
216 lines
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import 'package:platform_macroable/platform_macroable.dart';
import 'carbon.dart';
/// A factory for creating Carbon instances with customizable behavior.
/// Similar to Laravel's DateFactory, this provides a way to customize
/// how Carbon instances are created and manipulated.
class DateFactory {
/// The default class that will be used for all created dates.
static Type get defaultClassName => Carbon;
/// The type (class) of dates that should be created.
static Type? _dateClass;
/// This callable may be used to intercept date creation.
static Function? _callable;
/// The Carbon factory that should be used when creating dates.
static CarbonFactory? _factory;
/// Use the given handler when generating dates.
/// The handler can be:
/// - A Type (class) that extends or implements Carbon
/// - A Function that takes a Carbon and returns a Carbon
/// - A CarbonFactory instance
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// // Using a custom class
/// DateFactory.use(CustomCarbon);
/// // Using a callable
/// DateFactory.use((carbon) => carbon.addDays(1));
/// // Using a factory
/// DateFactory.use(CustomCarbonFactory());
/// ```
static void use(dynamic handler) {
if (handler is Function) {
} else if (handler is Type) {
} else if (handler is CarbonFactory) {
} else {
throw ArgumentError(
'Invalid date creation handler. Please provide a Type, Function, or CarbonFactory.',
/// Use the default date class when generating dates.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// DateFactory.useDefault();
/// ```
static void useDefault() {
_dateClass = null;
_callable = null;
_factory = null;
/// Execute the given callable on each date creation.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// DateFactory.useCallable((carbon) => carbon.addDays(1));
/// ```
static void useCallable(Function callable) {
_callable = callable;
_dateClass = null;
_factory = null;
/// Use the given date type (class) when generating dates.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// DateFactory.useClass(CustomCarbon);
/// ```
static void useClass(Type dateClass) {
_dateClass = dateClass;
_factory = null;
_callable = null;
/// Use the given Carbon factory when generating dates.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// DateFactory.useFactory(CustomCarbonFactory());
/// ```
static void useFactory(CarbonFactory factory) {
_factory = factory;
_dateClass = null;
_callable = null;
/// Creates a new Carbon instance.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// final date = DateFactory.create(2023, 1, 1);
/// ```
static Carbon create([
int year = 0,
int month = 1,
int day = 1,
int hour = 0,
int minute = 0,
int second = 0,
String? tz,
]) {
final carbon = Carbon(year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
return _processDate(carbon);
/// Creates a Carbon instance from a DateTime.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// final date = DateFactory.fromDateTime(;
/// ```
static Carbon fromDateTime(DateTime dateTime) {
final carbon = Carbon.fromDateTime(dateTime);
return _processDate(carbon);
/// Creates a Carbon instance for the current date and time.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// final now =;
/// ```
static Carbon now() {
final carbon =;
return _processDate(carbon);
/// Creates a Carbon instance from milliseconds since epoch.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// final date = DateFactory.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(1640995200000);
/// ```
static Carbon fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int milliseconds,
{bool isUtc = false}) {
final carbon =
Carbon.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(milliseconds, isUtc: isUtc);
return _processDate(carbon);
/// Creates a Carbon instance from microseconds since epoch.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// final date = DateFactory.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(1640995200000000);
/// ```
static Carbon fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(int microseconds,
{bool isUtc = false}) {
final carbon =
Carbon.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(microseconds, isUtc: isUtc);
return _processDate(carbon);
/// Creates a Carbon instance from an ISO 8601 string.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// final date = DateFactory.parse('2023-01-01T00:00:00Z');
/// ```
static Carbon parse(String input) {
final carbon = Carbon.parse(input);
return _processDate(carbon);
/// Creates a Carbon instance from a UUID's timestamp.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// final date = DateFactory.fromUuid('71513cb4-f071-11ed-a0cf-325096b39f47');
/// ```
static Carbon fromUuid(String uuid) {
final carbon = Carbon.fromUuid(uuid);
return _processDate(carbon);
/// Process a Carbon instance through the configured handler.
static Carbon _processDate(Carbon carbon) {
if (_callable != null) {
return _callable!(carbon);
if (_factory != null) {
return _factory!.createFromCarbon(carbon);
if (_dateClass != null && _dateClass != Carbon) {
throw UnimplementedError(
'Custom date classes not yet supported. Use a callable or factory instead.',
return carbon;
/// Interface for creating Carbon instances.
/// Implement this interface to provide custom Carbon creation logic.
abstract class CarbonFactory {
/// Creates a Carbon instance from another Carbon instance.
Carbon createFromCarbon(Carbon carbon);