2024-09-02 10:44:11 -07:00

369 lines
12 KiB

name: View
class_comment: '# * @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View file(string $path,
\Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable|array $data = [], array $mergeData = [])
# * @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View make(string $view, \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable|array
$data = [], array $mergeData = [])
# * @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View first(array $views, \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable|array
$data = [], array $mergeData = [])
# * @method static string renderWhen(bool $condition, string $view, \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable|array
$data = [], array $mergeData = [])
# * @method static string renderUnless(bool $condition, string $view, \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable|array
$data = [], array $mergeData = [])
# * @method static string renderEach(string $view, array $data, string $iterator,
string $empty = ''raw|'')
# * @method static bool exists(string $view)
# * @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\View\Engine getEngineFromPath(string $path)
# * @method static mixed share(array|string $key, mixed|null $value = null)
# * @method static void incrementRender()
# * @method static void decrementRender()
# * @method static bool doneRendering()
# * @method static bool hasRenderedOnce(string $id)
# * @method static void markAsRenderedOnce(string $id)
# * @method static void addLocation(string $location)
# * @method static \Illuminate\View\Factory addNamespace(string $namespace, string|array
# * @method static \Illuminate\View\Factory prependNamespace(string $namespace,
string|array $hints)
# * @method static \Illuminate\View\Factory replaceNamespace(string $namespace,
string|array $hints)
# * @method static void addExtension(string $extension, string $engine, \Closure|null
$resolver = null)
# * @method static void flushState()
# * @method static void flushStateIfDoneRendering()
# * @method static array getExtensions()
# * @method static \Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver getEngineResolver()
# * @method static \Illuminate\View\ViewFinderInterface getFinder()
# * @method static void setFinder(\Illuminate\View\ViewFinderInterface $finder)
# * @method static void flushFinderCache()
# * @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher getDispatcher()
# * @method static void setDispatcher(\Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher $events)
# * @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container getContainer()
# * @method static void setContainer(\Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container $container)
# * @method static mixed shared(string $key, mixed $default = null)
# * @method static array getShared()
# * @method static void macro(string $name, object|callable $macro, object|callable
$macro = null)
# * @method static void mixin(object $mixin, bool $replace = true)
# * @method static bool hasMacro(string $name)
# * @method static void flushMacros()
# * @method static void startComponent(\Illuminate\Contracts\View\View|\Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Htmlable|\Closure|string
$view, array $data = [])
# * @method static void startComponentFirst(array $names, array $data = [])
# * @method static string renderComponent()
# * @method static mixed|null getConsumableComponentData(string $key, mixed $default
= null)
# * @method static void slot(string $name, string|null $content = null, array $attributes
= [])
# * @method static void endSlot()
# * @method static array creator(array|string $views, \Closure|string $callback)
# * @method static array composers(array $composers)
# * @method static array composer(array|string $views, \Closure|string $callback)
# * @method static void callComposer(\Illuminate\Contracts\View\View $view)
# * @method static void callCreator(\Illuminate\Contracts\View\View $view)
# * @method static void startFragment(string $fragment)
# * @method static string stopFragment()
# * @method static mixed getFragment(string $name, string|null $default = null)
# * @method static array getFragments()
# * @method static void flushFragments()
# * @method static void startSection(string $section, string|null $content = null)
# * @method static void inject(string $section, string $content)
# * @method static string yieldSection()
# * @method static string stopSection(bool $overwrite = false)
# * @method static string appendSection()
# * @method static string yieldContent(string $section, string $default = '''')
# * @method static string parentPlaceholder(string $section = '''')
# * @method static bool hasSection(string $name)
# * @method static bool sectionMissing(string $name)
# * @method static mixed getSection(string $name, string|null $default = null)
# * @method static array getSections()
# * @method static void flushSections()
# * @method static void addLoop(\Countable|array $data)
# * @method static void incrementLoopIndices()
# * @method static void popLoop()
# * @method static \stdClass|null getLastLoop()
# * @method static array getLoopStack()
# * @method static void startPush(string $section, string $content = '''')
# * @method static string stopPush()
# * @method static void startPrepend(string $section, string $content = '''')
# * @method static string stopPrepend()
# * @method static string yieldPushContent(string $section, string $default = '''')
# * @method static void flushStacks()
# * @method static void startTranslation(array $replacements = [])
# * @method static string renderTranslation()
# *
# * @see \Illuminate\View\Factory'
dependencies: []
properties: []
- name: getFacadeAccessor
