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# Platform Collections
A Dart implementation of Laravel's Collection class, providing fluent wrappers for working with arrays of data.
## Features
- Fluent interface for array operations
- Rich set of collection manipulation methods
- Support for transformations and aggregations
- List interface implementation
- Type-safe operations
- Laravel-compatible dot notation support
- Wildcard operations and special segments
- Lazy collection support
- Higher order message passing
## Usage
import 'package:platform_collections/platform_collections.dart';
// Create a collection
final numbers = Collection([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
// Basic operations
numbers.avg(); // 3.0
numbers.max(); // 5
numbers.min(); // 1
// Transformations
numbers.filter((n) => n.isEven); // [2, 4]
numbers.mapItems((n) => n * 2); // [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
numbers.chunk(2); // [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]
## Key Features
### Creation and Basic Operations
// Create empty collection
final empty = Collection<int>();
// Create from items
final items = Collection([1, 2, 3]);
// Create range
final range = Collection.range(1, 5); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
// Get all items
final list = items.all(); // Returns unmodifiable List
### Transformations
// Filter items
collection.filter((item) => item.isEven);
// Map items
collection.mapItems((item) => item * 2);
// Chunk into smaller collections
// Chunk by condition
collection.chunkWhile((current, next) => current < next);
// Flatten nested collections
Collection([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).flatten(); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
// Get unique items
// Split into parts
collection.split(3); // Split into 3 parts
collection.splitIn(2); // Split in half
### Collection Operations
// Check for existence
collection.containsStrict(value); // Strict comparison
// Find differences
// Get items relative to another
collection.before(value); // Get item before
collection.after(value); // Get item after
// Multiply values
collection.multiply(3); // Repeat each item 3 times
// Combine with another collection
keys.combine(values); // Create map from two collections
// Count occurrences
collection.countBy(); // Count by value
collection.countBy((item) => item.type); // Count by callback
// Get or set value
collection.getOrPut('key', () => computeValue());
### Aggregations
// Calculate average
collection.avg((item) => item.value); // With callback
// Group items
final grouped = collection.groupBy((item) => item.category);
// Find maximum/minimum
// Get single items
collection.firstOrFail(); // Throws if empty
collection.sole(); // Throws if not exactly one item
### Working with Objects
final users = Collection([
{'id': 1, 'name': 'John', 'role': 'admin'},
{'id': 2, 'name': 'Jane', 'role': 'user'},
// Group by a key
final byRole = users.groupBy((user) => user['role']);
// Get unique by key
final uniqueRoles = users.unique((user) => user['role']);
// Convert to Map
final map = users.toMap(
(user) => user['id'],
(user) => user['name'],
### Lazy Collections
// Create lazy collection
final lazy = LazyCollection(() sync* {
for (var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
yield i;
// Operations are evaluated lazily
final result = lazy
.filter((n) => n.isEven)
.toList(); // [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
// Efficient for large datasets
final transformed = lazy
.filter((n) => n.isEven)
.map((n) => n * 2)
.takeWhile((n) => n < 100);
### Higher Order Messages
// Access properties'name'); // Same as map((item) =>
collection.sum('quantity'); // Sum of quantity property
// Call methods'toString'); // Call toString() on each item
collection.filter('isActive'); // Filter by isActive property/method
// Dynamic operations
collection['property']; // Access property on each item
collection.invoke('method', args); // Call method with args
### Dot Notation Support
The package includes Laravel-compatible dot notation support for working with nested data structures:
// Get nested values
final data = {
'users': [
{'name': 'John', 'profile': {'age': 30}},
{'name': 'Jane', 'profile': {'age': 25}}
// Get value using dot notation
dataGet(data, ''); // 'John'
dataGet(data, 'users.*.name'); // ['John', 'Jane']
// Set nested values
dataSet(data, 'users.0.profile.age', 31);
// Remove values
dataForget(data, 'users.0.profile');
// Fill missing values
dataFill(data, '', '');
### Special Segments
Support for special segment notation in dot paths:
// First/Last item access
dataGet(data, 'users.{first}.name'); // First user's name
dataGet(data, 'users.{last}.name'); // Last user's name
// Wildcard operations
dataGet(data, 'users.*.profile.age'); // All users' ages
dataSet(data, 'users.*.active', true); // Set all users active
### Helper Functions
// Get first/last elements
head([1, 2, 3]); // 1
last([1, 2, 3]); // 3
// Create collection from iterable
final collection = collect([1, 2, 3]);
// Get value from factory
final value = value(() => computeValue());
### List Operations
The Collection class implements Dart's `ListMixin`, providing all standard list operations:
final list = Collection(['a', 'b', 'c']);
// Add/remove items
// Access by index
list[0] = 'A';
final first = list[0];
// Standard list methods
### Helper Methods
// Get random items
collection.random(); // Single random item
collection.random(3); // Multiple random items
// Join items
collection.joinWith(', '); // Custom join with separator
// Cross join collections
final colors = Collection(['red', 'blue']);
final sizes = Collection(['S', 'M']);
colors.crossJoin([sizes]); // All combinations
## Important Notes
1. The Collection class is generic and maintains type safety:
final numbers = Collection<int>([1, 2, 3]);
final strings = Collection<String>(['a', 'b', 'c']);
2. Most methods return a new Collection instance, keeping the original unchanged:
final original = Collection([1, 2, 3]);
final doubled = original.mapItems((n) => n * 2); // Original unchanged
3. The class implements `ListMixin`, so it can be used anywhere a List is expected:
void processList(List<int> list) {
// Works with Collection<int>
4. Dot notation operations maintain type safety and handle null values gracefully:
dataGet(data, 'missing.path', defaultValue); // Returns defaultValue
5. Lazy collections are memory efficient for large datasets:
// Only processes what's needed
.take(5); // Stops after finding 5 items
## Example
See the [example](example/platform_collections_example.dart) for a complete demonstration of all features.
## Features in Detail
### Transformation Methods
- `filter()` - Filter items using a callback
- `mapItems()` - Transform items using a callback
- `chunk()` - Split into smaller collections
- `chunkWhile()` - Chunk by condition
- `flatten()` - Flatten nested collections
- `unique()` - Get unique items
- `split()` - Split into parts
- `splitIn()` - Split into equal parts
### Collection Operations
- `contains()` - Check for existence
- `containsStrict()` - Strict comparison
- `diff()` - Find differences
- `diffAssoc()` - Find differences with keys
- `before()` - Get previous item
- `after()` - Get next item
- `multiply()` - Repeat items
- `combine()` - Combine with values
- `countBy()` - Count occurrences
- `getOrPut()` - Get or set value
### Aggregation Methods
- `avg()` - Calculate average
- `max()` - Get maximum value
- `min()` - Get minimum value
- `groupBy()` - Group items by key
- `firstOrFail()` - Get first or throw
- `sole()` - Get single item
### Higher Order Methods
- Property access
- Method calls
- Dynamic operations
### Helper Functions
- `collect()` - Create collection from iterable
- `dataGet()` - Get value using dot notation
- `dataSet()` - Set value using dot notation
- `dataFill()` - Fill missing values
- `dataForget()` - Remove values
- `head()` - Get first element
- `last()` - Get last element
- `value()` - Get value from factory
### List Operations
- Standard list methods (`add`, `remove`, etc.)
- Index access (`[]`, `[]=`)
- List properties (`length`, `isEmpty`, etc.)