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* This file is part of the Protevus Platform.
* (C) Protevus <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
import 'dart:async';
import 'exception.dart';
import 'reflector.dart';
import 'contextual_binding_builder.dart';
class Container {
/// The [Reflector] instance used by this container for reflection-based operations.
/// This reflector is used to instantiate objects and resolve dependencies
/// when no explicit factory or singleton is registered for a given type.
final Reflector reflector;
/// The container's bindings map
final Map<Type, dynamic> _singletons = {};
final Map<Type, dynamic Function(Container)> _factories = {};
final Map<String, dynamic> _namedSingletons = {};
/// The container's contextual bindings
final Map<Type, Map<Type, dynamic>> _contextual = {};
/// The container's method bindings
final Map<String, Function> _methodBindings = {};
/// The container's tags
final Map<String, List<Type>> _tags = {};
/// The container's scoped instances
final List<Type> _scopedInstances = [];
/// Resolution callbacks
final List<Function(Type, List, Container)> _beforeResolvingCallbacks = [];
final List<Function(dynamic, Container)> _resolvingCallbacks = [];
final List<Function(dynamic, Container)> _afterResolvingCallbacks = [];
/// The build stack for detecting circular dependencies
final List<Type> _buildStack = [];
/// The parent container
final Container? _parent;
/// Creates a new root [Container] instance with the given [Reflector].
/// This constructor initializes a new container without a parent, making it
/// a root container in the dependency injection hierarchy. The provided
/// [reflector] will be used for all reflection-based operations within this
/// container and its child containers.
/// Parameters:
/// - [reflector]: The [Reflector] instance to be used by this container
/// for reflection-based dependency resolution and object instantiation.
/// The [_parent] is set to null, indicating that this is a root container.
Container(this.reflector) : _parent = null;
/// Creates a child [Container] instance with the given parent container.
/// This constructor is used internally to create child containers in the
/// dependency injection hierarchy. It initializes a new container with a
/// reference to its parent container and uses the same [Reflector] instance
/// as the parent.
/// Parameters:
/// - [_parent]: The parent [Container] instance for this child container.
/// The [reflector] is initialized with the parent container's reflector,
/// ensuring consistency in reflection operations throughout the container
/// hierarchy.
Container._child(Container this._parent) : reflector = _parent.reflector;
/// Checks if this container is a root container.
/// Returns `true` if this container has no parent (i.e., it's a root container),
/// and `false` otherwise.
/// This property is useful for determining the position of a container in the
/// dependency injection hierarchy. Root containers are typically used as the
/// top-level containers in an application, while non-root containers are child
/// containers that may have more specific or localized dependencies.
bool get isRoot => _parent == null;
/// Creates a child [Container] that can define its own singletons and factories.
/// This method creates a new [Container] instance that is a child of the current container.
/// The child container inherits access to all dependencies registered in its parent containers,
/// but can also define its own singletons and factories that override or extend the parent's dependencies.
/// Child containers are useful for creating scoped dependency injection contexts, such as
/// for specific features, modules, or request-scoped dependencies in web applications.
/// The child container uses the same [Reflector] instance as its parent.
/// Returns:
/// A new [Container] instance that is a child of the current container.
/// Example:
/// ```dart
/// var parentContainer = Container(MyReflector());
/// var childContainer = parentContainer.createChild();
/// ```
Container createChild() {
return Container._child(this);
/// Determines if the container or any of its parent containers has an injection of the given type.
/// This method checks for both singleton and factory registrations of the specified type.
/// Parameters:
/// - [T]: The type to check for. If [T] is dynamic, the [t] parameter must be provided.
/// - [t]: An optional Type parameter. If provided, it overrides the type specified by [T].
/// Returns:
/// - `true` if an injection (singleton or factory) for the specified type is found in this
/// container or any of its parent containers.
/// - `false` if no injection is found for the specified type in the entire container hierarchy.
