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# Platform Reflection Technical Specification
## System Architecture
### Core Components
graph TD
A[Reflector] --> B[Scanner]
A --> C[RuntimeReflector]
B --> D[TypeAnalyzer]
C --> E[MirrorSystem]
E --> F[Mirrors]
F --> G[ClassMirror]
F --> H[InstanceMirror]
F --> I[MethodMirror]
### Component Responsibilities
#### 1. Reflector
- Central registration point
- Metadata management
- Type registration validation
- Cache management
class Reflector {
static final Map<Type, TypeMetadata> _typeCache;
static final Map<Type, Map<String, PropertyMetadata>> _propertyMetadata;
static final Map<Type, Map<String, MethodMetadata>> _methodMetadata;
static final Map<Type, List<ConstructorMetadata>> _constructorMetadata;
#### 2. Scanner
- Type analysis
- Metadata extraction
- Registration validation
- Type relationship analysis
class Scanner {
static final Map<Type, TypeInfo> _typeInfoCache;
static TypeInfo analyze(Type type) {
// Analyze class structure
// Extract metadata
// Build type relationships
#### 3. RuntimeReflector
- Instance creation
- Method invocation
- Property access
- Type reflection
class RuntimeReflector {
InstanceMirror reflect(Object object) {
// Create instance mirror
// Setup metadata access
// Configure invocation handling
### Metadata System
#### Type Metadata
class TypeMetadata {
final Type type;
final String name;
final Map<String, PropertyMetadata> properties;
final Map<String, MethodMetadata> methods;
final List<ConstructorMetadata> constructors;
final bool isAbstract;
final bool isEnum;
#### Method Metadata
class MethodMetadata {
final String name;
final List<Type> parameterTypes;
final List<ParameterMetadata> parameters;
final bool returnsVoid;
final bool isStatic;
final bool isAbstract;
#### Property Metadata
class PropertyMetadata {
final String name;
final Type type;
final bool isReadable;
final bool isWritable;
final bool isStatic;
## Implementation Details
### Registration Process
1. Type Registration
static void register(Type type) {
// Validate type
if (_typeCache.containsKey(type)) return;
// Create metadata
final metadata = TypeMetadata(
type: type,
name: type.toString(),
properties: {},
methods: {},
constructors: [],
// Cache metadata
_typeCache[type] = metadata;
2. Property Registration
static void registerProperty(
Type type,
String name,
Type propertyType, {
bool isReadable = true,
bool isWritable = true,
}) {
// Validate type registration
if (!isRegistered(type)) {
throw NotReflectableException(type);
// Create property metadata
final metadata = PropertyMetadata(
name: name,
type: propertyType,
isReadable: isReadable,
isWritable: isWritable,
// Cache metadata
.putIfAbsent(type, () => {})
[name] = metadata;
3. Method Registration
static void registerMethod(
Type type,
String name,
List<Type> parameterTypes,
bool returnsVoid, {
List<String>? parameterNames,
List<bool>? isRequired,
}) {
// Validate type registration
if (!isRegistered(type)) {
throw NotReflectableException(type);
// Create method metadata
final metadata = MethodMetadata(
name: name,
parameterTypes: parameterTypes,
parameters: _createParameters(
returnsVoid: returnsVoid,
// Cache metadata
.putIfAbsent(type, () => {})
[name] = metadata;
### Instance Creation
InstanceMirror createInstance(
Type type, {
List<dynamic>? positionalArgs,
Map<Symbol, dynamic>? namedArgs,
String? constructorName,
}) {
// Get constructor metadata
final constructors = Reflector.getConstructorMetadata(type);
if (constructors == null) {
throw ReflectionException('No constructors found');
// Find matching constructor
final constructor = constructors.firstWhere(
(c) => == (constructorName ?? ''),
orElse: () => throw ReflectionException('Constructor not found'),
// Validate arguments
// Create instance
final instance = constructor.creator!(
// Return mirror
return InstanceMirror(
### Method Invocation
InstanceMirror invoke(
Symbol methodName,
List<dynamic> positionalArguments, [
Map<Symbol, dynamic>? namedArguments,
]) {
// Get method metadata
final method = _getMethodMetadata(methodName);
if (method == null) {
throw ReflectionException('Method not found');
// Validate arguments
// Invoke method
final result = method.invoke(
// Return result mirror
return InstanceMirror(
## Performance Optimizations
### 1. Metadata Caching
- Type metadata cached on registration
- Method metadata cached on registration
- Property metadata cached on registration
### 2. Lookup Optimization
- O(1) type lookup
- O(1) method lookup
- O(1) property lookup
### 3. Memory Management
- Weak references for type cache
- Lazy initialization of metadata
- Minimal metadata storage
## Error Handling
### Exception Hierarchy
abstract class ReflectionException implements Exception {
final String message;
final StackTrace? stackTrace;
class NotReflectableException extends ReflectionException {
final Type type;
class InvalidArgumentsException extends ReflectionException {
final String memberName;
final Type type;
class MemberNotFoundException extends ReflectionException {
final String memberName;
final Type type;
### Validation Points
1. Registration validation
2. Argument validation
3. Type validation
4. Access validation
## Platform Considerations
### Web Support
- No dart:mirrors dependency
- Tree-shaking friendly
- Minimal runtime overhead
### Flutter Support
- AOT compilation compatible
- No code generation required
- Performance optimized
### Native Support
- Cross-platform compatible
- No platform-specific code
- Consistent behavior
## Limitations and Constraints
### Technical Limitations
1. No cross-isolate reflection
2. No source location support
3. Limited generic support
4. No extension method support
### Design Decisions
1. Explicit registration required
2. No private member access
3. No dynamic loading
4. No proxy generation
## Future Considerations
### Planned Improvements
1. Enhanced generic support
2. Better type relationship handling
3. Improved metadata capabilities
4. Performance optimizations
### Potential Features
1. Attribute-based reflection
2. Dynamic proxy generation
3. Enhanced type analysis
4. Improved error reporting
## Security Considerations
### Access Control
- No private member access
- Controlled reflection surface
- Explicit registration required
### Type Safety
- Strong type checking
- Runtime validation
- Safe method invocation
## Testing Strategy
### Unit Tests
1. Registration tests
2. Reflection tests
3. Error handling tests
4. Performance tests
### Integration Tests
1. Platform compatibility
2. Framework integration
3. Real-world scenarios
4. Edge cases
## Documentation Requirements
### API Documentation
1. Public API documentation
2. Usage examples
3. Best practices
4. Migration guides
### Technical Documentation
1. Architecture overview
2. Implementation details
3. Performance considerations
4. Security guidelines