2024-07-29 23:57:43 -07:00

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Protevus Technical Documentation

Table of Contents

  1. Architecture Overview
  2. Core Components
  3. Cross-Platform Development
  4. Microservices Implementation
  5. Blockchain Integration
  6. IoT and Edge Computing Support
  7. API Reference
  8. Performance Optimization
  9. Security Features
  10. Deployment Guide

1. Architecture Overview

Protevus is built on a modular, layered architecture that ensures flexibility, scalability, and performance across all supported platforms.

High-Level Architecture

+---------------------+ | Application | +---------------------+ | Protevus Framework | +---------------------+ | Dart Runtime / VM | +---------------------+ | Platform (OS/Web) | +---------------------+

Key Architectural Principles

  • Separation of Concerns
  • Dependency Injection
  • Reactive Programming
  • Asynchronous by Default

2. Core Components

2.1 Protevus Core

The central library that provides common functionality across all platforms.

Key Features

  • Unified routing system
  • State management
  • Dependency injection container
  • Event bus

2.2 Platform-Specific Modules

Modules that interface with platform-specific APIs while maintaining a consistent API across platforms.

  • Web Module
  • Mobile Module (iOS/Android)
  • Desktop Module (Windows/macOS/Linux)
  • IoT Module

3. Cross-Platform Development

Protevus uses a single codebase approach for cross-platform development, with platform-specific customizations when necessary.

3.1 Shared Code

class User {
  final String name;
  final String email;
  void save() {
    // Common save logic

3.2 Platform-Specific Code

import 'package:protevus/platform.dart';

void main() {
  if (Platform.isIOS) {
    // iOS-specific initialization
  } else if (Platform.isAndroid) {
    // Android-specific initialization
  } else {
    // Default initialization

4. Microservices Implementation

Protevus provides built-in support for developing and deploying microservices.

4.1 Service Definition

class UserService {
  Future<User> getUser(String id) async {
    // Implementation
  Future<void> createUser(User user) async {
    // Implementation

4.2 Service Discovery

Protevus uses a built-in service registry for automatic service discovery and load balancing.

final userService = await ServiceLocator.get<UserService>();
final user = await userService.getUser('123');

5. Blockchain Integration

Protevus offers native blockchain creation capabilities and API consumption from other blockchains.

5.1 Blockchain Creation

final blockchain = Blockchain.create(
  name: 'MyChain',
  consensusAlgorithm: ProofOfStake(),
  initialSupply: 1000000,


5.2 Interacting with External Blockchains

final ethereumClient = BlockchainClient.ethereum();
final balance = await ethereumClient.getBalance('0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e');

6. IoT and Edge Computing Support

Protevus provides built-in support for developing IoT applications and deploying them on edge devices.

6.1 IoT Device Communication

final mqttClient = MqttClient('');
await mqttClient.connect();

mqttClient.updates.listen((List<MqttReceivedMessage<MqttMessage>> messages) {
  final message = messages[0].payload as MqttPublishMessage;
  final payload = MqttPublishPayload.bytesToStringAsString(message.payload.message);
  print('Received message: $payload');

6.2 Edge Computing

Protevus allows developers to deploy their applications on edge devices, enabling real-time data processing and reducing latency.

class DataProcessor {
  List<double> processData(List<double> rawData) {
    // Process data on the edge device
    return => d * 1.8 + 32).toList(); // Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

7. API Reference

[Detailed API documentation would be provided here, covering all major classes and functions in the framework]

8. Performance Optimization

Protevus is designed for high performance across all platforms.

8.1 AOT Compilation

For mobile and desktop platforms, Protevus uses Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation to generate native code for maximum performance.

8.2 Tree Shaking

Protevus automatically removes unused code to minimize application size.

8.3 Lazy Loading

Protevus supports lazy loading of modules and components to improve startup time.

final userModule = await ModuleLoader.load('user_module');
final userList = await userModule.getUserList();

9. Security Features

Protevus includes robust security features out of the box.

9.1 Encryption

final encrypted = Encryptor.encrypt('Sensitive data', key);
final decrypted = Encryptor.decrypt(encrypted, key);

9.2 Authentication and Authorization

Protevus provides built-in support for user authentication and role-based access control.

class SecureController {
  void adminOnlyMethod() {
    // Only accessible by admin users

10. Deployment Guide

10.1 Web Deployment

protevus build web
protevus deploy --platform=firebase

10.2 Mobile Deployment

protevus build mobile --platform=ios
protevus deploy --platform=appstore

10.3 Desktop Deployment

protevus build desktop --platform=windows
protevus package --format=msix

10.4 Microservices Deployment

protevus build service UserService
protevus deploy --platform=kubernetes

This technical documentation provides an overview of the key features and components of Protevus. It includes code snippets to illustrate how different features can be used.

Remember that in a real-world scenario, this documentation would be much more extensive, covering every aspect of the framework in detail. It would also include more comprehensive examples, troubleshooting guides, and best practices for using Protevus effectively.

As the framework develops, this documentation should be regularly updated to reflect new features, changes in API, and evolving best practices.