/// Note:
/// - If [T] is dynamic and [t] is null, the method returns `false` immediately.
/// - The method searches the current container first, then moves up the parent hierarchy
/// until an injection is found or the root container is reached.
bool has<T>([Type? t]) {
var t2 = T;
if (t != null) {
t2 = t;
} else if (T == dynamic && t == null) {
return false;
Container? search = this;
while (search != null) {
if (search._singletons.containsKey(t2)) {
return true;
} else if (search._factories.containsKey(t2)) {
return true;
} else {
search = search._parent;
return false;
/// Determines if the container or any of its parent containers has a named singleton with the given [name].
/// This method searches the current container and its parent hierarchy for a named singleton
/// registered with the specified [name].
/// Parameters:
/// - [name]: The name of the singleton to search for.
/// Returns:
/// - `true` if a named singleton with the specified [name] is found in this container
/// or any of its parent containers.
/// - `false` if no named singleton with the specified [name] is found in the entire
/// container hierarchy.
/// The method searches the current container first, then moves up the parent hierarchy
/// until a named singleton is found or the root container is reached.
bool hasNamed(String name) {
Container? search = this;
while (search != null) {
if (search._namedSingletons.containsKey(name)) {
return true;
} else {
search = search._parent;
return false;
/// Asynchronously instantiates an instance of [T].
/// This method attempts to resolve and return a [Future<T>] in the following order:
/// 1. If an injection of type [T] is registered, it wraps it in a [Future] and returns it.
/// 2. If an injection of type [Future<T>] is registered, it returns it directly.
/// 3. If [T] is [dynamic] and a [Future] of the specified type is registered, it returns that.
/// 4. If none of the above conditions are met, it throws a [ReflectionException].
/// Parameters:
/// - [type]: An optional [Type] parameter that can be used to specify the type
/// when [T] is [dynamic] or when a different type than [T] needs to be used.
/// Returns:
/// A [Future<T>] representing the asynchronously resolved instance.
/// Throws:
/// - [ReflectionException] if no suitable injection is found.
/// This method is useful when you need to resolve dependencies that may be
/// registered as either synchronous ([T]) or asynchronous ([Future<T>]) types.
Future<T> makeAsync<T>([Type? type]) {
var t2 = T;
if (type != null) {
t2 = type;
Type? futureType; //.Future<T>.value(null).runtimeType;
if (T == dynamic) {
try {
futureType = reflector.reflectFutureOf(t2).reflectedType;
} on UnsupportedError {
// Ignore this.
if (has<T>(t2)) {
return Future<T>.value(make(t2));
} else if (has<Future<T>>()) {
return make<Future<T>>();
} else if (futureType != null) {
return make(futureType);
} else {
throw ReflectionException(
'No injection for Future<$t2> or $t2 was found.');
/// Instantiates an instance of [T].
/// This method attempts to resolve and return an instance of type [T] in the following order:
/// 1. If a singleton of type [T] is registered in this container or any parent container, it returns that instance.
/// 2. If a factory for type [T] is registered in this container or any parent container, it calls the factory and returns the result.
/// 3. If no singleton or factory is found, it uses reflection to instantiate a new instance of [T].
/// For reflection-based instantiation:
/// - It looks for a default constructor or a constructor with an empty name.
/// - It recursively resolves and injects dependencies for the constructor parameters.
/// - It supports both positional and named parameters.
/// Parameters:
/// - [type]: An optional [Type] parameter that can be used to specify the type
/// when [T] is [dynamic] or when a different type than [T] needs to be used.
/// Returns:
/// An instance of type [T].
/// Throws:
/// - [ReflectionException] if [T] is not a class or if it has no default constructor.
/// - Any exception that might occur during the instantiation process.
/// This method is central to the dependency injection mechanism, allowing for
/// flexible object creation and dependency resolution within the container hierarchy.
