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Runing Ancillary Docker Services
The required ancillary services required by the framework can be run using the compose files provided in this folder.
Starting the PostreSQL container
docker compose -f docker-compose-pg.yml -p pg up -d
Stopping the PostreSQL container
docker compose -f docker-compose-pg.yml -p pg stop
docker compose -f docker-compose-pg.yml -p pg down
Checking the PostreSQL container log
docker logs docker-pg-1 -f
Running psql
docker exec -it <container id> /bin/bash
psql --username postgres
Create database, user and access
postgres=# create database orm_test;
postgres=# create user test with encrypted password 'test123';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database orm_test to test;
Starting the MariaDB container
docker compose -f docker-compose-mariadb.yml -p maria up -d
Stopping the MariaDB container
docker compose -f docker-compose-mariadb.yml -p maria stop
docker compose -f docker-compose-mariadb.yml -p maria down
Checking the MariaDB container log
docker logs maria-mariadb-1 -f
Starting the MySQL container
docker compose -f docker-compose-mysql.yml -p mysql up -d
Stopping the MySQL container
docker compose -f docker-compose-mysql.yml -p mysql stop
docker compose -f docker-compose-mysql.yml -p mysql down
Checking the MySQL container log
docker logs mysql-mysql-1 -f
Starting the MongoDB container
docker compose -f docker-compose-mongo.yml -p mongo up -d
Stopping the MongoDB container
docker compose -f docker-compose-mongo.yml -p mongo stop
docker compose -f docker-compose-mongo.yml -p mongo down
Checking the MongoDB container log
docker logs mongo-mongo-1 -f
Starting the rethinkDB container
docker compose -f docker-compose-rethinkdb.yml -p rethink up -d
Stopping the rethinkDB container
docker compose -f docker-compose-rethinkdb.yml -p rethink stop
docker compose -f docker-compose-rethinkdb.yml -p rethink down
Checking the rethinkDB container log
docker logs rethink-rethinkdb-1 -f
Starting the Redis container
docker compose -f docker-compose-redis.yml -p redis up -d
Stopping the Redis container
docker compose -f docker-compose-redis.yml -p redis stop
docker compose -f docker-compose-redis.yml -p redis down
Checking the Redis container log
docker logs redis-redis-1 -f