allowDirectoryListing = true;
/// var server = await HttpServer.bind('', 7777);
/// print('Server running');
/// server.listen(staticFiles.serveRequest);
/// }
/// ```
/// ## Virtual directory
/// The [VirtualDirectory] class makes it easy to serve static content
/// from the file system. It supports:
/// * Range-based requests.
/// * If-Modified-Since based caching.
/// * Automatic GZip-compression of content.
/// * Following symlinks, either throughout the system or inside
/// a jailed root.
/// * Directory listing.
/// See [VirtualDirectory] for more information.
/// ## Virtual host
/// The [VirtualHost] class helps to serve multiple hosts on the same
/// address, by using the `Host` field of the incoming requests. It also
/// works with wildcards for sub-domains.
/// ```dart
/// var virtualHost = new VirtualHost(server);
/// // Filter out on a specific host
/// var stream1 = virtualServer.addHost('');
/// // Wildcard for any other sub-domains.
/// var stream2 = virtualServer.addHost('*');
/// // Requests not matching any hosts.
/// var stream3 = virtualServer.unhandled;
/// ```
/// See [VirtualHost] for more information.
library http_server;
import 'src/virtual_directory.dart';
import 'src/virtual_host.dart';
export 'src/http_body.dart';
export 'src/http_multipart_form_data.dart';
export 'src/virtual_directory.dart';
export 'src/virtual_host.dart';