T make<T>([Type? type]) {
Type t2 = T;
if (type != null) {
t2 = type;
// Check for circular dependencies
try {
// Fire before resolving callbacks
_fireBeforeResolvingCallbacks(t2, []);
// Check for contextual binding
var contextualConcrete = _getContextualConcrete(t2);
if (contextualConcrete == null && _hasContextualBinding(t2)) {
throw BindingResolutionException(
'No implementation was provided for contextual binding of $t2');
if (contextualConcrete != null) {
dynamic instance;
if (contextualConcrete is Function) {
// Remove current type from stack to avoid circular dependency
try {
instance = contextualConcrete(this);
} finally {
} else if (contextualConcrete is Type) {
// For Type bindings, we need to use reflection to create the instance
_buildStack.removeLast(); // Remove current type from stack
try {
var reflectedType = reflector.reflectType(contextualConcrete);
if (reflectedType is ReflectedClass) {
bool isDefault(String name) {
return name.isEmpty || name ==;
var constructor = reflectedType.constructors.firstWhere(
(c) => isDefault(,
orElse: (() => throw BindingResolutionException(
'${} has no default constructor, and therefore cannot be instantiated.')));
var positional = [];
var named = <String, Object>{};
for (var param in constructor.parameters) {
if (param.type.reflectedType == String) {
positional.add('test.log'); // Default filename for FileLogger
} else {
var value = make(param.type.reflectedType);
if (param.isNamed) {
named[] = value;
} else {
instance = reflectedType.newInstance(
isDefault( ? '' :,
named, []).reflectee;
} finally {
_buildStack.add(t2); // Add it back
if (instance != null) {
var typedInstance = instance as T;
return typedInstance;
// Check for contextual binding in parent classes
var parentContextual = _getContextualConcreteFromParent(t2);
if (parentContextual != null) {
dynamic instance;
if (parentContextual is Function) {
// Remove current type from stack to avoid circular dependency
try {
instance = parentContextual(this);
} finally {
} else if (parentContextual is Type) {
// For Type bindings, we need to use reflection to create the instance
_buildStack.removeLast(); // Remove current type from stack
try {
instance = make(parentContextual);
} finally {
_buildStack.add(t2); // Add it back
if (instance != null) {
var typedInstance = instance as T;
return typedInstance;
// Check for singleton or factory
Container? search = this;
while (search != null) {
if (search._singletons.containsKey(t2)) {
var instance = search._singletons[t2] as T;
return instance;
} else if (search._factories.containsKey(t2)) {
var instance = search._factories[t2]!(this) as T;
return instance;
} else {
search = search._parent;
// Handle primitive types
if (t2 == String) {
return '' as T;
// Use reflection to create instance
var reflectedType = reflector.reflectType(t2);
if (reflectedType == null) {
throw BindingResolutionException('No binding was found for $t2');
// Check if we have all required dependencies
if (reflectedType is ReflectedClass) {
bool isDefault(String name) {
return name.isEmpty || name ==;
var constructor = reflectedType.constructors.firstWhere(
(c) => isDefault(,
orElse: (() => throw BindingResolutionException(
'${} has no default constructor, and therefore cannot be instantiated.')));
// Check if we can resolve all constructor parameters
for (var param in constructor.parameters) {
var paramType = param.type.reflectedType;
if (!has(paramType) && reflector.reflectType(paramType) == null) {
throw BindingResolutionException(
'No binding was found for $paramType required by $t2');
var positional = [];
var named = <String, Object>{};
if (reflectedType is ReflectedClass) {
bool isDefault(String name) {
return name.isEmpty || name ==;
var constructor = reflectedType.constructors.firstWhere(
(c) => isDefault(,
orElse: (() => throw BindingResolutionException(
'${} has no default constructor, and therefore cannot be instantiated.')));
// Add current type to build stack before resolving parameters
try {
for (var param in constructor.parameters) {
var value = make(param.type.reflectedType);
if (param.isNamed) {
named[] = value;
} else {
} finally {
var instance = reflectedType.newInstance(
isDefault( ? '' :,
named, []).reflectee as T;
return instance;
} else {
throw BindingResolutionException(
'$t2 is not a class, and therefore cannot be instantiated.');
} finally {
/// Registers a lazy singleton factory.
