2024-11-30 09:18:54 -07:00

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Platform Reflection Technical Specification

System Architecture

Core Components

graph TD
    A[Reflector] --> B[Scanner]
    A --> C[RuntimeReflector]
    B --> D[TypeAnalyzer]
    C --> E[MirrorSystem]
    E --> F[Mirrors]
    F --> G[ClassMirror]
    F --> H[InstanceMirror]
    F --> I[MethodMirror]

Component Responsibilities

1. Reflector

  • Central registration point
  • Metadata management
  • Type registration validation
  • Cache management
class Reflector {
  static final Map<Type, TypeMetadata> _typeCache;
  static final Map<Type, Map<String, PropertyMetadata>> _propertyMetadata;
  static final Map<Type, Map<String, MethodMetadata>> _methodMetadata;
  static final Map<Type, List<ConstructorMetadata>> _constructorMetadata;

2. Scanner

  • Type analysis
  • Metadata extraction
  • Registration validation
  • Type relationship analysis
class Scanner {
  static final Map<Type, TypeInfo> _typeInfoCache;
  static TypeInfo analyze(Type type) {
    // Analyze class structure
    // Extract metadata
    // Build type relationships

3. RuntimeReflector

  • Instance creation
  • Method invocation
  • Property access
  • Type reflection
class RuntimeReflector {
  InstanceMirror reflect(Object object) {
    // Create instance mirror
    // Setup metadata access
    // Configure invocation handling

Metadata System

Type Metadata

class TypeMetadata {
  final Type type;
  final String name;
  final Map<String, PropertyMetadata> properties;
  final Map<String, MethodMetadata> methods;
  final List<ConstructorMetadata> constructors;
  final bool isAbstract;
  final bool isEnum;

Method Metadata

class MethodMetadata {
  final String name;
  final List<Type> parameterTypes;
  final List<ParameterMetadata> parameters;
  final bool returnsVoid;
  final bool isStatic;
  final bool isAbstract;

Property Metadata

class PropertyMetadata {
  final String name;
  final Type type;
  final bool isReadable;
  final bool isWritable;
  final bool isStatic;

Implementation Details

Registration Process

  1. Type Registration
static void register(Type type) {
  // Validate type
  if (_typeCache.containsKey(type)) return;
  // Create metadata
  final metadata = TypeMetadata(
    type: type,
    name: type.toString(),
    properties: {},
    methods: {},
    constructors: [],
  // Cache metadata
  _typeCache[type] = metadata;
  1. Property Registration
static void registerProperty(
  Type type,
  String name,
  Type propertyType, {
  bool isReadable = true,
  bool isWritable = true,
}) {
  // Validate type registration
  if (!isRegistered(type)) {
    throw NotReflectableException(type);
  // Create property metadata
  final metadata = PropertyMetadata(
    name: name,
    type: propertyType,
    isReadable: isReadable,
    isWritable: isWritable,
  // Cache metadata
    .putIfAbsent(type, () => {})
    [name] = metadata;
  1. Method Registration
static void registerMethod(
  Type type,
  String name,
  List<Type> parameterTypes,
  bool returnsVoid, {
  List<String>? parameterNames,
  List<bool>? isRequired,
}) {
  // Validate type registration
  if (!isRegistered(type)) {
    throw NotReflectableException(type);
  // Create method metadata
  final metadata = MethodMetadata(
    name: name,
    parameterTypes: parameterTypes,
    parameters: _createParameters(
    returnsVoid: returnsVoid,
  // Cache metadata
    .putIfAbsent(type, () => {})
    [name] = metadata;

Instance Creation

InstanceMirror createInstance(
  Type type, {
  List<dynamic>? positionalArgs,
  Map<Symbol, dynamic>? namedArgs,
  String? constructorName,
}) {
  // Get constructor metadata
  final constructors = Reflector.getConstructorMetadata(type);
  if (constructors == null) {
    throw ReflectionException('No constructors found');
  // Find matching constructor
  final constructor = constructors.firstWhere(
    (c) => == (constructorName ?? ''),
    orElse: () => throw ReflectionException('Constructor not found'),
  // Validate arguments
  // Create instance
  final instance = constructor.creator!(
  // Return mirror
  return InstanceMirror(

Method Invocation

InstanceMirror invoke(
  Symbol methodName,
  List<dynamic> positionalArguments, [
  Map<Symbol, dynamic>? namedArguments,
]) {
  // Get method metadata
  final method = _getMethodMetadata(methodName);
  if (method == null) {
    throw ReflectionException('Method not found');
  // Validate arguments
  // Invoke method
  final result = method.invoke(
  // Return result mirror
  return InstanceMirror(

Performance Optimizations

1. Metadata Caching

  • Type metadata cached on registration
  • Method metadata cached on registration
  • Property metadata cached on registration

2. Lookup Optimization

  • O(1) type lookup
  • O(1) method lookup
  • O(1) property lookup

3. Memory Management

  • Weak references for type cache
  • Lazy initialization of metadata
  • Minimal metadata storage

Error Handling

Exception Hierarchy

abstract class ReflectionException implements Exception {
  final String message;
  final StackTrace? stackTrace;

class NotReflectableException extends ReflectionException {
  final Type type;

class InvalidArgumentsException extends ReflectionException {
  final String memberName;
  final Type type;

class MemberNotFoundException extends ReflectionException {
  final String memberName;
  final Type type;

Validation Points

  1. Registration validation
  2. Argument validation
  3. Type validation
  4. Access validation

Platform Considerations

Web Support

  • No dart:mirrors dependency
  • Tree-shaking friendly
  • Minimal runtime overhead

Flutter Support

  • AOT compilation compatible
  • No code generation required
  • Performance optimized

Native Support

  • Cross-platform compatible
  • No platform-specific code
  • Consistent behavior

Limitations and Constraints

Technical Limitations

  1. No cross-isolate reflection
  2. No source location support
  3. Limited generic support
  4. No extension method support

Design Decisions

  1. Explicit registration required
  2. No private member access
  3. No dynamic loading
  4. No proxy generation

Future Considerations

Planned Improvements

  1. Enhanced generic support
  2. Better type relationship handling
  3. Improved metadata capabilities
  4. Performance optimizations

Potential Features

  1. Attribute-based reflection
  2. Dynamic proxy generation
  3. Enhanced type analysis
  4. Improved error reporting

Security Considerations

Access Control

  • No private member access
  • Controlled reflection surface
  • Explicit registration required

Type Safety

  • Strong type checking
  • Runtime validation
  • Safe method invocation

Testing Strategy

Unit Tests

  1. Registration tests
  2. Reflection tests
  3. Error handling tests
  4. Performance tests

Integration Tests

  1. Platform compatibility
  2. Framework integration
  3. Real-world scenarios
  4. Edge cases

Documentation Requirements

API Documentation

  1. Public API documentation
  2. Usage examples
  3. Best practices
  4. Migration guides

Technical Documentation

  1. Architecture overview
  2. Implementation details
  3. Performance considerations
  4. Security guidelines