visibility: protected
parameters: []
comment: '# * @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View file(string $path,
\Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable|array $data = [], array $mergeData = [])
# * @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View make(string $view, \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable|array
$data = [], array $mergeData = [])
# * @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View first(array $views, \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable|array
$data = [], array $mergeData = [])
# * @method static string renderWhen(bool $condition, string $view, \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable|array
$data = [], array $mergeData = [])
# * @method static string renderUnless(bool $condition, string $view, \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable|array
$data = [], array $mergeData = [])
# * @method static string renderEach(string $view, array $data, string $iterator,
string $empty = ''raw|'')
# * @method static bool exists(string $view)
# * @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\View\Engine getEngineFromPath(string
# * @method static mixed share(array|string $key, mixed|null $value = null)
# * @method static void incrementRender()
# * @method static void decrementRender()
# * @method static bool doneRendering()
# * @method static bool hasRenderedOnce(string $id)
# * @method static void markAsRenderedOnce(string $id)
# * @method static void addLocation(string $location)
# * @method static \Illuminate\View\Factory addNamespace(string $namespace, string|array
# * @method static \Illuminate\View\Factory prependNamespace(string $namespace,
string|array $hints)
# * @method static \Illuminate\View\Factory replaceNamespace(string $namespace,
string|array $hints)
# * @method static void addExtension(string $extension, string $engine, \Closure|null
$resolver = null)
# * @method static void flushState()
# * @method static void flushStateIfDoneRendering()
# * @method static array getExtensions()
# * @method static \Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver getEngineResolver()
# * @method static \Illuminate\View\ViewFinderInterface getFinder()
# * @method static void setFinder(\Illuminate\View\ViewFinderInterface $finder)
# * @method static void flushFinderCache()
# * @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher getDispatcher()
# * @method static void setDispatcher(\Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher
# * @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container getContainer()
# * @method static void setContainer(\Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container
# * @method static mixed shared(string $key, mixed $default = null)
# * @method static array getShared()
# * @method static void macro(string $name, object|callable $macro, object|callable
$macro = null)
# * @method static void mixin(object $mixin, bool $replace = true)
# * @method static bool hasMacro(string $name)
# * @method static void flushMacros()
# * @method static void startComponent(\Illuminate\Contracts\View\View|\Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Htmlable|\Closure|string
$view, array $data = [])
# * @method static void startComponentFirst(array $names, array $data = [])
# * @method static string renderComponent()
# * @method static mixed|null getConsumableComponentData(string $key, mixed $default
= null)
# * @method static void slot(string $name, string|null $content = null, array
$attributes = [])
# * @method static void endSlot()
# * @method static array creator(array|string $views, \Closure|string $callback)
# * @method static array composers(array $composers)
# * @method static array composer(array|string $views, \Closure|string $callback)
# * @method static void callComposer(\Illuminate\Contracts\View\View $view)
# * @method static void callCreator(\Illuminate\Contracts\View\View $view)
# * @method static void startFragment(string $fragment)
# * @method static string stopFragment()
# * @method static mixed getFragment(string $name, string|null $default = null)
# * @method static array getFragments()
# * @method static void flushFragments()
# * @method static void startSection(string $section, string|null $content = null)
# * @method static void inject(string $section, string $content)
# * @method static string yieldSection()
# * @method static string stopSection(bool $overwrite = false)
# * @method static string appendSection()
# * @method static string yieldContent(string $section, string $default = '''')
# * @method static string parentPlaceholder(string $section = '''')
# * @method static bool hasSection(string $name)
# * @method static bool sectionMissing(string $name)
# * @method static mixed getSection(string $name, string|null $default = null)
# * @method static array getSections()
# * @method static void flushSections()
# * @method static void addLoop(\Countable|array $data)
# * @method static void incrementLoopIndices()
# * @method static void popLoop()
# * @method static \stdClass|null getLastLoop()
# * @method static array getLoopStack()
# * @method static void startPush(string $section, string $content = '''')
# * @method static string stopPush()
# * @method static void startPrepend(string $section, string $content = '''')
# * @method static string stopPrepend()
# * @method static string yieldPushContent(string $section, string $default =
# * @method static void flushStacks()
# * @method static void startTranslation(array $replacements = [])
# * @method static string renderTranslation()
# *
# * @see \Illuminate\View\Factory
# */
# class View extends Facade
# {
# /**
# * Get the registered name of the component.
# *
# * @return string'
traits: []
interfaces: []