4.8 KiB
Platform Reflection
A lightweight, cross-platform reflection system for Dart that provides runtime type introspection and manipulation with an API similar to dart:mirrors
but without its limitations.
- ✅ Works on all platforms (Web, Mobile, Desktop)
- ✅ No dependency on
- ✅ Pure runtime reflection
- ✅ No code generation required
- ✅ No manual registration needed
- ✅ Complete mirror-based API
- ✅ Type-safe property access
- ✅ Method invocation with argument validation
- ✅ Constructor invocation support
- ✅ Library and isolate reflection
- ✅ Full MirrorSystem implementation
- ✅ Comprehensive error handling
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml
platform_reflection: ^0.1.0
Basic Reflection
Simply mark your class with @reflectable
import 'package:platform_reflection/reflection.dart';
class User {
String name;
int age;
final String id;
User(this.name, this.age, {required this.id});
void birthday() {
String greet(String greeting) {
return '$greeting, $name!';
Then use reflection directly:
// Get the reflector instance
final reflector = RuntimeReflector.instance;
// Create instance using reflection
final user = reflector.createInstance(
positionalArgs: ['John', 30],
namedArgs: {'id': '123'},
) as User;
// Get instance mirror
final mirror = reflector.reflect(user);
// Access properties
print(mirror.getField(const Symbol('name')).reflectee); // John
print(mirror.getField(const Symbol('age')).reflectee); // 30
// Modify properties
mirror.setField(const Symbol('name'), 'Jane');
mirror.setField(const Symbol('age'), 25);
// Invoke methods
mirror.invoke(const Symbol('birthday'), []);
final greeting = mirror.invoke(const Symbol('greet'), ['Hello']).reflectee;
print(greeting); // Hello, Jane!
Type Information
// Get mirror system
final mirrors = reflector.currentMirrorSystem;
// Get type mirror
final typeMirror = mirrors.reflectType(User);
// Access type information
print(typeMirror.name); // User
print(typeMirror.properties); // {name: PropertyMetadata(...), age: PropertyMetadata(...)}
print(typeMirror.methods); // {birthday: MethodMetadata(...), greet: MethodMetadata(...)}
// Check type relationships
if (typeMirror.isSubtypeOf(otherType)) {
print('User is a subtype');
// Get declarations
final declarations = typeMirror.declarations;
for (var member in declarations.values) {
if (member is MethodMirror) {
print('Method: ${member.simpleName}');
} else if (member is VariableMirror) {
print('Variable: ${member.simpleName}');
// Access special types
print(mirrors.dynamicType.name); // dynamic
print(mirrors.voidType.name); // void
print(mirrors.neverType.name); // Never
Library Reflection
// Get a library
final library = mirrors.findLibrary(const Symbol('package:myapp/src/models.dart'));
// Access library members
final declarations = library.declarations;
for (var decl in declarations.values) {
print('Declaration: ${decl.simpleName}');
// Check imports
for (var dep in library.libraryDependencies) {
if (dep.isImport) {
print('Imports: ${dep.targetLibrary?.uri}');
Isolate Reflection
// Get current isolate
final currentIsolate = mirrors.isolate;
print('Current isolate: ${currentIsolate.debugName}');
// Reflect on another isolate
final isolate = await Isolate.spawn(workerFunction, message);
final isolateMirror = reflector.reflectIsolate(isolate, 'worker');
// Control isolate
await isolateMirror.pause();
await isolateMirror.resume();
await isolateMirror.kill();
Error Handling
The package provides specific exceptions for different error cases:
: Thrown when attempting to reflect on a non-reflectable typeReflectionException
: Base class for reflection-related errorsInvalidArgumentsException
: Thrown when providing invalid arguments to a method or constructorMemberNotFoundException
: Thrown when a property or method is not found
try {
} catch (e) {
print(e); // NotReflectableException: Type NonReflectableClass is not reflectable
Design Philosophy
This package provides a reflection API that closely mirrors the design of dart:mirrors
while being:
- Platform independent
- Lightweight
- Type-safe
- Performant
- Easy to use
The implementation uses pure Dart runtime scanning to provide reflection capabilities across all platforms without requiring code generation or manual registration.
Contributions are welcome! Please read our contributing guidelines before submitting pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.