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Platform Reflection Capabilities
This document outlines the key capabilities of the Platform Reflection library, demonstrating its features and usage patterns.
Core Reflection Features
1. Class Reflection
class User {
String name;
int age;
final String id;
List<String> tags;
User(this.name, this.age, {required this.id, List<String>? tags})
: tags = tags ?? [];
String greet() => "Hi $name!";
void addTag(String tag) => tags.add(tag);
String getName() => name;
// Registration
Reflector.registerProperty(User, 'name', String);
Reflector.registerProperty(User, 'age', int);
Reflector.registerProperty(User, 'id', String, isWritable: false);
Reflector.registerProperty(User, 'tags', List<String>, isWritable: false);
Reflector.registerMethod(User, 'greet', [], false);
Reflector.registerMethod(User, 'addTag', [String], true);
Reflector.registerMethod(User, 'getName', [], false);
Reflector.registerConstructor(User, '',
parameterTypes: [String, int, String, List<String>],
parameterNames: ['name', 'age', 'id', 'tags'],
isRequired: [true, true, true, false],
isNamed: [false, false, true, true],
2. Instance Creation and Manipulation
final reflector = RuntimeReflector.instance;
// Create instance
final user = reflector.createInstance(
positionalArgs: ['John Doe', 30],
namedArgs: {'id': 'user1', 'tags': ['admin', 'user']},
) as User;
// Get mirror
final mirror = reflector.reflect(user);
// Property access and modification
print('Name: ${mirror.getField(const Symbol('name')).reflectee}');
mirror.setField(const Symbol('name'), 'Jane Doe');
// Method invocation
final greeting = mirror.invoke(const Symbol('greet'), []).reflectee as String;
mirror.invoke(const Symbol('addTag'), ['vip']);
3. Type Information
final classMirror = reflector.reflectClass(User);
print('Type name: ${classMirror.name}');
// Properties
.forEach((prop) {
print('Property: ${prop.name}: ${prop.type.name}');
if (!prop.isFinal && !prop.isWritable) print(' (read-only)');
// Methods
.where((method) => !method.isConstructor)
.forEach((method) {
print('Method: ${method.name}');
// Constructors
.where((method) => method.isConstructor)
.forEach((constructor) {
print('Constructor: ${constructor.name}');
Error Handling
try {
final mirror = reflector.reflect(unregisteredInstance);
} on ReflectionException catch (e) {
print('Reflection error: ${e.message}');
Platform Support
- ✅ VM (Full support)
- ✅ Web (Full support)
- ✅ Flutter (Full support)
- ✅ AOT compilation (Full support)
Performance Considerations
Registration Impact
- One-time registration cost
- Optimized runtime performance
- Minimal memory overhead
Metadata Caching
- Efficient metadata storage
- Fast lookup mechanisms
- Memory-conscious design
Best Practices
Early Registration
void main() { registerReflectableTypes(); runApp(); }
Caching Mirrors
class UserService { final Map<User, InstanceMirror> _mirrors = {}; InstanceMirror getMirror(User user) { return _mirrors.putIfAbsent(user, () => reflector.reflect(user)); } }
Comprehensive Error Handling
try { final result = mirror.invoke(const Symbol('method'), args); } on ReflectionException catch (e) { handleReflectionError(e); }
This document provides an overview of the Platform Reflection library's capabilities. For detailed API documentation, please refer to the API Reference.