git-subtree-dir: packages/cache git-subtree-mainline:24d8c0515d
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Support for server-side caching in Angel.
A Service
class that caches data from one service, storing it in another.
An imaginable use case is storing results from MongoDB or another database in
A middleware that enables the caching of response serialization.
This can improve the performance of sending objects that are complex to serialize. You can pass a [shouldCache] callback to determine which values should be cached.
main() async {
var app = new Angel()..lazyParseBodies = true;
new CacheService(
database: new AnonymousService(
index: ([params]) {
print('Fetched directly from the underlying service at ${new DateTime.now()}!');
return ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
read: (id, [params]) {
return {id: '$id at ${new DateTime.now()}'};
A flexible response cache for Angel.
Use this to improve real and perceived response of Web applications, as well as to memoize expensive responses.
Supports the If-Modified-Since
header, as well as storing the contents of
response buffers in memory.
To initialize a simple cache:
Future configureServer(Angel app) async {
// Simple instance.
var cache = new ResponseCache();
// You can also pass an invalidation timeout.
var cache = new ResponseCache(timeout: const Duration(days: 2));
// Close the cache when the application closes.
app.shutdownHooks.add((_) => cache.close());
// Use `patterns` to specify which resources should be cached.
new RegExp(r'\.(png|jpg|gif|txt)$'),
new Glob('public/**/*'),
// REQUIRED: The middleware that serves cached responses
// REQUIRED: The response finalizer that saves responses to the cache
Purging the Cache
Call invalidate
to remove a resource from a ResponseCache
Some servers expect a reverse proxy or caching layer to support PURGE
If this is your case, make sure to include some sort of validation (maybe IP-based)
to ensure no arbitrary attacker can hack your cache:
Future configureServer(Angel app) async {
app.addRoute('PURGE', '*', (req, res) {
if (req.ip != '')
throw new AngelHttpException.forbidden();
return cache.purge(req.uri.path);