223 lines
6.8 KiB
223 lines
6.8 KiB
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:platform_container/mirrors.dart';
import 'package:platform_foundation/core.dart';
import 'package:platform_foundation/http.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:io/ansi.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'common.dart';
Future<String> testMiddlewareMetadata(
RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async {
return 'This should not be shown.';
class QueryService extends Service {
Future<Map?> read(id, [Map? params]) async => params;
void interceptor(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) {
bool interceptService(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) {
res.write('Service with ');
return true;
void main() {
late Application app;
late Application nested;
late Application todos;
late String url;
late http.Client client;
setUp(() async {
app = Application(reflector: MirrorsReflector());
nested = Application(reflector: MirrorsReflector());
todos = Application(reflector: MirrorsReflector());
for (var app in [app, nested, todos]) {
app.logger = Logger('routing_test')
..onRecord.listen((rec) {
if (rec.error != null) {
todos.get('/action/:action', (req, res) => res.json(req.params));
late Route ted;
ted = nested.post('/ted/:route', (RequestContext req, res) {
print('Params: ${req.params}');
print('Path: ${ted.path}, uri: ${req.path}');
print('matcher: ${ted.parser}');
return req.params;
app.mount('/nes', nested);
app.get('/meta', testMiddlewareMetadata);
app.get('/intercepted', (req, res) => 'This should not be shown',
middleware: [interceptor]);
app.get('/hello', (req, res) => 'world');
app.get('/name/:first/last/:last', (req, res) => req.params);
(RequestContext req, res) =>
req.parseBody().then((_) => req.bodyAsMap));
app.mount('/todos/:id', todos);
(RequestContext req, res) async => "Hello ${req.params['name']}")
.name = 'Named routes';
app.get('/named', (req, ResponseContext res) async {
await res.redirectTo('Named routes', {'name': 'tests'});
app.get('/log', (RequestContext req, res) async {
print('Query: ${req.queryParameters}');
return 'Logged';
app.get('/method', (req, res) => 'Only GET');
app.post('/method', (req, res) => 'Only POST');
app.use('/query', QueryService());
RequestHandler write(String message) {
return (req, res) {
return true;
app.chain([write('a')]).chain([write('b'), write('c')]).get(
'/chained', (req, res) => res.close());
app.fallback((req, res) => 'MJ');
//app.dumpTree(header: "DUMPING ROUTES:", showMatchers: true);
client = http.Client();
var server = await PlatformHttp(app).startServer('', 0);
url = 'http://${server.address.host}:${server.port}';
tearDown(() async {
await app.close();
test('Can match basic url', () async {
var response = await client.get(Uri.parse('$url/hello'));
expect(response.body, equals('"world"'));
test('Can match url with multiple parameters', () async {
var response = await client.get(Uri.parse('$url/name/HELLO/last/WORLD'));
print('Response: ${response.body}');
var json_ = json.decode(response.body);
expect(json_, const IsInstanceOf<Map>());
expect(json_['first'], equals('HELLO'));
expect(json_['last'], equals('WORLD'));
test('Chained routes', () async {
var response = await client.get(Uri.parse('$url/chained'));
expect(response.body, equals('abc'));
test('Can nest another Protevus instance', () async {
var response = await client.post(Uri.parse('$url/nes/ted/foo'));
var json_ = json.decode(response.body);
expect(json_['route'], equals('foo'));
test('Can parse parameters from a nested Protevus instance', () async {
var response = await client.get(Uri.parse('$url/todos/1337/action/test'));
var json_ = json.decode(response.body);
print('JSON: $json_');
expect(json_['id'], equals('1337'));
expect(json_['action'], equals('test'));
test('Can add and use named middleware', () async {
var response = await client.get(Uri.parse('$url/intercepted'));
expect(response.body, equals('Middleware'));
test('Middleware via metadata', () async {
// Metadata
var response = await client.get(Uri.parse('$url/meta'));
expect(response.body, equals('Middleware'));
test('Can serialize function result as JSON', () async {
Map headers = <String, String>{'Content-Type': 'application/json'};
var postData = json.encode({'it': 'works'});
var response = await client.post(Uri.parse('$url/lambda'),
headers: headers as Map<String, String>, body: postData);
print('Response: ${response.body}');
expect(json.decode(response.body)['it'], equals('works'));
test('Fallback routes', () async {
var response = await client.get(Uri.parse('$url/my_favorite_artist'));
expect(response.body, equals('"MJ"'));
/* TODO: Revisit this later
test('Can name routes', () {
Route foo = app.get('/framework/:id', null)..name = 'frm';
print('Foo: $foo');
String uri = foo.makeUri({'id': 'Protevus'});
expect(uri, equals('framework/Protevus'));
test('Redirect to named routes', () async {
var response = await client.get(Uri.parse('$url/named'));
expect(json.decode(response.body), equals('Hello tests'));
test('Match routes, even with query params', () async {
var response = await client
expect(json.decode(response.body), equals('Logged'));
response = await client.get(Uri.parse('$url/query/foo?bar=baz'));
expect(response.body, equals('Service with Middleware'));
test('only match route with matching method', () async {
var response = await client.get(Uri.parse('$url/method'));
expect(response.body, '"Only GET"');
response = await client.post(Uri.parse('$url/method'));
expect(response.body, '"Only POST"');
response = await client.patch(Uri.parse('$url/method'));
expect(response.body, '"MJ"');