git-subtree-dir: packages/shelf git-subtree-mainline:a7842bddd8
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Shelf interop with Angel. This package lets you run package:shelf
handlers via a custom adapter.
Use the code in this repo to embed existing Angel/shelf apps into other Angel/shelf applications. This way, you can migrate legacy applications without having to rewrite your business logic.
This will make it easy to layer your API over a production application, rather than having to port code.
This is a compliant shelf
adapter that acts as an Angel request handler. You can use it as a middleware,
or attach it to individual routes.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart';
import 'package:angel_shelf/angel_shelf.dart';
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart' as shelf;
import 'api/api.dart';
main() async {
var app = Angel();
var http = AngelHttp(app);
// Angel routes on top
await app.mountController<ApiController>();
// Re-route all other traffic to an
// existing application.
// Or, only on a specific route:
app.get('/shelf', wrappedShelfHandler);
await http.startServer(InternetAddress.loopbackIPV4, 3000);
Communicating with Angel with embedShelf
You can communicate with Angel:
handleRequest(shelf.Request request) {
// Access original Angel request...
var req = request.context['angel_shelf.request'] as RequestContext;
// ... And then interact with it.
req.container.registerNamedSingleton<Foo>('from_shelf', Foo());
// `req.container` is also available.
var container = request.context['angel_shelf.container'] as Container;
Angel 2 brought about the generic Driver
class, which is implemented
by AngelHttp
, AngelHttp2
, AngelGopher
, etc., and provides the core
infrastructure for request handling in Angel.
is an implementation that wraps shelf requests and responses in their
Angel equivalents. Using it is as simple using as using AngelHttp
, or any other
// Create an AngelShelf driver.
// If we have startup hooks we want to run, we need to call
// `startServer`. Otherwise, it can be omitted.
// Of course, if you call `startServer`, know that to run
// shutdown/cleanup logic, you need to call `close` eventually,
// too.
var angelShelf = AngelShelf(app);
await angelShelf.startServer();
await shelf_io.serve(angelShelf.handler, InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4, 8081);
You can also use the AngelShelf
driver as a shelf middleware - just use
instead of angelShelf.handler
. When used as a middleware,
if the Angel response context is still open after all handlers run (i.e. no routes were
matched), the next shelf handler will be called.
var handler = shelf.Pipeline()