443 lines
12 KiB
443 lines
12 KiB
import 'dart:io';
/// Represents a Python method parameter
class Parameter {
final String name;
final String type;
final bool isOptional;
final bool hasDefault;
required this.name,
required this.type,
required this.isOptional,
required this.hasDefault,
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
'name': name,
'type': type,
'is_optional': isOptional,
'has_default': hasDefault,
/// Represents a Python method
class Method {
final String name;
final List<Parameter> parameters;
final String returnType;
final String? docstring;
final List<String> decorators;
final bool isAsync;
final bool isAbstract;
final bool isProperty;
required this.name,
required this.parameters,
required this.returnType,
required this.decorators,
required this.isAsync,
required this.isAbstract,
required this.isProperty,
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
'name': name,
'parameters': parameters.map((p) => p.toJson()).toList(),
'return_type': returnType,
if (docstring != null) 'docstring': docstring,
'decorators': decorators,
'is_async': isAsync,
'is_abstract': isAbstract,
'is_property': isProperty,
/// Represents a Python class property
class Property {
final String name;
final String type;
final bool hasDefault;
final String? defaultValue;
required this.name,
required this.type,
required this.hasDefault,
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
'name': name,
'type': type,
'has_default': hasDefault,
if (defaultValue != null) 'default_value': defaultValue,
/// Represents a Python class
class PythonClass {
final String name;
final List<String> bases;
final List<Method> methods;
final List<Property> properties;
final String? docstring;
final List<String> decorators;
final bool isInterface;
required this.name,
required this.bases,
required this.methods,
required this.properties,
required this.decorators,
required this.isInterface,
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
'name': name,
'bases': bases,
'methods': methods.map((m) => m.toJson()).toList(),
'properties': properties.map((p) => p.toJson()).toList(),
if (docstring != null) 'docstring': docstring,
'decorators': decorators,
'is_interface': isInterface,
/// Parser for Python source code
class PythonParser {
/// Check if a line looks like code
static bool _isCodeLine(String line) {
return line.startsWith('def ') ||
line.startsWith('@') ||
line.startsWith('class ') ||
line.contains(' = ') ||
line.contains('self.') ||
line.contains('return ') ||
line.contains('pass') ||
line.contains('raise ') ||
line.contains('yield ') ||
line.contains('async ') ||
line.contains('await ') ||
(line.contains(':') && !line.startsWith('Note:')) ||
line.trim().startsWith('"""') ||
/// Parse a docstring from Python code lines
static String? _parseDocstring(
List<String> lines, int startIndex, int baseIndent) {
if (startIndex >= lines.length) return null;
final line = lines[startIndex].trim();
if (!line.startsWith('"""')) return null;
// Handle single-line docstring
if (line.endsWith('"""') && line.length > 6) {
return line.substring(3, line.length - 3).trim();
final docLines = <String>[];
// Add first line content if it exists after the opening quotes
var firstLineContent = line.substring(3).trim();
if (firstLineContent.isNotEmpty && !_isCodeLine(firstLineContent)) {
var i = startIndex + 1;
while (i < lines.length) {
final currentLine = lines[i].trim();
// Stop at closing quotes
if (currentLine.endsWith('"""')) {
// Add the last line content if it exists before the closing quotes
var lastLineContent =
currentLine.substring(0, currentLine.length - 3).trim();
if (lastLineContent.isNotEmpty && !_isCodeLine(lastLineContent)) {
// Only add non-code lines
if (currentLine.isNotEmpty && !_isCodeLine(currentLine)) {
return docLines.isEmpty ? null : docLines.join('\n').trim();
/// Get the indentation level of a line
static int _getIndentation(String line) {
return line.length - line.trimLeft().length;
/// Parse method parameters from a parameter string
static List<Parameter> _parseParameters(String paramsStr) {
if (paramsStr.trim().isEmpty) return [];
final params = <Parameter>[];
var depth = 0;
var currentParam = StringBuffer();
// Handle nested brackets in parameter types
for (var i = 0; i < paramsStr.length; i++) {
final char = paramsStr[i];
if (char == '[') depth++;
if (char == ']') depth--;
if (char == ',' && depth == 0) {
final param = currentParam.toString().trim();
if (param.isNotEmpty && param != 'self' && !param.startsWith('**')) {
final paramObj = _parseParameter(param);
if (paramObj != null) {
} else {
final lastParam = currentParam.toString().trim();
