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Protevus Platform API Documentation

This document provides an overview of the APIs and interfaces available in the Protevus Platform. It serves as a reference for developers working with the platform, allowing them to understand and utilize the various components and modules effectively.


The Foundation module provides the core functionality and services required by the Protevus Platform.


The Application class is the entry point for the Protevus Platform. It manages the application lifecycle, configuration, and dependency injection.

class Application {
  // ...

  /// Initializes the application.
  Future<void> initialize();

  /// Runs the application.
  Future<void> run();

  /// Terminates the application.
  Future<void> terminate();

  // ...


The Configuration class provides access to the application's configuration settings.

class Configuration {
  // ...

  /// Gets the value of a configuration setting.
  dynamic get(String key);

  /// Sets the value of a configuration setting.
  void set(String key, dynamic value);

  // ...


The HTTP module handles HTTP requests and responses, routing, middleware, and controller dispatching.


The Router class defines the application's routes and maps them to controllers or middleware.

class Router {
  // ...

  /// Registers a GET route.
  void get(String path, dynamic handler);

  /// Registers a POST route.
  void post(String path, dynamic handler);

  // ...


The Request class represents an incoming HTTP request.

class Request {
  // ...

  /// Gets the request method (GET, POST, etc.).
  String get method;

  /// Gets the request URL.
  Uri get url;

  /// Gets the request headers.
  Map<String, String> get headers;

  // ...


The Response class represents an outgoing HTTP response.

class Response {
  // ...

  /// Sets the response status code.
  void setStatusCode(int statusCode);

  /// Sets a response header.
  void setHeader(String name, String value);

  /// Writes the response body.
  void write(String body);

  // ...


The View module handles server-side rendering of views and templating.


The ViewFactory class is responsible for creating and rendering views.

class ViewFactory {
  // ...

  /// Creates a new view instance.
  View make(String view, Map<String, dynamic> data);

  /// Renders a view and returns the rendered output.
  String render(String view, Map<String, dynamic> data);

  // ...


The View class represents a server-side view.

class View {
  // ...

  /// Renders the view and returns the rendered output.
  String render();

  // ...


The Database module provides an abstraction layer for interacting with databases, including query builders, object-relational mapping (ORM), and schema migrations.


The QueryBuilder class allows you to construct and execute database queries.

class QueryBuilder {
  // ...

  /// Adds a WHERE clause to the query.
  QueryBuilder where(String column, dynamic value);

  /// Executes the query and returns the results.
  Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> get();

  // ...


The Model class represents a database table and provides an ORM-like interface for interacting with the data.

class Model {
  // ...

  /// Creates a new instance of the model.
  Model({Map<String, dynamic> attributes});

  /// Saves the model instance to the database.
  Future<void> save();

  // ...

Authentication and Authorization

The Authentication and Authorization module handles user authentication, authorization, and access control mechanisms.


The AuthManager class manages user authentication and provides methods for logging in, logging out, and checking authentication status.

class AuthManager {
  // ...

  /// Attempts to log in a user with the provided credentials.
  Future<bool> login(String email, String password);

  /// Logs out the currently authenticated user.
  Future<void> logout();

  /// Checks if a user is authenticated.
  bool isAuthenticated();

  // ...


The Gate class provides an interface for defining and checking user permissions and authorizations.

class Gate {
  // ...

  /// Defines a new permission or authorization.
  void define(String ability, dynamic callback);

  /// Checks if the current user has the specified permission or authorization.
  Future<bool> allows(String ability);

  // ...

Events and Queues

The Events and Queues module handles real-time event broadcasting and background job processing.


The EventDispatcher class is responsible for dispatching and listening to application events.

class EventDispatcher {
  // ...

  /// Dispatches an event.
  void dispatch(Event event);

  /// Registers an event listener.
  void listen(String eventName, EventListener listener);

  // ...


The Queue class manages background job processing and task scheduling.

class Queue {
  // ...

  /// Pushes a new job onto the queue.
  void push(Job job);

  /// Processes the next job in the queue.
  Future<void> processNext();

  // ...