/// In many cases, you might prefer this to [registerFactory].
/// Returns [f].
T Function(Container) registerLazySingleton<T>(T Function(Container) f,
{Type? as}) {
return registerFactory<T>(
(container) {
var r = f(container);
container.registerSingleton<T>(r, as: as);
return r;
as: as,
/// Registers a factory function for creating instances of type [T] in the container.
/// Returns [f].
T Function(Container) registerFactory<T>(T Function(Container) f,
{Type? as}) {
Type t2 = T;
if (as != null) {
t2 = as;
if (_factories.containsKey(t2)) {
throw StateError('This container already has a factory for $t2.');
_factories[t2] = f;
return f;
/// Registers a singleton object in the container.
/// Returns [object].
T registerSingleton<T>(T object, {Type? as}) {
Type t2 = T;
if (as != null) {
t2 = as;
} else if (T == dynamic) {
t2 = as ?? object.runtimeType;
//as ??= T == dynamic ? as : T;
if (_singletons.containsKey(t2)) {
throw StateError('This container already has a singleton for $t2.');
_singletons[t2] = object;
return object;
/// Retrieves a named singleton from the container or its parent containers.
/// In general, prefer using [registerSingleton] and [registerFactory].
/// [findByName] is best reserved for internal logic that end users of code should
/// not see.
T findByName<T>(String name) {
if (_namedSingletons.containsKey(name)) {
return _namedSingletons[name] as T;
} else if (_parent != null) {
return _parent.findByName<T>(name);
} else {
throw StateError(
'This container does not have a singleton named "$name".');
/// Registers a named singleton object in the container.
/// Note that this is not related to type-based injections, and exists as a mechanism
/// to enable injecting multiple instances of a type within the same container hierarchy.
T registerNamedSingleton<T>(String name, T object) {
if (_namedSingletons.containsKey(name)) {
throw StateError('This container already has a singleton named "$name".');
_namedSingletons[name] = object;
return object;
/// Define a contextual binding.
/// This allows you to define how abstract types should be resolved in specific contexts.
ContextualBindingBuilder when(Type concrete) {
return ContextualBindingBuilder(this, [concrete]);
/// Add a contextual binding to the container.
/// This is used internally by [ContextualBindingBuilder] to register the actual binding.
void addContextualBinding(
Type concrete, Type abstract, dynamic implementation) {
_contextual.putIfAbsent(concrete, () => {});
_contextual[concrete]![abstract] = implementation;
/// Bind a callback to resolve with Container::call.
/// This allows you to register custom resolution logic for specific method calls.
void bindMethod(String method, Function callback) {
if (_methodBindings.containsKey(method)) {
throw StateError(
'This container already has a method binding for $method.');
_methodBindings[method] = callback;
/// Call the given method and inject its dependencies.
/// This method supports both static methods and instance methods.
dynamic callMethod(String method, [List<dynamic> arguments = const []]) {
Container? search = this;
while (search != null) {
if (search._methodBindings.containsKey(method)) {
return Function.apply(search._methodBindings[method]!, arguments);
search = search._parent;
throw StateError('No method binding found for $method.');
/// Check if this container or any parent has a method binding.
bool hasMethodBinding(String method) {
Container? search = this;
while (search != null) {
if (search._methodBindings.containsKey(method)) {
return true;
search = search._parent;
return false;
/// Assign a set of tags to a given binding.
/// This allows you to group related bindings together under a common tag.
void tag(List<Type> abstracts, String tag) {
_tags[tag] ??= [];
/// Resolve all bindings for a given tag.
/// Returns a list of instances for all bindings tagged with the given tag.
