This starter application is intended for developing mobile applications (iOS and Android) using Flutter, following the MVC pattern and integrating with the protevus platform backend.
Updated 2024-08-11 17:39:56 +00:00
This starter application is designed for developing web applications using Flutter in an MVC pattern, interacting with the protevus platform backend
Updated 2024-08-11 16:02:02 +00:00
This starter application is tailored for developing desktop applications (Windows, macOS, Linux) using Flutter, following the MVC pattern and interacting with the protevus platform backend.
Updated 2024-08-11 16:01:25 +00:00
Protevus is a highly versatile and extensible application server platform for the Dart programming language. Inspired by the Laravel framework, Protevus aims to provide a familiar and Laravel-compatible API, allowing developers to leverage their existing Laravel knowledge and experience in the Dart ecosystem.
Updated 2024-08-11 15:43:48 +00:00