2017-05-27 10:23:51 -04:00

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# paginate
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Platform-agnostic pagination library, with custom support for the
[Angel framework](
# Installation
In your `pubspec.yaml` file:
angel_paginate: ^1.0.0
# Usage
This library exports a `Paginator<T>`, which can be used to efficiently produce
instances of `PaginationResult<T>`. Pagination results, when serialized to JSON, look like
"total" : 75,
"items_per_page" : 10,
"previous_page" : 3,
"current_page" : 4,
"next_page" : 5,
"start_index" : 30,
"end_index" : 39,
"data" : ["<items...>"]
Results can be parsed from Maps using the `PaginationResult<T>.fromMap` constructor, and
serialized via their `toJson()` method.
To create a paginator:
import 'package:angel_paginate/angel_paginate.dart';
main() {
var p = new Paginator(iterable);
// Get the current page (default: page 1)
var page = p.current;
print(; // The actual items on this page.; // Advance a page
p.back(); // Back one page
p.goToPage(10); // Go to page number (1-based, not a 0-based index)
The entire Paginator API is documented, so check out the DartDocs.
Paginators by default cache paginations, to improve performance as you shift through pages.
This can be especially helpful in a client-side application where your UX involves a fast
response time, i.e. a search page.
## Use With Angel
Naturally, a library named `angel_paginate` has special provisions for the
[Angel framework](
In `package:angel_paginate/server.dart`, a function called `paginate` generates
pagination service hooks for you. If the result of a hooked service event is an `Iterable`,
it will be paginated. This is convenient because it works with any data store, whether it
be MongoDB, RethinkDB, an in-memory store, or something else entirely.
configureServer(Angel app) {
var service = app.service('api/foo') as HookedService;
service.afterIndexed.listen(paginate(itemsPerPage: 10));
See `test/server_test.dart` for examples of usage with Angel.
The pagination hook also allows you to provide a `page` and/or `$limit` in the query.
If the user provides a `page` in the query, it will return a pagination of the given page.
Ex. ``
A `$limit` can be used to override the `itemsPerPage` set in the `paginate` hook. If you
would like to set a maximum on the number of items per page, you can set `maxItemsPerPage`
in the `paginate` call.
Ex. `$limit=25`
You can use these pagination functions to provide powerful search experiences on your websites.
**NOTE**: If the paginated data is empty, expect `start_index` and `end_index`
to both be `-1`.