List<dynamic> tagged(String tag) {
var result = <Type>{}; // Use Set to avoid duplicates
// Collect tagged types from this container and all parents
Container? search = this;
while (search != null) {
if (search._tags.containsKey(tag)) {
search = search._parent;
return => make(type)).toList();
/// Register a scoped binding in the container.
/// Scoped bindings are similar to singletons but are cleared when [clearScoped] is called.
void scoped<T>(T Function(Container) factory) {
factory(this)); // Use singleton to ensure same instance
/// Clear all scoped bindings from the container.
void clearScoped() {
// Clear this container's scoped instances
for (var type in _scopedInstances) {
// Clear parent's scoped instances if any
if (_parent != null) {
/// Get all scoped instances from this container and its parents.
List<Type> _getAllScopedInstances() {
var result = <Type>{}; // Use Set to avoid duplicates
Container? search = this;
while (search != null) {
search = search._parent;
return result.toList();
/// Register a callback to be run before resolving a type.
void beforeResolving<T>(
void Function(Type type, List args, Container container) callback) {
/// Register a callback to be run while resolving a type.
void resolving<T>(
void Function(dynamic instance, Container container) callback) {
/// Register a callback to be run after resolving a type.
void afterResolving<T>(
void Function(dynamic instance, Container container) callback) {
/// Fire the "before resolving" callbacks for a type.
void _fireBeforeResolvingCallbacks(Type type, List args) {
// Fire parent callbacks first
if (_parent != null) {
_parent._fireBeforeResolvingCallbacks(type, args);
// Then fire this container's callbacks
for (var callback in _beforeResolvingCallbacks) {
callback(type, args, this);
/// Fire the "resolving" callbacks for an instance.
void _fireResolvingCallbacks(dynamic instance) {
// Fire parent callbacks first
if (_parent != null) {
// Then fire this container's callbacks
for (var callback in _resolvingCallbacks) {
callback(instance, this);
/// Fire the "after resolving" callbacks for an instance.
void _fireAfterResolvingCallbacks(dynamic instance) {
// Fire parent callbacks first
if (_parent != null) {
// Then fire this container's callbacks
for (var callback in _afterResolvingCallbacks) {
callback(instance, this);
/// Get a contextual concrete binding for the given abstract type.
dynamic _getContextualConcrete(Type abstract) {
if (_buildStack.isEmpty) return null;
// Check current container's contextual bindings
Container? search = this;
while (search != null) {
var building = _buildStack.last;
var contextMap = search._contextual[building];
if (contextMap != null && contextMap.containsKey(abstract)) {
return contextMap[abstract];
search = search._parent;
return null;
/// Get a contextual binding map for a concrete type.
Map<Type, dynamic>? _getContextualBindings(Type concrete) {
return _contextual[concrete];
/// Get a contextual concrete binding from parent classes in the build stack.
dynamic _getContextualConcreteFromParent(Type abstract) {
if (_buildStack.isEmpty) return null;
// Get the parent type from the build stack
var parentIndex = _buildStack.length - 2;
if (parentIndex < 0) return null;
var parentType = _buildStack[parentIndex];
// Check current container's contextual bindings
Container? search = this;
while (search != null) {
var contextMap = search._contextual[parentType];
if (contextMap != null && contextMap.containsKey(abstract)) {
return contextMap[abstract];
search = search._parent;
return null;
/// Check if a type has a contextual binding.
bool _hasContextualBinding(Type type) {
if (_buildStack.isEmpty) return false;
// Check current container's contextual bindings
Container? search = this;
while (search != null) {
var building = _buildStack.last;
var contextMap = search._contextual[building];
if (contextMap != null && contextMap.containsKey(type)) {
return true;
search = search._parent;
return false;
/// Check if we're in danger of a circular dependency.
void _checkCircularDependency(Type type) {
if (_buildStack.contains(type)) {
throw CircularDependencyException(
'Circular dependency detected while building $type. Build stack: ${_buildStack.join(' -> ')}',