if (lastParam.isNotEmpty &&
lastParam != 'self' &&
!lastParam.startsWith('**')) {
final paramObj = _parseParameter(lastParam);
if (paramObj != null) {
return params;
/// Parse a single parameter
static Parameter? _parseParameter(String param) {
if (param.isEmpty) return null;
var name = param;
var type = 'Any';
var hasDefault = false;
var isOptional = false;
// Check for type annotation
if (param.contains(':')) {
final parts = param.split(':');
name = parts[0].trim();
var typeStr = parts[1];
// Handle default value
if (typeStr.contains('=')) {
final typeParts = typeStr.split('=');
typeStr = typeParts[0];
hasDefault = true;
isOptional = true;
type = typeStr.trim();
// Handle Optional type
if (type.startsWith('Optional[')) {
type = type.substring(9, type.length - 1);
isOptional = true;
// Check for default value without type annotation
if (param.contains('=')) {
hasDefault = true;
isOptional = true;
if (!param.contains(':')) {
name = param.split('=')[0].trim();
return Parameter(
name: name,
type: type,
isOptional: isOptional,
hasDefault: hasDefault,
/// Parse a method definition
static Method? _parseMethod(
List<String> lines, int startIndex, List<String> decorators) {
final line = lines[startIndex].trim();
if (!line.startsWith('def ') && !line.startsWith('async def ')) return null;
final methodMatch =
if (methodMatch == null) return null;
final name = methodMatch.group(1)!;
final paramsStr = methodMatch.group(2) ?? '';
var returnType = methodMatch.group(3) ?? 'None';
returnType = returnType.trim();
final isAsync = line.contains('async ');
final isAbstract = decorators.contains('abstractmethod');
final isProperty = decorators.contains('property');
// Parse docstring if present
var i = startIndex + 1;
String? docstring;
if (i < lines.length) {
final nextLine = lines[i].trim();
if (nextLine.startsWith('"""')) {
docstring =
_parseDocstring(lines, i, _getIndentation(lines[startIndex]));
return Method(
name: name,
parameters: _parseParameters(paramsStr),
returnType: returnType,
docstring: docstring,
decorators: decorators,
isAsync: isAsync,
isAbstract: isAbstract,
isProperty: isProperty,
/// Parse a property definition
static Property? _parseProperty(String line) {
if (!line.contains(':') || line.contains('def ')) return null;
final propertyMatch =
if (propertyMatch == null) return null;
final name = propertyMatch.group(1)!;
final type = propertyMatch.group(2)!;
final defaultValue = propertyMatch.group(3);
return Property(
name: name,
type: type.trim(),
hasDefault: defaultValue != null,
defaultValue: defaultValue?.trim(),
/// Parse Python source code into a list of classes
static Future<List<PythonClass>> parseFile(File file) async {
final content = await file.readAsString();
final lines = content.split('\n');
final classes = <PythonClass>[];
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
final line = lines[i];
final trimmedLine = line.trim();
if (trimmedLine.startsWith('class ')) {
final classMatch =
if (classMatch != null) {
final className = classMatch.group(1)!;
final basesStr = classMatch.group(2);
final bases =
basesStr?.split(',').map((b) => b.trim()).toList() ?? [];
final isInterface = bases.any((b) => b.contains('Protocol'));
final classIndent = _getIndentation(line);
var currentDecorators = <String>[];
final methods = <Method>[];
final properties = <Property>[];
// Parse class docstring
var j = i + 1;
String? docstring;
if (j < lines.length && lines[j].trim().startsWith('"""')) {
docstring = _parseDocstring(lines, j, classIndent);
// Skip past docstring
while (j < lines.length && !lines[j].trim().endsWith('"""')) {
// Parse class body
while (j < lines.length) {
final currentLine = lines[j];
final currentIndent = _getIndentation(currentLine);
final trimmedCurrentLine = currentLine.trim();
// Check if we're still in the class
if (trimmedCurrentLine.isNotEmpty && currentIndent <= classIndent) {
// Skip empty lines
if (trimmedCurrentLine.isEmpty) {
// Parse decorators
if (trimmedCurrentLine.startsWith('@')) {
// Parse methods
if (trimmedCurrentLine.startsWith('def ') ||
trimmedCurrentLine.startsWith('async def ')) {
final method =
_parseMethod(lines, j, List.from(currentDecorators));
if (method != null) {
currentDecorators = [];
// Skip past method body
while (j < lines.length - 1) {
final nextLine = lines[j + 1];
if (nextLine.trim().isEmpty ||
_getIndentation(nextLine) <= currentIndent) {
// Parse properties
final property = _parseProperty(trimmedCurrentLine);
if (property != null) {
i = j - 1;
name: className,
bases: bases,
methods: methods,
properties: properties,
docstring: docstring,
decorators: [],
isInterface: isInterface,
return classes;