platform-common-utilities/packages/html_builder/ e52eb8a811 Upgraded to support sdk 2.17
2022-07-06 22:04:09 +08:00

49 lines
654 B

# Change Log
## 4.0.0
* Require Dart >= 2.17
* Added hashCode
## 3.0.2
* Fixed license link
## 3.0.1
* Update broken link in pubspec
## 3.0.0
* Upgraded from `pendantic` to `lints` linter
* Removed deprecated parameters
* Published as `belatuk_html_builder` package
## 2.0.3
* Added an example
* Updated README
## 2.0.2
* Run `dartfmt -w .`
## 2.0.1
* Added pedantic dart rules
## 2.0.0
* Migrated to work with Dart SDK 2.12.x NNBD
## 1.0.4
* Added `rebuild`, `rebuildRecursive`, and `NodeBuilder`.
## 1.0.3
* Dart 2 ready!
## 1.0.2
* Changed `h` and the `Node` constructor to take `Iterable`s of children, instead of just `List`s.