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/// Base interface representing a generic exception in a container.
abstract class ContainerExceptionInterface implements Exception {
/// The error message.
String get message;
/// Interface representing an exception when a requested entry is not found.
abstract class NotFoundExceptionInterface
implements ContainerExceptionInterface {
/// The ID that was not found.
String get id;
/// A concrete implementation of ContainerExceptionInterface.
class ContainerException implements ContainerExceptionInterface {
final String message;
/// Creates a new container exception.
const ContainerException([this.message = '']);
String toString() =>
message.isEmpty ? 'ContainerException' : 'ContainerException: $message';
/// A concrete implementation of NotFoundExceptionInterface.
class NotFoundException implements NotFoundExceptionInterface {
final String message;
final String id;
/// Creates a new not found exception.
const NotFoundException(, [this.message = '']);
String toString() {
if (message.isEmpty) {
return 'NotFoundException: No entry was found for "$id" identifier';
return 'NotFoundException: $message';