2024-07-29 23:57:43 -07:00

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# Protevus Pitch Deck
## Slide 1: Title Slide
- Company logo
- Tagline: "Unifying Full-Stack Development Across All Platforms"
## Slide 2: The Problem
- Fragmented development landscape
- Multiple languages and frameworks required for different platforms
- Increased complexity, costs, and development time
## Slide 3: Our Solution
- Protevus: A unified full-stack framework
- Single language (Dart) for all platforms
- True cross-platform development: Web, Mobile, Desktop, IoT, and Cloud
## Slide 4: Market Opportunity
- Global application development market: $733.5 billion by 2028
- CAGR: 24.3% from 2021 to 2028
- Addressable segments: Enterprise, Startups, Government, IoT, Blockchain
## Slide 5: Product Overview
- Core open-source platform
- Enterprise modules (subscription-based)
- Key features: Cross-platform, blockchain integration, IoT support
## Slide 6: Competitive Advantage
- Only true unified solution for all platforms
- Superior performance compared to JavaScript-based solutions
- Built-in support for emerging technologies
- API compatibility with popular frameworks
## Slide 7: Business Model
- Freemium model: Open-source core + paid enterprise modules
- Consulting and implementation services
- Training and certification programs
## Slide 8: Go-to-Market Strategy
- Developer community engagement
- Enterprise adoption program
- Government and public sector outreach
- Educational partnerships
## Slide 9: Traction and Milestones
- Current status of development
- Key partnerships or pilot projects
- Upcoming major releases or features
## Slide 10: Team
- Founders and key team members
- Relevant experience and expertise
- Advisory board
## Slide 11: Financial Projections
- 5-year revenue projection chart
- Key financial metrics
- Path to profitability
## Slide 12: The Ask
- Funding amount sought
- Use of funds
- Vision for the future of Protevus